Chapter 47

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chapter 47

"Spill the beans, Vittoria!" Ada said as soon as they both stepped inside the room, holding her hand in hers. 

Vittoria let out a chuckle, shaking her head, "well its not been the most ideal, but I think this time apart has let me to some important points, or shall at least let me put things in perspective."  Ada smiled, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."  Vittoria hugged her, "Oh how I've missed you." 

"same, Vittoria." Ada said, as they pulled back, ada voiced a concern that hung in the air, making its presence known even in the silence, "what about Gianni?" 

Vittoria straightened, taking a seat at the edge of the bed, "well, what about her?" 

"Vittoria, what she did was horrible, absolutely horrible," Ada sat beside her on the bed, "but would you ever have it in your heart to forgive her?" 

Vittoria sighed, "It's just that I don't understand why she would ever do this. was it worth risking the trust in our friendship?" 

Ada looked up at her, "It wasn't. she called me yesterday, she was crying so much, she regrets it, Vittoria."

"But she still did it, didn't she?" 

Ada stays silent. 

"I need to speak to her, once both of us are not all in our emotions." Vittoria declares, turning to Ada with a smile she says, "You tell now, how are things with you and Damien?" 

Ada blushes, shaking her head, "Well they are certainly good, him and I have had quite a lot of Time together and I wanted to tell you something." 

Vittoria eyes widen, "Oh my god, what is it?!" 

Ada covers her face, before muttering, "we are getting married." 

Vittoria gets up, "are you serious? you're not joking?" 

"I'm dead serious, we are getting married... in a month. I know it's too soon, but I know in my heart I want to get married to him." Ada says, with a smile. Vittoria stares at her, "does he make you happy?" 

Ada shakes her head in the affirmative, "he does." 

"Then I'm so so happy for you, congratulations Ada." Vittoria says as she hugs Ada tightly. 

After chatting some more, Vittoria and Ada make their way out to the dining room, where Nickolas and Damien were already seated. 

"We were just going to come and get you both." Damien said as he turned around to look at them. 

"Ah we are here now." Ada said as she took a seat next to him. Nickolas's eyes were trained on Vittoria's movement.  She was about to take a seat away from Nickolas, but his eyes narrowed down. Vittoria then chose to sit next to him to keep the peace of the morning. 

"so how long is it you're planning on staying in Italy?" Damien asked both of them. Vittoria looked at Nickolas to gauge his reaction and answer to the question posed. 

"As long as Vittoria wants to stay here." Nickolas answered. This caught Vittoria very off guard. 

Had this time apart been beneficial to both of them? She wondered.

"Hmm, Vittoria?" Damien directed to question directly to her. "Well Italy certainly did you good, you look happier." Damien complimented.

Vittoria smiled, "It's a lovely place to be." Vittoria kept her answer concise and vague, for she herself didn't know when she wanted to go back. 

She feared that once they returned back to their home, Nickolas would go back to his old ways of secrecy and distance. She could only hope that once they did return, things would only get smoother, especially  now that they were going to have a baby- she didn't want to bring a baby into a home that was broken. She wanted to give her child the best support and love she could possibly give. 

Only time would tell now.

There was a lovely breeze that evening. 

Nickolas and Vittoria sat next to each other on the grass, overlooking the lake. There weren't many people around, for it was quite pleasantly cold. Vittoria wrapped her shawl around her closer. 

"So this is it?" Nickolas asked, it was a vague question that could be interpreted in so many ways.

Vittoria realised that Nickolas was testing how she would answer the question. 

"Yes this is." Vittoria said nodding towards the lake, ensuring her answer was as vague as his question.

Nickolas sighed, looking at her, "When I married you I thought I would be able to keep my distance, to stop myself from falling for you, irrevocably," he paused. 

Vittoria looked at him patiently. 

He continued, "but I couldn't help it." 

Vittoria gulped. She was suddenly very emotional, it was probably the hormones, or perhaps it was the fact that Nickolas and her were finally conversing, here they were in a little corner of the world, sitting by each other by a lake and they were finally talking.

"When I married you Nickolas, I promised myself that I would love you, every single day and more, I would love you so much, even when you were distant and cold." She said.

Nickolas's eyes stayed on hers. 

"But I guess we both broke our promises, didn't we? How ironic that the things we wanted were exactly the things out of our reach." She said with a humourless laugh. 

"I know I've been a scared bastard, but falling in love with you wasn't a choice- it was not a matter of if for me Vittoria, it was only a matter of when, and I was arrogant, I couldn't fathom the fact that I wanted you so fucking much. Tell me Vittoria, would you find it in your heart to forgive me, and perhaps love me again?" Nickolas spoke, through gritted teeth as if not admitting his feelings for her had hurt him to the core.

Vittoria looked at him, a teat finally slipping down, she shook her head as if to stop crying, but she couldn't control it. 

"Nickolas Armani, you absolute fool, I never stopped loving you." 


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