Did You Cause This?- Chili

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Requested?: Kinda, thanks Krissy for the suggestion

Prompt: "Let me guess, you caused this?" - from Pinterest

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Friends with the triplets

Reader's Home Region: Unova

Warnings: None

Other notes: Apologies in advance, Krissy, but only the first bit has to do with the prompt.... (I was stuck for ideas ): )


I shot up out of my bed at the sound of my phone going off and groaned as I picked it up, "Hello?"

"(Y/n)!! HELP ME!"

I rolled my eyes, "Chili, it's 4am... what happened now?"

"Just come to our house, please! I need your help!"

I rolled my eyes and groaned, yawning before I hung up and begrudgingly got out of my bed and dressed, making my way out of my house, my parents not being there for Arceus knows why, and locked the door behind me, making my way in the cold over to the triplets' house, where I saw that there were lights on inside. I sighed and knocked on the door, it was soon opened by Cilan, whose hair, well I had to hold back my laughter, it being completely soaked and the tuft that normally stuck up was stuck to his forehead.

"(Y/n)! W-what brings you here?"

I growled, "Where is Chili? He rang me telling me he needed help."

"Oh, he's in the living room, but I doubt you want to go in there..."

I rolled my eyes, "I need to metaphorically murder him, now." Cilan gulped and let me in and I immediately walked into the living room to see Pansage in the same state Cilan was in, soaked, Panpour standing defensively in front of what looked to be a crying Cress, who was hugging a plushie, with Chili and Pansear both on the sofa scared looks on their faces. There was only one thing I had to say at this situation, "WHAT IN ARCEUS' NAME HAPPENED HERE?!"

Immediately five heads turned to me and Chili's eyes lit up, "OH (Y/n)! You're here help me! I'm going to be sprayed!"

I took a deep breath and pinched my nose, "Let me guess, you caused this, right, Chili?"

"WHAT?! Why is-fine yes... But not really!"

"Seriously, clearly this is a problem between you and Cress so, Cilan, tell me what happened if you do not mind."

"Chili was teasing Cress for some reason, about having a massive crush on Skylar, when he has no room to talk, when you have a crush yourself, Chili, so it just hurt Cress' feelings, which caused Panpour to get angry, and as for why me and Pansage are soaking, we got caught in the water gun that Panpour meant to hit Chili with."

I took a deep breath, "I see, Cilan, please you go and get some rest, I'll deal with these two, and also take those three with you, I don't want to get soaked or burned myself."

"Of course, (Y/n), thank you."


"(Y/n), truth or dare?"

I rolled my eyes, "Truth."

Cilan smirked, "Do you have a crush on someone?"

"This question? Really? Honestly, crushes are the worst."

"You're avoiding the question, (Y/n). Answer it."

"Oh! I agree with (Y/n)!" Chili exclaimed, hugging me, "Whenever I'm near someone that I have a crush on, I start acting stupid."

I noticed Cilan and Cress both facepalming and I turned to Chilli, "Is that the case, Chili? Because you're always acting stupid. You should know better not to tease people about things."

His face turned the colour of his hair and he froze up, starting to sweat, "Hehehe.... Yeah, don't think too hard about that, please... For my sake...All right, next question. (Y/n), your turn.."

After a few more rounds and the triplets working out my crush was one of them, and with Cress having a crush on Skylar, and me assuring him in the past it wasn't him, and Cilan having a girlfriend, it was obvious who it was.

"Kiss your crush."

I froze up, "Why do you do this to me, Cilan? You know fine well-" I was interrupted by Cilan leaning into my ear, "Think back to what that conversation you and Chili had earlier... you said he 'always acts stupid', but it's only around you. He doesn't act like that when it's just the three of us."

I lightly smacked his shoulder and took a deep breath turning to Chili, who was sitting on my other side. I took another deep breath and leaned in, kissing his cheek, which caused his face to go the colour of his hair again and he dug his face into Pansear, who was perched on his lap. The fire monkey protested from being squeezed and hopped off, coming to sit on my lap, causing me to giggle as Chili's face was now on full display.

"You alright, Chili-Bean? Your face is all red... are you coming down with something?" Instead of responding, he just stood up, pulling me up with him, meaning Pansear was knocked onto the ground, and as Chili pulled me out the room, out of the corner of my eyes I saw Pansage helping Pansear up and checking over the fire-type monkey, the latter's face (like the peach/yellowy bit) turning a bit red, despite the tone of Pansear's voice, "Pan-sear! Pansear, Pan!"

The next thing I knew, I was on my back on Chili's bed, the redhead lying beside me with the door closed, and when I noticed this, I decided to speak, "Why are we here?"

"I-I wanted some privacy. Don't want those two seeing what is about to happen," he smirked and sat up, prompting me to do the same, which I did, before he took my cheek in his hand, kissing me. I relaxed into it and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck in return. Soon we had to break off, due to lack of oxygen, and I leaned my head on his chest, slightly pushing, which caused him to fall back on his bed, me lying on top of him. I giggled and made myself comfortable, "Mmm, you're comfy, Chili. I love you."

-------------EXTENDED ENDING

In the morning when we got downstairs, the sight on the sofa melted my heart, Pansage and Pansear were lying on the sofa, the former with an arm around the latter in a protective manner. I giggled and took my phone out taking a picture for later and leaned my head on Chili's shoulder, him wrapping an arm around me.

--------------END OF ONESHOT

Hehe yes this happened and I couldn't help myself with the little moment between the two monkeys at the end (:

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