What Relationship Do We Have? - Cilan x Sycamore's Daughter! Reader

56 1 0

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Sycamore's daughter (cause hehe.... Also for plot)

Reader's Home Region: Kalos

Warnings: None

Other notes: This is the sort of thing I think of at 11pm when trying to get to sleep.... Hehe


"AWW Is that a Pikachu!? This is amazing! I've never seen one in real life! May I pet your Pikachu, please?" I asked the young boy after having run over, seeing the Pikachu in the distance. He blinked and looked to his, what I guessed was companion, and friend. The girl just shrugged and the boy turned back to me, "Yeah, sure. But be careful he-" I cut him off by picking the Pikachu up from his shoulder and petting it on the head, "You are so cu-!" I was cut off when a spark of electricity shot my backwards and I landed on my bottom, right in the middle of Striaton City, "Ow."

"-Doesn't like being petted too much..."

"Hmph, now you tell me," I pouted standing up.

"(Y/n)! I told you not to run off! Please!"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to be met with the greenet, "Yeah whatever, I don't need a damn baby sitter Cilan!"

While he continued to give me a rant about the fact that 'my father had asked him to look after me while I was in Unova, and that if I wanted him to teach me how to me a Pokémon Connaisseuse, then I had to listen to him and blah blah blah', I stopped paying attention, my Sylveon and Froakie had started to clean my face, which was black from the electricity that had been sent my way. I just growled and remembered my manners, turning back to the black haired boy with the Pikachu, "Sorry, where are my manners? My name is (Y/n) and it's a..." I paused and started to mutter to myself, "What's that word again..." before it clicking in my head, "Right, pleasure. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm Ash, and this, as you already know is, Pikachu."

"I'm Iris, and this is my partner, Axew!"


I smiled, "Hello to you too."


And so, me and Cilan ended up travelling with Ash and Iris. It was fun to say the least. Well that was until something very interesting happened. We'd stopped for the night in a nearby Pokémon Centre, and I couldn't sleep. I just had thoughts plaguing my mind. That was until I heard footsteps beside me, "(Y/n)? Why aren't you asleep?"

"I told you, I don't need a babysitter Cilan, I'm 15! I can look after myself."

"I-I wasn't asking in the way I have been treating you since you arrived, I was asking as a friend. Listen, I'm sorry about the way I've been treating you, or 'babysitting you' as you put it, but, I-I just don't want anything to happen to you, (Y/n). Truthfully, I really care about you, and I'm not just saying that cause your dad entrusted me with looking after you and teaching you how to be a Pokémon Connaisseuse, but, I really do care about you and-"

I cut him off with a giggle, "You don't need to explain yourself, Cilan. I understand what you're trying to say, and I just want to say that I feel the same way, I-" He interrupted me by placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me. My eyes widened and I blinked, not expecting it and he took it the wrong way, breaking of, "(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I thought that when you said you felt the same that you loved me back but I guess I was wrong."

"I said that because I thought you were going to say that you felt like I was a sister to you or something. I was going to say I felt like you were the brother I never had, but that was honestly just to mask that I was madly in love with you. That's why I get annoyed when you try to tell me not to do something, it's cause it made me feel like you were just treating me like a little sister that you had to look after. I never for a second, thought it was because you liked me that way."

"S-so you didn't mind the kiss?"

I giggled and grabbed the top of his pyjamas, pulling him to my level, "No, in fact, I'd love you to do it again."

"Gladly," he responded, before kissing me. I let go of his pyjama top, opting to wrap my arms around his neck instead, nuzzling my fingers in his green hair. Soon the lack of oxygen got to the two of us and we broke off, me being the first to speak, "I think I'm going to be acle to sleep now, you should try get some sleep too." I unwrapped my arms from his neck and started to make my way back to the room I was sleeping in in the Pokémon centre, but as I closed the door, I heard a knock on it. I rolled my eyes, expecting it to be Ash with a nightmare or something (I now wanna see a picture of a sleepy Ash rubbing his eyes from tiredness, with Pikachu on his shoulder, also tired) and opened it, but my expression changed when I saw Cilan, "Y-yes?" Instead of responding he just picked me up and walked in, closing the door behind him and carrying me over to the bed, placing me on it. I giggled and pecked his cheek, working out that he wanted to snuggle and I nodded pulling him on the bed and snuggling up to him, "Goodnight, Cilan. I love you."

"I-I love you too, (Y/n). My perfect connaisseuse."

I smiled and the nickname, I knew I wasn't truly perfect, but I must have been in Cilan's eyes, I guess. I just snuggled closer to him and went to sleep... And that's how Ash and Iris found us in the morning, leading them to have very confused looks on their faces.

---------------------END OF ONESHOT

Hehe..... So many Cilanshots........ I have two more in my drafts.....

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