Chapter 5

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chapter 5- Coincidences

Vittoria turned around to find, Ari, of all people in the world.

The chances of running into your ex are slim but not zero.

Vittoria smiled as best as she could muster, "Ari! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was here on a vacation..Damn you look.." Ari said as Vittoria stood up, from the pool. Vittoria smiled, she knew how good this bathing suit made her look and she didn't shy away from it or deny it. "..So hot."

Vittoria chuckled. "you're here on vacation too I presume?" Ari asked, and after a momentary pause he added, "With your husband?". Vittoria waved a hand, "Oh no, I'm here with my friends, it's a girls trip."

"I'm glad." Ari said with a smile, looking into her eyes. "What about you?" Vittoria asked, Ari laughed, "I'm here alone," Ari spoke, "you changed your phone number."

"I did, a while back now," Vittoria said with a smile. "I see." Ari said, she felt as though he had more to say, but he held back.

Vittoria nodded, "well I guess, I'll see you around." She turned around but a hand on her wrist stopped her, "wait." Ari said, "there's a really nice restaurant downtown, you can come along with your friends, if you would like to."

Vittoria regarded, and said politely, "I don't think that's a good idea Ari."

He smiled, "well if you change your mind, it's called the trench, it's just at the end of street, it has the best sea food."

Vittoria nodded, "I'll keep that in mind."

When she got back to the suite, Ada was already up, "Damn girl, you look freaking hot in that bathing suit."

"and guess who I ran into in the pool area," when Ada raised her eyebrow in question, Vittoria answered, "Ari."

"Shut the fuck up," Gianni yelled from her bedroom as she walked towards them. "You're awake too, good." Vittoria said as she sat down on the sofa. "well what did he say? It's been like almost 2 years since you saw him." Ada asked as they all huddled around the living around, sitting comfortably on the large lounge sofa.

Vittoria filled them in on her conversation with him. "Well we should go babe," Gianni said. "I don't think that's a good idea," Ada said, as she had a chocolate bar from the mini fridge. "We should man, remember, he was our friend before you guys ever started dating," Gianni said.

Vittoria took a chocolate bar from the mini fridge too, "I don't know, how about we get ready, head outside, and play it by the ear?" Vittoria suggested.

"Alright babe," Gianni said. "Let's get ready to party then," Ada said as she got up. Vittoria grinned, "Hell yeah."


The ladies stepped out of the suite, around evening, dressed to the nine's. They walked around lake Como. Going into the tiny shops and bought lovely souvenirs, watched the sun go down sitting in a cafe, having the best cappuccino.

Later for dinner, Vittoria realised that Ari played it smart, because The trench was the most happening restaurant for the season and it happened to have amazing live music, something Vittoria could never resist  and Ari knew so as much.

"Here's to your birthday baby, here's to Italy!" Ada said, as they toasted to wine. "may we find some hot men tonight," Gianni whispered as she winked at a guy at the bar and gave him a flirtatious smile. "and some good pasta for the heart, please," Vittoria added. "Yes to everything you guys just said," Ada said.

They were half way through the starters when Ada looked up, and her eyes lit with recognition, "Ari, so nice to see you here." Vittoria could feel his standing right next to her, she looks dup, only to find him already looking at her with a glint. "It's nice to see all of you too," he smiled at Gianni and Ada, and then leaned towards Vittoria and whispered, "I'm glad you changed your mind."

Vittoria smiled. Gianni cleared her throat, "what brings you to Italy, Ari?"

"Same thing as what brings you girls," Ari said. Gianni smiled mischievously, "well we are here to get laid and let loose,"

Ari looked straight at Vittoria, with a smile, "Is that so?" Vittoria shook her head, chuckling, "Not for me." The crowd around the music band was increasing, everyone was dancing and a very familiar song started to play, one familiar to both, Vittoria and Ari. "Ah, would you fancy a dance?" Ari asked Vittoria.

Oh God, let this earth swallow me the fuck up. Vittoria thought

"Of course she would," Gianni said. "Gianni." Ada whisper yelled, hitting Gianni's arm.

Fuck it, Vittoria thought as she downed her glass of wine. "Fine, I'll dance, let's go." Vittoria said as she took his hand and guided him through the tables to the dance floor.
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