Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Fiance?" Vittoria repeated, and the word echoed back, as though a siren had gone off.

Heidi smiled, as though she had won. Claire was long gone, disappearing behind, in the kitchen.

"Yes, dear." Heidi said, she knew she had the upper hand.

Vittoria's heart was in her throat. Why didn't Nickolas ever tell her that he had a fiancé before her, wasn't that something mentioning? Whereas Nickolas knew every person Vittoria had dated before him, he probably had files on them, she had seen one of Ari in his cabinet.

So why? Why wasn't this worth mentioning? Was he in love with Heidi? That's why he couldn't ever love Vittoria?

Why did they break up then? If things got as serious as them planning on getting married then, what happened? And what was she doing here, now?

Vittoria had so many questions for him. So many questions she wanted to ask Heidi, but she resisted, she didn't want to look anymore clueless than she already did.

She took a deep breath in, trying to slow down her mind from fumbling and over thinking about this entire thing.

"Oh dear, he never did tell you," Heidi said, and opened her mouth to say more but she stopped, when the elevator pinged, signalling the arrival of Nickolas.

The man of the moment.

The man, whose 2 fiancé's, at different times, were in the same room now. One of whom was not aware of the other.

Vittoria couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes, only glancing up to look at him for a brief second, to see he was already looking at her, intently. "oh Nickolas, I'm so happy to see you!" Heidi said as she walked up to him, her heels clinking.

His eyes however stayed on Vittoria, "Heidi, didn't I ask you to come meet me at the office?" He asked in a gruff tone, signalling he wasn't happy to see her here.

Heidi flustered, "Oh, but I thought we could catch up, like the old times,"

"Heidi, I think you should go now." He spoke authoritatively. "Well, it was nice meeting you again." Heidi said to Nickolas, as if he hadn't asked her to leave his home just now.

She didn't glance back at Vittoria, stuttered out to the elevator as Dave was already escorting her out.

Nickolas waited for Vittoria to react, to say something, looking as composed as ever.

"So, an ex fiance?" Vittoria questioned, folding her hands across her chest. Nickolas walked towards the bar, pouring himself a drink as though they had all the time in the world. "You weren't supposed to find out about her ever, she wasn't supposed to be here." He stated.

Vittoria scoffed, "Are you kidding me?"

"No, on the contrary, I'm quite serious, you were never going to find out about her, I was going to make sure of that, but my mind has been on some other things, recently." He said as he downed the glass of alcohol.

"Why would you hide something as big as having a fiancé, you were going to get married, and that wasn't something you found worth mentioning to me once?" Vittoria said, staring at him incredulously.

"We were very young, and It has no bearing on our marriage, it was a thing of the past." He said, as he stared at, looking deep into her eyes.

"But why won't you mention it just because it has no bearing on our marriage, it still is clearly a pretty big deal to ask someone to marry you" Vittoria said, staring back at him, in utter disbelief. "How would you feel, if I told you I was about to get married to someone else before you, had a fiance before you, who just shows up in our home?"

Nickolas eyes darkened, "then I would to kill him, torturously, you have no idea how painful I would make it, Vittoria, so don't even fucking go there."

Vittoria breathed in. "How did you two meet? Did you meet at her parents house, like you met me at my parents' place?" Vittoria mocked.

"what we have absolutely cannot be compared to what Heidi and I had." Nickolas said, breathing heavily.

"Why meet her? If she had gone straight to your office then I would've never known." Vittoria stated. "That's how it should've been." Nickolas said, walking to her, pulling her in, their chests touching, "And Vittoria, for your sanity and mine, never ever mention you marrying someone else to me."

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