Chapter 28

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chapter 28

"Mr & Mrs. Armani, welcome." The house maid, Phoebe, greeted them as she led them towards the dining room.

Vittoria's parents, lived on a spacious manor, with flowered gardens, curtesy her mother, who was obsessed with hosting people and showing around her place. The living room& dining room was palatially done up.

Vittoria& Gianni joked if they cut up a piece off the gold curtain rods, how much they could sell it for.

"Vittoria!" Her father's voice called out from the entrance of the dining room. Vittoria looked at him with a smile on his face, walking towards him, she hugged him, "Dad, look at you!" She said, her dad had a few weeks ago gotten a surgery done, he had recovered tremendously since the last time Vittoria saw him just before her birthday.

"Mr. Ross," Nickolas said with a nod. Her dad smiled sobered up, he had never liked how quickly they had gotten married, after all Vittoria was his only child and it was tough for him initially to see his daughter with someone has domineering and powerful as Nickolas, "Nickolas how nice of you to join us." He said formally.

"Hey sis." William said form the doorway, Vittoria turned around, surprised to say the least, to see her younger cousin brother standing there, he was studying for his master's in England so she wasn't expecting to run into him today. "William, what are you doing here?" She questioned with a grin as she ran to give him a hug. "Well, they let me off early, couldn't handle me, I bet." He chuckled, as he held her, whispering, "let go of me sis, your husband might just kill me."

Oh you have no idea, Will, Vittoria thought.

"So, no plans of crashing Dove, on your first night back?" Vittoria teased with narrowed eyes, referring to a club that they all frequented off in their university days, while William was still in college, but he still managed to sneak in, annoying Gianni a lot, Arnold would have get her four shots to quell the anger. "Oh the night is still young, we'll see where it takes us." William said.

"for you, yes, can't say the same for me." Vittoria said with a click of her tongue. Her father and Nickolas were already busy in business talk, even though her dad would never warm upto Nickolas completely, he still respected Nickolas as a formidable force in the business world.

"Well you look just fine, I'm sure they will let you in and not Put you in the too old to be on the dance floor list, just yet." He joked. Vittoria hit his arm, "fuck you." She whispered. He laughed, "It's good to be back, cousin. We all should definitely catch up." He said, referring to Gianni, Ada, Arnold, without a doubt.

They were a weird mix of friends, but they still had the best times. William back in his day, had a had time making fiends since he was heavily bullied at his posh school, Vittoria realised so , and she then took him under her wing. Vittoria had just gotten out of that very posh school herself, and she was the 'it' girl, she was not one to bully anyone, but when news of William hanging out with The Vittoria Ross spread in circles, suddenly all guys and girls of the school wanted to be his friend, yet William chose to stick by Vittoria and her group.

"Vittoria, you look lovely." Her mother spoke as she walked toward them. Vittoria knew this trick of sorts, this was her mother's way of apologising- giving a compliment. Vittoria sighed. "Hello to you too." She said as her mom kissed both of her cheeks. "I knew you would be happy to see William, you guys were always close." Her mom said as she smiled up at William.

"Why don't we head to dining table, I am ravished and can't wait to dig into Pheobe's Ravioli." William said as he sighed dreamily.

"Good call." Vittoria said. The three of them joined Karnik, Vittoria's Dad and Nickolas on the table. Vittoria was going for a seat that wasn't the one right next to William, but before she could William slid in that chair, winking at her.

Sly Bastard, She thought.

Grudgingly she sat next to Nickolas, whose hand landed on her thigh, even though he was conversing with her father. Vittoria was highly aware of the lack of panties and the heat of his hand so close to her core, she pressed her thighs together, his hand slides up further.

She sighed, placing a hand on his hand to control it. He only increased the pressure on Heer thighs. "Vittoria?" Her dad spoke, she didn't even realise they had all stop conversing and were now looking at her, including her husband, who was clearly highly amused.

"Yes?" She asked meekly, clearing her throat. "How's everything at the law firm?" He asked.

"Fine, we have a new partner, Jose Blanch." She said absentmindedly.

"Jose? He used to work for us before, do ask him how's he doing from my side, would you?" Her dad inquired.

"Sure, dad." She said as she sipped on her glass of wine.

"Not to be that person," William chipped in, clearing his throat, looking at Vittoria and Nickolas, "when are you guys making me an uncle?"

She wanted to throw him out of the window. damn you William, she thought.

Hello guys!
I have posted a few chapters today itself, as I won't be able to post for a few days, starting tomorrow.
But we'll get back to regular posting after 4-5 days!
Thank you for reading!

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