Ice Cold Love - Viktor - Reader

37 0 0

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Viktor's girlfriend

Warnings: None?

Other notes: Don't ask where this idea came from, you be a skater too in this.


"(Y/n) (L/n)! Can we get an interview please?!"

I sighed and nodded, "Sure." I smiled walking over to the paparazzi girl. I soon had a camera and a microphone in my face, "So, question one, what do you say to the rumours that you and Viktor Nikiforov dating?"

I felt my face heat up a bit, but I was kind of now in an awkward situation, I didn't really want to answer the question, as I was unaware of whether Viktor wanted to make our relationship public yet or not. But before I had to worry about that, I felt arms around my waist, "It is true, we are dating."

"V-Viktor? What are you doing here? I thought you said you wouldn't be able to make it."

"I asked Yuuri to help me so I could come and watch you, you did brilliantly my Лисичка!" I smiled, "Thank you, Viktor, but it wasn't my best." He just smiled and whispered in my ear, "No how about we give the fans what they want?" before he kissed me, which surprised me. The paparazzi soon left us alone and I sighed, leaning my head on Viktor's chest, "Can we go home now, I don't feel too good."

"Of course, Лисичка. Let's get you home," he replied picking me up bridal style. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, falling asleep.


Skating sensation (Y/n) (L/n) takes the next skating season off for an undisclosed reason!

I sighed reading the news headline as I looked down at my stomach, rubbing it with my hand, smiling. I'd already told Viktor I was pregnant and the minute I told him he said he'd take the season off to look after me. There was no way I was accepting that so I told him that I'd be fine and that I had my parents to help so he wasn't leaving me alone, and that he shouldn't take the season off, because it would probably cause massive suspicion at the fact that both the top male skater in the world and the top female skater in the world who just so happen to be dating each other, both take the exact same season off with no reason to the public eye.

"(Y/n)!!! I got your favourite!" I grinned widely and took the (f/f) from Viktor wolfing it down, "You are the best boyfriend ever! Have I ever told you that before?!"

---------------------VIKTOR'S POV

"VIKTOR!!" I had to actually pull my phone away from my ear, "What is it, Yurio? I am kinda busy right now."

"OH YEAH?! WELL, HOW'S THIS? YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS AT THE HOSPITAL GIVING BIRTH TO YOUR CHILD!" I immediately hung up and snuck out - well, tried to sneak out, Yakov caught me, "Viktor where are you going?!"

"Going to see (Y/n), she needs me," I replied, getting out of his grip on my arm and dashing off.

-------------------YOUR POV

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) are you okay? Please tell me you're okay. I am so sorry I wasn't here earlier!"

I just smiled and giggled, "Viktor it's fine. I'm fine. Wait... why are you here, shouldn't you be receiving gold medal number 6?"

"Yurio called me telling me you were here, I couldn't let you be alone, you and our child are more important to me than a gold medal, (Y/n)."

I smiled, "Thanks, Viktor, but won't Yakov be mad at you?"

"Probably, but that's for future me to deal with. Now, where's my little зайка?" I smiled and handed him the small version of the two of us, "Here she is. I wanted to wait for you before I named her though. Any ideas?"

"Hmm... what about Natalia?" I smiled and then looked to the small bundle of joy, "I love it. Welcome to the world, Natalia, I promise I'll look after you." Before anything else could be said, Viktor had brought his phone out and taking a picture of all of us and started to type on his phone. Once he put it away, mine pinged and I looked at it to see that Victor had just posted something. I opened my Instagram and saw the picture and Viktor's caption, "Just met my beautiful daughter for the first time! Welcome to the world little Natalia!" I giggled and smiled, before giving Viktor a peck on the lips, "Remind me why I fell in love with you again?" Before he could reply, his phone started going crazy. He took it out again to reveal a load of comments on the post. He smiled and showed me his phone, letting me see the comments and I was happy when I saw them, they were all things like, "Congratulations!", "Aww, so cute!" and one that cause my phone to ping, "@(Y/n),QueenOfTheIce is this why you took the season off? We understand now! Congratulations to both of you!" I smiled and put my phone away, looking back at Natalia.

-----------------------4 years later

I smiled as I sat in the crowd ready to watch Viktor at another competition, Natalia sitting happily on my lap. From the minute she could walk, she wanted to be on the ice with us, and watching both me and Viktor skate made her happy. Before starting his programme, Viktor looked up to where I was sitting and gave me a wink and smile, sending a little wave to Natalia too, making her even more excited. It was no surprise that he finished in first, although, Yuuri wasn't too far behind him. What happened when Viktor did his little victory speech, surprised me.

"This marks the 10th consecutive gold medal for Viktor Nikiforov! What do you have to say about this victory Viktor?!"

"Before I say anything, I would like to ask (Y/n), my beautiful girlfriend, to come down here because I need to ask her a question."

I blinked a couple of times before standing up and making my way down to the ice, Natalia still in my arms, as Viktor skated over to the entrance to the ice, where I made my way too. Viktor took my hand that wasn't busy holding Natalia and held it with his own, "(Y/n), you are the love of my life and together, we're unstoppable, but I can't imagine my life without you, (Y/n). You-"

"Oh get on with it! You're making me want to puke!" I giggled at Yurio's comment and Viktor rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to me, "(Y/n), you are the light of my life, I love you so much, so will you make me the happiest man alive?" he asked, getting down on one knee in front of me. I gasped and nodded immediately, smiling widely. He returned my smile and stood up, placing the right on my finger before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

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