(Fireman Sam) Penny, Darling - Penny

43 1 5

Requested?: No
Prompt: None/the song
Type of oneshot: Fluff/Songfic
Reader's Relations: Ellie's sister
Warnings: None
Other notes: Reader is best friends with Penny, and is a full-on Lesbian, who is comfortably out of the closet (ie everyone knows she's into girls)
"Jenny, darling, you're my best friend, but there's a few things that you don't know of. Why I borrow your lipstick so often, I'm using your shirt as a pillowcase," I softly muttered to myself as I worked on a drawing that I was proud of. However, it was one that definitely would never be shown to anyone, especially Penny. Even though she was my best friend, well... it wasn't a drawing I wanted her to see. I'd drawn a picture of the two of us in one of those typical couple poses I found on the internet, and drawn a heart around it... Yeah, I didn't want anyone to see it as it was incredibly obvious that I was in love with her from the picture, even without the caption of 'I want to ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead' underneath, "I wanna ruin our friendship we should be lovers instead. I don't know how to say this 'cause you're really my dearest friend." I continued singing as I coloured it, making sure to get as close to real life as I could with the coloured pencils I had, something I was about 89% successful in, there only being a few exceptions. As I continued colouring, I carried on singing, not paying attention to my surroundings until I heard clapping, causing me to look up, "Oh, hi Ellie."
"I heard you singing."
"So? Not like she'll feel the same way," I muttered, laying my head on the table, forgetting Ellie was behind me and before I could stop her, she'd grabbed my notebook and rushed off. Unfortunately, she was about ten times faster than I was, and by the time I did, my face turned bright red when I saw her talking to Penny, the notebook now in the hands of my best friend.
"I told you she likes you back!"
"Ellie, she doesn't please just drop it. How do you know?! She's probably not even into girls," I replied, trying not to let her see my disheartened face.
"Penny, we're talking about the same person, right? (Y/n) is a walking Lesbian flag! Trust me, I know. She's my sister."
"Where's your proof then?"
"Right here. Firstly there's this," Ellie paused and pulled out her phone, showing me a video, I guessed that she'd recorded, of (Y/n) singing, "Jenny, darling you're my best friend..."
"That's hardly proof. It's just a song."
"It's a one-letter difference from your name. (Y/n) did that to avoid suspicion. She doesn't like being on the nose about things, but if you still don't believe me, she was singing it whilst working on this," Ellie paused again and took out a notebook from behind her back, one I recognised as (Y/n)'s. She flipped through the pages and eventually found what she was looking for, shoving the book in my face, "This. This very clear drawing of you and her, in a couply pose, and look at the bottom of it, 'I want to ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead'. It's clear as day, Penny. My sister is in love with you. Stop being oblivious and go and tell her you like her back!"
I walked over, trying to conceal my blushing face, knowing Penny now knew of my massive crush on her, with my hair, and glared at Ellie, "You're so dead to me," I muttered before grabbing my notebook from Penny's hands and running off, refusing to turn back when they called out my names.
For the next few days, I ignored Penny, not wanting to explain the drawings, as having her as a friend would be better than being rejected and her not wanting to be friends anymore because she was creeped out that I had feelings for her when she was straight. However, a week after the 'notebook incident' I was cornered; somehow, Ellie had managed to lock the two of us in the control room and refused to let us out until she heard what she wanted to hear.
"I'm sorry you got stuck in here, Penny. This is all my fault. I'm so stupid, I should never have told Ellie."
"I'm sorry too, (Y/n). I should have talked to you earlier about this, but-"
"-you don't like me romantically and you just want to stay friends? Correct?" I interrupted, knowing fine well what she was going to say.
"That's not what I was going to say, (Y/n). I was going to say that-"
"-you never want to talk to me again?" I did it again, sliding down the wall I'd been leaning up against, bringing my knees up to my chest and burying my head in my knees to avoid Penny seeing my crying.
"Not that either."
I looked up at her, and opened my mouth, going to say something, but she was quicker, "Please just let me finish." I nodded and rested my head back on my knees, sighing as I prepared myself for rejection, but I felt my hair get moved out of the way and warmth pressed to my cheek, also feeling warmth on my hand. Unfortunately, the warmth on my cheek was gone before I could process what it was.
"I was going to say that I love you too."
My head shot up at that and I saw Penny sitting down next to me, her hand on mine, with a slight pink tink to her cheeks. I blinked for a few minutes, "R-really?"
Penny nodded, "I have for a while. Can't remember when I first fell in love with you, but I know I love you."
I smiled widely and hugged her, "So... did Ellie show you the drawings I did?"
"She showed me one. Are you saying you did more?"
Immediately my face turned bright red, "NO! Maybe...Fine, yes. That whole notebook is filled with couple drawings of us..."
"Penny... can I kiss you?"
She laughed and nodded, "You don't need to ask me twice," she spoke before taking my cheek in her hand and bringing me closer to her, before kissing me. I pounced on her, knocking her over as I kissed back. When we broke off, I spoke up, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"Probably the same length of time that I've wanted to kiss you for."
Both our heads shot towards the door to see Ellie standing there, looking like she'd just barged the door open, if it wasn't for the key in her hand, Sam, Elvis and Arnold standing behind her, "I TOLD YOU BOTH!"
And... my face was back to the colour of a tomato, "So... you all knew?"
"Yes, we did, (Y/n). However, we wanted to see how long it would take for you two to realise it for yourselves, unfortunately, it got a bit annoying with how oblivious you two were being, so we helped it along a bit," Sam spoke, "Well, actually Ellie made us help get your two together."
—--------------------END OF ONESHOT

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