"My Angel in Disguise" 10

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“Whoa, Cyndi, where did you get these? They’re really delicious!” said Daniel as he took some more. “Hey, don’t eat them all!” said Natalie. “It’s okay, I can’t eat all of them anyway” Cyndi said. “I’m going to buy some drinks” said Daphne. “I’ll go with you” said Daniel as he followed. Russell took a bite of the cupcake and looked at it carefully. “Where did you get these cupcakes?” asked Natalie. “Oh, a friend gave them to me. She baked two dozens and gave them all to me” said Cyndi. “Who’s that friend?” she continued asking. “Oh, she’s an old lady that I met at the park one day and yesterday we met again, but later, I don’t think we’ll meet, she said she has something to do but promised to bake me cookies then” said Cyndi. Russell looked at Cyndi and continued eating the cupcake.

“Hey, here are our drinks!” said Daniel. “Man these cupcakes are delicious” said Daniel as he kept on eating. “Not only are they delicious, but with every bite, you can feel a grandmother’s love and longing for her grandchildren” said Cyndi as she ate her cupcake too. “Why?” asked Daphne. “She’s feeling lonely because none of her grandchildren wanted to bond with her, well, not now but before, they were all very close to one another” Cyndi answered. “Oh, that’s so sad. I started missing my grandmother” said Daphne.

“Well, I hope her grandchildren would start to talk to her or bond with her again. I know that pain and sadness when you’re alone” said Cyndi as she drank her soda. Daphne hugged Cyndi and said, “You have us with you.” “Yeah, you have us here too” said Daniel. “I’m truly blessed but now I really pray for her to be happy” said Cyndi.

Cyndi was home staring blankly at the window as she received a phone call. “Hello? Hey Aunt, I’m doing fine. Oh, okay, sure. Yeah, I got them, yes I’m eating more and yes I’m studying very well but I’m not getting any prettier. I love you too, bye” said Cyndi as she held an envelope and opened it. “I’m going to put all of you in the bank” she told the money.

Cyndi went out of her apartment to go to the bank. After going to the bank, while walking, she passed by a flower shop and stopped. She went in and looked around. “Hi, may I help you?” asked the man. “Oh, do you have Champagne Roses here?” asked Cyndi. “Well yeah, come follow me” he said. “Here they are” he said. “I’ll buy a bouquet of them please” she said. “Okay, I’ll prepare them for you” the man said. Cyndi waited as the man prepared the bouquet of flowers. She glanced around and saw pictures hanged on the wall. All the photos that she saw have only the man or with his mother and more flowers. “He has a lonely life” Cyndi thought. “Miss, they’re ready” said the man.

“May I ask something?” asked Cyndi as she paid for the flowers. “Yeah?” asked the man. “Where’s your mom?” she politely asked. “Oh, she’s already gone” he answered. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. My mom’s gone too. Actually, I’m going to visit her today” Cyndi shared. “I’m sorry to hear that too. Thank you for buying these flowers” said the man. “I can see that you prepared them wholeheartedly” Cyndi said as she looked at the flowers. “For a really nice person like you, I’d be honored enough to prepare them beautifully” said the man. “Thank you, God bless you” Cyndi said as she left the store.

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