"My Angel in Disguise" 23

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“Cyndi’s not home yet” he told them. “Huh? Why?” asked Daphne. “Will you two stop asking questions and help me look for her?” Russell shouted then ran away. “He has a good idea, let’s go” Daniel told Daphne.

Cyndi carried Tiffany all the way to the corridor of the one-story house. “We’re almost there Tiffany” she told Tiffany. Cyndi saw a big post with fire that was about to fall, she then pushed Tiffany on the corridor near the exit of the house as the post fell on her. The fire became larger and stronger; the house was made out of wood as the fire ate them up. Russell, Daniel and Daphne were all looking for her everywhere she could possibly go. “I checked every place she could go” said Russell as he lacked breath. “Did you try calling her?” asked Daniel. “Of course I did” Russell answered. “But she didn’t answer” he added. Three fire trucks passed by them going on the direction where they saw the smoke and they looked one another then followed the direction of the fire trucks.  “Cyndi always passes by this road on her way home” said Daphne as they ran.

The fire volunteers entered the house and immediately saw Tiffany lying unconscious on the ground. The man carried her out and placed her on a stretcher as medics came to her. “I saw another girl trapped inside the room” he told the rest of the team. They were going to enter the house but suddenly the foundation went down and they found it hard to enter. “Why didn’t you save her?” asked his teammate. “A big post trapped her inside the room” he answered. The three of them arrived all sweating and out of breath. “Could she possibly be here?” asked Daniel. Daphne walked and looked at the burning house. “Cyndi, please be safe” she whispered.

Not long, she saw a couple of nurses and a stretcher passing in front of her. Daphne saw Tiffany and stopped the nurses. “Excuse me but what happened to her?” Daphne asked the nurses. “She was saved from the burning house, do you know her?” the nurse asked. “Yes, I do” said Daphne. “Can you come with us then?” the nurse asked. Russell and Daniel went to her and saw Tiffany lying on the stretcher. “I’ll go with Tiffany” said Daphne as she waited for them to ride, “Daniel, go with her” said Russell. “But” said Daniel, “Go!” said Russell. “She’s a girl” he added as Daniel looked at Daphne.

They rode the ambulance and went to the hospital. “They said that someone is still trapped inside the house” one of the nurse said. “They couldn’t rescue her because a big post was blocking the way when this girl got rescued. Then they were going back but the foundation of the house went down” the nurse went on. Daphne started to worry; Daniel looked at Daphne and held her hand. “She’s not Cyndi” Daphne uttered as tears fell from her eyes. “Miss, are you okay?” the nurse asked as the other nurse handed her a bottle of water. “Was the person trapped a girl?” Daniel asked. “We didn’t know” the nurses answered.

“Cyndi, where are you?” Russell kept on asking. “Let’s go back in, the fire’s almost out” the volunteers said. “There’s still someone inside?” Russell asked one of them. “Yeah, she’s trapped inside the house because of the big post that was blocking the passage, we couldn’t save her right away” the volunteer answered. “She’s a girl?” Russell asked, “I think so, she’s wearing the same uniform as the girl we rescued earlier” the man answered. 

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