"My Angel in Disguise" 37

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“I’m home!” shouted Rose as she sat on the sofa. “Where have you been mom?” asked Helen as she brought tea for Rose. “As always, I waited for my friend at the park” Rose shared Helen. Russell was in the kitchen when he heard his grandmother. He went out and sat on one of the sofa as he ate his sandwich. “Well, did she come? You seemed so happy” Helen said as she poured tea on Rose’s cup. “Russell?” Helen asked if he wanted to drink tea, Russell shook his head. “No, she didn’t” said granny as she drank her tea; “But, I found a new friend” she told them. Russell suddenly looked at his grandmother and listened to her story.

“You found a new friend?” asked Helen, “Yes, she’s very pretty, kind and gentle too” granny said. “How did you meet?” Helen asked her, “The same old way I met my old friend” she answered Helen’s question then smiled. “She reminds me of my old friend that’s why I’m happy” she added as she continued drinking her cup of tea. When Kathryn got home, she saw a Champagne Rose outside their house; she picked it up and looked around but found no one.

“Where did you get these Kathryn? Do you bake?” Daniel asked as he looked at the cookie. “I got them from a new friend” Kathryn answered as she shared the cookies. Tiffany was looking at Russell and was wondering, Russell nodded and just smiled. “Russell” Kathryn offered him; he took some and smiled at Kathryn.

“When are we going?” asked Daphne. “This Saturday” said Daniel. “And where are we going?” asked Natalie. Daniel laughed and they knew it, “We’re going there again?” they all asked except Kathryn. “And yes, we’re here again” said Daphne as they walked and crossed the bridge. Kathryn was pretty amazed on the place’s beauty. Russell was looking at her as he smiled. “It’s so beautiful here” said Kathryn; “For you, because it’s your first time here” said Natalie. “But for us, it’s our third time” said Daphne and Natalie as they looked at Daniel. “Hey, we’re staying here, three days and two nights! Isn’t that fun? It’s only the six of us” said Daniel as he laughed.

“Why did I even agree?” Natalie asked herself. “Here’s the hotel!” said Daniel; “More like a motel to me” said Daphne as they entered. “Okay, I have 3 keys” said Daniel, “This one is for me and Russell, this one is for Daphne and Natalie, and this one is for Tiffany and Kathryn” he went on as he gave out the keys. “I hope you’ll like it here” said Tiffany as she opened the door to their room. “I think I will” said Kathryn as she helped Tiffany unpacked. “I noticed that Russell’s so quiet and sad” said Kathryn, Tiffany looked at Kathryn and answered “He remembers something.” “Yeah, you haven’t told me about those things yet” Kathryn reminded her. “Oh yeah, I forgot” said Tiffany as she finished unpacking. Kathryn was looking around the room and said “I think we should fix our clothes first.” Their clothes were all over the room.

“A toast for all of us” said Daniel as they drank. “We’ve been through a lot of things already” said Natalie, “Yet we’re all here for each other” Daphne continued. “I can still remember when Daphne confessed to me” said Daniel as he smiled at his girlfriend. “You don’t have to tell everyone, do you?” Daphne asked Daniel. “No, I just remembered it” said Daniel. “I remember when Russell kicked the ball that hit you” said Natalie then laughed. “He did it on purpose” said Daniel as he looked at Russell.

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