Jealousy - Hikaru x Reader (REQUEST)

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"Hey, (Y/n)!"

I turned around to see the twins, "Hikaru, Kaoru. How are you two?" I asked, nodding to each twin as I addressed them. Apart from Haruhi, I was the only one that was able to tell them apart.

"We're great!"

"We just came to ask if you'd like-"

"-To accompany the host club to the beach this weekend!"

I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up slightly, "I'd love to, but why me?" Kaoru leaned down to my level and whispered, "Cause one of the members has a crush on you, but who does is for me to know and for you to find out." He glanced to his twin before grabbing Hikaru's arm and dragging him off.


"Who wants to play volleyball!?"

I smiled and nodded, "Sure, I'll play. Sounds like fun!"

"I call having (Y/n) on my team!" Kaoru shouted immediately. I giggled and stood up from the blanket I had been sitting on previously and walked over to where the twins had set up a volleyball court. Everyone agreed to play and we started. The teams being as follows:

Team 1: (Y/n), Kaoru, Kyoya and Haruhi

Team 2: Hikaru, Tamaki, Hunni and Mori


Once the game had finished, our team won and Kaoru embraced me in a hug, "You're great, (Y/n)! I want you on my team every time we come to the beach!"

I smiled and awkwardly patted him on the head, "Sure, Buddy, whatever you say, Kaoru." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Hikaru glaring at him. I untangled myself from Kaoru and walked over to his twin, "Hikaru, what's up?"

"Why do you care, (Y/n)?!" he shouted back turning away from me, "You obviously like Kaoru better than me so you should go and make sure he's okay!"

I felt tears brimming my eyes and I ran off back up to the hotel that the 8 of us were staying in for the weekend. I walked up to my room and unlocked the door before flopping down on the bed, (Y/n), you're such an idiot! Now you've gone and made your crush mad at you!


A few hours later, I made up my mind. I left my room, remembering to take the keycard with me so I would be able to get back in, and made my way to the twins' room. I knocked on the door and patiently waited for one of them to open it. Please open up. I want to apologise, Hikaru. The door was soon opened, "Hey, (Y/n). What brings you here?"

"Hey Kaoru, sorry to disturb you two, but can I speak to Hikaru please?" He smirked and then it faltered, "He doesn't want to talk to you, (Y/n)," he paused for a second and his smirk returned, "However, this could work. Hikaru! (Y/n) wants to talk to you!" He turned around and I peeked out from behind him, seeing the elder twin sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Hi," I spoke. He turned and glared at me, "What do you want?" he asked standing up and coming to the door. Kaoru winked at me before walking off somewhere in the room. I turned back to the elder of the Hitachiin twins, "So, I was wondering whether you'd like to take a walk with me? Just you and me. No Kauro, no rest of the Host Club, just you and me? Want to?"


"Good, cause otherwise, I'd feel like an idiot." He said bye to Kaoru and we walked out of the hotel, back down to the beach. It was a nice night. Cold but nice. Due to this cold, I started to shiver. However, I was confused when I felt an extra layer being put around my shoulders. I soon realised that Hikaru had removed his coat and put it around me. I smiled, "Thanks, but aren't you cold now?"

"No, I'm fine. Actually, I only brought it cause I figured you'd be cold. Why in the world would you ask me to come for a walk with you when you're only wearing a dress?!"

I poured, "Sorry Mr Smart Guy, but I asked you to take a walk with me because I wanted to apologise. I didn't know that my spending time with your twin would make you jealous. That was never my intention. I'd never intentionally make you jealous."

"(Y/n), it's me who should be apologising. I lost my temper with you and I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'd never intentionally shout at you. Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. You can tell me anything. You don't have to ask first," I giggled.

"You see, I- Well, I. I don't know how to say this. You know, I'm going to be blunt, I love you, (Y/n)."

I smiled widely and pounced on him, "I love you too, Hikaru!" before kissing him, "I have since I first met you!"

He smiled and kissed me again. I happily melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck. It was then that we heard that acursed sound....

A camera click....

We broke off immediately to see the rest of the Host Club, attempting to hide behind a bush. The only ones actually succeeding were Haruhi, Hunni and Mori. Tamaki and Kaoru were both holding a camera each. I walked to the bush, which wasn't very far away, and peeked over, "Where you following us?!"


"It was the Boss' idea not ours." I immediately pounced to Tamaki, "Why you little-" I then proceeded to choke him, "When I said alone, I meant alone! Not with you lot following us!"

"Haruhi! Help me!"

"You're on you're own with this one Senpai."

I finally decided that he'd had enough and let him go. I stood up off of him and walked back to Hikaru, "You're coming with me," I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to the hotel.

"(Y/n), where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere where that lot can't disrupt us again."


Did I do your request justice? Sorry it took me so long, I've had school. But, I beak up for half term this Friday so I'll be able to write more! Please request oneshots..

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