Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Vittoria woke up next day, Nickolas's side of the bed was empty.

She was sore and hungover. On the Bedside counter, there was a pill for migraine along with a glass of water.

Great, she thought.

However, she rose and headed to the bathroom, a cold shower would do her good. She thought back to last night, her nipples were still so sore and yet thinking about all the things that went down in that room made her wet. Incredibly wet.

She closed her eyes as she sat on the seating in the shower unit, thinking, contemplating her complex relationship with her husband. The secrecy that he was guarding his relationship with Heidi, made Vittoria wonder what actually happened between them. What was he trying to hide from her?

When she stepped out of the shower, she headed to the closet, she waded through her dresses, feeling a little bold, she picked up a red dress, matching it with her red lingerie underneath.

After a quick breakfast, which consisted of toast and some coffee, she headed down to the curb, where Dave was already waiting for her with the Range Rover.

She slid in and switched on her phone, she was greeted with a flood of texts from Gianni and Ada, she replied to them, most of which were from Gianni, asking how good the sex was. She chuckled.

She paused when she saw one text from Damien.

Meet me at 2 pm, in bartz.

Bartz was a small cozy restaurant, a walk down from Vittoria's law firm, it was a place Damien and her used to go to earlier, when both of them were in college.

She replied, Alright.

Heidi Koch, Damien definitely did know about her, what was Vittoria going to find out? She hoped that it was just an arranged marriage that didn't end up happening.

But the way Heidi acted with her, told Vittoria that it might've been more than that. Much more that just an arranged marriage.

Vittoria made it to Bartz, sharp at 2. She headed inside to find Damien was already waiting for her.

"Look at you, Italy did you good." Damien commented with a smile, as he got up and hugged her.

Vittoria laughed it off, "says the man who hasn't taken a vacation since he started working."

"Can't help it." He said, as they both sat down. "So you met Heidi" he asked, but it was a rhetorical question.

Vittoria nodded, "why didn't you ever tell me?"

Damien looked in her eyes, all humour gone, and only seriousness commanded his voice, "He told me, more like threatened me never to tell you."

Vittoria scoffed, "how did he ever think he would be able to hide something like that?"

"He didn't, but he thought he would tell you eventually, later when you wouldn't be able to leave." Damien said, cryptically.

"How do you mean?" Vittoria frowned.

The waiter came now, taking on their orders, Damien continued, "I can't tell you."

"Damien?" She coaxed, but he wouldn't budge.

"Fine! At least tell me about Heidi and Nickolas." She stated.

"That I can- well they grew up in the same circles, our parents were rich and we grew up in the same circles, however Armani's and Koch's are a different level of rich, Nickolas and Heidi went to the same boarding school in Lichtenstein. Nickolas didn't have girlfriends, and Heidi understood that, unlike many other girls, so Nickolas and Heidi used to sleep together, eventually their parents set up the engagement, it was all convenient, Nickolas and Heidi were good then, but then Nickolas backed out, I don't know why, a lot of people speculate, it was because Heidi was cheating or he was, there isn't much after, but weirdly enough after a few months they started sleeping together again, apparently Nickolas brought her a villa in Switzerland." He finished, looking for any reaction from Vittoria.

She took a deep breath in. "A villa in Switzerland?"

"Yes, what happened?" Damien asked. "He's been a lot to Switzerland in the past few months, and then out of no where Heidi shows up in our house, and Nickolas had asked her to meet her in his office, this all can't be a coincidence can it?" She questioned.

Damien eyes widened for a moment, but then he tried to conceal his reaction, trying to act neutral. "Look if you think he's cheating, which I don't think he is, you'll have to confront him."

"And what is he going to say? Oh yes indeed I am cheating on you, with my ex fiancé, in a lovely cozy villa I brought for her, in Switzerland." Vittoria exclaimed.

"Fine don't confront him, but I know you, and you aren't just going let this go, so might as well find out one way or the other."  Damien declared.

"What are you suggesting?" Vittoria asked.

"Don't you love going skiing this time around the year? And don't you specifically enjoy going to Switzerland for skiing?" Damien said, his undertone was clear.

Go and find out yourself.

"Indeed I do." Vittoria smiled at him.

Hello everyone!
I hope you all are doing great! I've been writing so many chapters, it's absolutely enthralling, I can't wait for all of you to read it!!!

Hope you enjoyed this one :)
Until next time!

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