(Harry Potter) Duty or Love? - Sirius

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Timing: Marauders' Era (6th Year)/Golden Trio Era

Reader's Relations: James' sister

Reader's House: None/Not Applicable

Warnings: Sirius' family being jerks and stuff (and all the other 'pure-bloods rule the wizarding world' stuff)

Other notes: In the oneshot, you're a muggle, jsyk. Also soulmate au where you don't see colours until you meet your soulmate, but it won't happen until both soulmates are above the age of 16 (it's for plot reasons) also no-Voldemort au

------------------------- Second Year)

I came downstairs upon hearing the front door open and several voices which I recognised, but wasn't used to hearing.

"And here we are!"

"Awesome! Nice house, James!"

"Not technically mine, still belongs to my parents," I heard James reply as I finished walking down the stairs, which was when he spotted me, "(Y/n)! I missed you!" he shouted, dropping his trunk and running up to me hugging me. I sighed and nodded, patting his head, "Good to see you too, Jamie. Can you let me go now?" He released me from his tight grip and I walked closer to the front door, starting to place the shoes which James had taken off in one of the cubby holes with his name on and his friends' ones in two of the ones that were for visitors. I smiled, making sure they were all in there neatly and stood up, "There, nice and neat. Just do it yourself next time, James!" I grumbled out, slapping my brother on the shoulder.

"(Y/n), you wound me!" he replied, pretending to faint into my arms. I rolled my eyes and dropped him, causing one of his friends to laugh, the other to just roll his eyes. I gave the two of them a smile before reaching out and taking their bags, but before I got up the stairs I heard my name, "(Y/n), you don't have to do that. They're capable of bringing them up themselves."

I know, Mum, but I like things to be neat. Plus it's not like they are that heavy," I replied, smiling at mine and James' mother, before finishing my walk upstairs to the room where James' friends were staying. After I'd placed both their trunks in the room, I walked back downstairs to the living room only to hear James and his friends talking about me, "How come you never told us you had a sister?! And you didn't tell us how pretty she was!"

"Uhh... well, it's a complicated subject, Sirius," James replied, ignoring the second statement.

"You may as well tell them, James, they've seen me already," I pointed out, entering the room, my mood being dejected a bit.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, not like it'll make any difference."

James nodded, "Well if you say so. (Y/n) here," he stood up and pulled me closer to him, ruffling my hair, "is a muggle. She's got no magical stuff inside her."

I sighed and got out of his grasp, "I think you mean I'm a squib, James. You can just say it, makes no difference."

"I would never call you that, (Y/n). You're my sister and I love you. That word is... Well I hate using that word, it especially doesn't describe you."

"It does. A squib is a person who is born to magical parents but doesn't have any magical ability themselves. Me in a nutshell," I retorted.


"Can't sleep?"

I looked up from my position sitting on one of the benches in the back garden to see Sirius standing in front of me. I nodded, "Guessing you can't either?"

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