(Fireman Sam) Mistletoe and Clumsyness - Elvis

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Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Gen/Fluff
Reader's Relations: Sam and Charlie's sister (Younger specifically)
Warnings: None I can think of
Other notes: Do not judge... a friend recently reminded me of this show and dared me to binge every episode, and then my brain started going into 'creative mode' and now I have two other oneshot ideas...
"Are you sure about this? I know you already have the twins to look after, are you sure you can handle one more, Charlie?"
"(Y/n)," he paused, placing his hands on my shoulder, "I know this is your dream, after what happened with Harriette, I promise Maddy will be safe and looked after. Now go and achieve your dream."
I smiled and hugged him, "Thank you. You're the best. Right, Maddy, I have to go now. Promise to be good for your aunt and uncle?"
"How long are you going to be gone for? You're definitely coming back, right?"
"Yes, I'll be back, and it'll be twelve to eighteen months. I promise to come back as soon as I can, Sweetie. Okay?"
"Okay. I'll miss you."
I smiled and gave her a hug, kissing the top of her head, "I'll see you soon. Just have fun and behave, and I'll be back before you know it." Maddy nodded, her (H/c) hair bouncing up and down as she looked up at me with the green eyes she'd inherited from her father, my ex-boyfriend. I stood back up, ruffling her unkempt hair and said my goodbyes to Charlie and Bronwyn, as well as Sarah and James, before leaving the Wholefish Café.
I smiled to myself as I literally bounced up the path to the fire station. It was great to be back in Pontypandy after completing my training to be a firefighter. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door and it was soon opened, "Ah yes, you must be (Y/n). Correct?"
"Yes, sir!" I replied, giving Station Officer Steele a smile, "I'm not early am I?"
"Not at all. I'll give you a tour of the fire station."
I nodded and followed him inside as she showed me around the completely new fire station, it having been rebuilt since the last time I was in Pontypandy. Eventually, the tour was complete and I was introduced to the rest of the fire service, well, introduced to some of them.
"I MISSED YOU!" I shouted, running up to Sam and squeezing him tightly in a hug.
"Hello to you too, (Y/n). Can you let me go? You're squishing me."
"Oh sorry!" I responded, releasing my tight grip on him, "I'm just happy to see you."
"Care to explain this?"
"Right, I forgot. This is my sister, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Ellie and Arnold, you already know Elvis. Penny's got the day off today."
I smiled and waved to everyone, but before I could say anything, the alarm sounded, and Station Officer Steele's voice was heard throughout the speakers, "Fire at the Wholefish Café. Sarah and James Jones are trapped inside."
"(Y/n), Elvis, you two come with me in Jupiter. Ellie, Arnold, you two take Venus."
We all nodded and got into our respective vehicles, putting seatbelts on, and soon we were on the road down the Wholefish Café. Once we got there, jobs were delegated and Sam and I handed our tags to Ellie, showing we both had 100% air before I grabbed a fire extinguisher, and Sam grabbed a hose.
"(Y/n), turn off the power, I'll tackle the main blaze."
"Roger that, Sam," I replied, making my way over to the power switch and turning it off, "Power's off, Sam. I'll try to find Sarah and James."
I started the search for them in the café area, but after no luck, I went down into the basement, where I found them, "Help! My leg's stuck."
I nodded, and picked up the small walkie-talkie on my uniform, "I've found them. In the basement, but Sarah's leg is stuck in, we'll need the wire cutters."
"Roger that, (Y/n). Stay with them."
At that moment, a few of the boxes collapsed and I heard another voice, "Oww... Stupid boxes."
She turned around and ran up to me, hugging me, "Mum, you're back."
"Yes, hello, Sweetie. Now, are you hurt?"
"Don't think so, just a small bump on the head from those boxes."
"Wire cutters are here. Just stay still Sarah, and we'll have you free soon."
I turned around a let out the breath I didn't know I was holding at seeing Elvis standing there with the wire cutters, "(Y/n), I think you better do this. I'll probably end up getting myself stuck too."
"Alright," I giggled, taking the wire cutters from him and kneeling down next to Sarah, snipping the wires that were trapping her ankle, before carefully picking her up, "Come on, let's get you out of here."
Both James and Maddy nodded and, with Elvis' help, we got them out of the basement, me carrying Sarah, and out of the café.
"Well, I didn't expect an emergency on my first day," I muttered to myself as I placed Sarah down, "Are you hurt?" She shook her head and stood up, as I took off my helmet.
"You need to be careful when using oil. Too much and it can catch on fire very easily."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I know."
"Just be careful next time, Charlie. On the bright side, look who's back."
I walked over and waved to Charlie, letting him know of my presence, "Hi."
Before he could say anything, I felt something attach around my leg and I looked down to see Maddy, "Never leave me alone again."
"I'm sorry, Maddy. I'm back now though, aren't I?"
"I know."
I hummed to myself as I put the final few decorations up in the fire station for Christmas. Even though I was a fully grown adult, I still enjoyed the holiday season.
"(Y/n), are you-Wow... Did you do all this?"
I squeaked and turned around, seeing my brother standing there, Elvis and Ellie standing behind him. I slowly nodded, "I can take some of it down if it's too much, Sam. I just lost control a bit..."
"I think it looks great, (Y/n)," Elvis spoke, walking over to me and wrapping me in a hug, "It's brilliant!"
"Thank you," I replied, trying to control the blush that wanted to spread across my face unsuccessfully. Even before I'd left to complete my firefighter training, I'd had a crush on him, and being away for a year and a half just made me realise it wasn't just a crush, but I was completely in love with him. I broke away from the hug and looked up, causing the blush on my face to increase tenfold when I saw the green plant covered in white berries.
"(Y/n), are you feeling alright? Your face is bright red," Elvis asked, going to place a hand on my forehead before I stopped him, "No, I'm fine...Just... Look up."
He did so, and I could see a blush forming on his face too, as he moved his gaze over my shoulder where I couldn't see, before smiling after a few seconds and looking back at me, "(Y/n)... I-"
I giggled, "We should really honour tradition..." I spoke, leaning up and kissing his cheek. However, as I leaned away, I tripped over my own feet, or more likely an escaped bauble, and ended up falling straight into Elvis, causing the two of us to fall over, me on top of him, "I'm sorry. I guess I tripped on-" I was cut off when he leaned up and kissed me, a hand on my cheek. Once he pulled back, both our faces were the colour of a watermelon, and I just blinked.
"Sorry, it's just it's still there..." Elvis muttered. I stood up and looked above where we were to see that he was right, the sprig of mistletoe was still above where we were, causing me to roll my eyes when I saw it was attached to a fishing rod. I just sighed and shook my head, turning my attention back to Elvis who had now stood up too, "I have a feeling it's not going to move until I say something, so, to be honest, I've had a crush on you for ages, and while I was away doing my firefighter training, it made me realise, it wasn't just a crush... I'm in love with you, Elvis. It's okay if it's not requited, I just know that one is going to keep that thing above our heads until I say something," I spoke, turning around and pointing to where I saw Sam holding up the fishing pole that I guessed he'd got from Charlie.
"You don't have to worry about it not being requited, (Y/n). Honestly, I've had a crush on you too for a while."
I smiled, "D-Does that mean I can kiss you again? Whether there's mistletoe above out heads or not?"
Elvis nodded, the blush still evident on his face and I smiled, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. Once we broke off, something clicked in my head and I turned around, walking up to Sam and punching him in the arm, "That's for forcing my confession," before hugging him, "And that's for helping me get a boyfriend who I know isn't going to break up with me if I were to tell him I was pregnant."
"Firstly, did you have to punch me that hard?"
"It was meant to hurt. It'll just bruise a bit. You'll be fine," I replied, patting him on the shoulder lightly.
------------------------ (Several years later)
"Maddy, can I talk to you for a minute?"
She nodded and walked over, "Of course, Mum, what do you need?" The now 11-year-old asked. I  took a deep breath, "Two things actually. Number one is that you're officially going to have a step-father, and number two is, how would you feel about getting a little sibling?" Her face lit up and she smiled, "Firstly, awesome, secondly I'd love a little sibling. When do I get to meet them?!"
"Eight months. You have eight months to wait before you meet them, Maddy."
"Aww... where are they now then?"
I giggled and petted her head, "All you need to know for now is that they're in my stomach, but don't tell anyone about the fact that you're getting a sibling, okay? The-"
"Maddy's getting a sister?!"
"Too late to keep it a secret, but yes. Yes, she is, but Elvis, please don't shout it out for the whole town to hear..." I replied, standing up and walking over to him, kissing him, "You're gonna be a father." In response, I just got a hug and him nuzzling his face in my neck, "I can't wait to meet them."
"Maddy, do you want to meet your little sister?"
Her face lit up and she rushed over, climbing up on the bed, nodding, "Yes."
I giggled and adjusted my grip on the newborn Esmé so Maddy could see, causing her to smile, "So cute. I'm going to be the best big sister ever!"
This put a smile on my face, "I'm glad to hear it, Maddy."
"D-do you both have to go?"
I paused and looked down at Esmé in her 5-year-old glory, patting her on the shoulder, "Yes, but you'll be safe with your aunt and uncle. We'll be back as soon as we can."
"I-I don't want to lose you though."
"That's not going to happen, Esmé, and, if anything were to happen, we have the whole team there to save each other if it's needed."
I smiled and pecked her forehead before hopping in Venus with Elvis, giving a final wave to Esmé and Maddy before we were off to the forest, where a fire had started.
-----------------END OF ONESHOT
Just over 2000 words.... And yeah. This happened.

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