Professor Sycamore

43 1 0

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: None (Childhood Friends with Sycamore)

Reader's Home Region: Kalos

Warnings: None that I can think of

Other notes: You're Kalos Champion btw (Sorry Diantha)


"I already told you, you don't have to take me out for dinner just cause it's my birthday, August!" I continued to protest as that Kalosian professor dragged me down the streets of Lumiouse City.

"Don't be ridiculous, (Y/n). I do this for you every year, why would this year be any different?"

I giggled, "Well, if you keep taking me out for dinner, people will start to think that we're dating!"

He stopped walking and turned to face me, causing me to bump into his chest, due to the height difference, "Would that be such a bad thing?" he asked, causing my face to flush.

"Shut it, I'm hungry," I responded, slapping his arm and walking into the restaurant.


"I'll just have some water and soup please," I told the waitress. Augustine gave his order too and she walked away. Once she was out of earshot, Augustine asked, "Why did you just get water? Normally you have a glass of wine to celebrate your birthday."

I sighed and bit my lip, "Do you promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you? Not even your lab assistants?"

He nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder from across the table. I took a deep breath, "I-I'm pregnant. You can't tell anyone though, who knows what would happen if the press found out that I, as the champion of Kalos, was pregnant when I don't even have a boyfriend. It'll ruin my reputation," I muttered out.

"I promise I won't tell anyone."


"I was just thinking, (Y/n)."

"Hm?" I looked up at him, having just finished my soup.

"If you're okay with it, I could perhaps pose as the father... If you're okay with that, that is."

Now, if I'd had a drink at that point I would have spat it out in shock, "I-I appreciate the offer, but are you sure you're okay with that?"

Augustine placed a hand on my cheek, "Of course, I wouldn't have brought up the suggestion if I didn't mean it, (Y/n)."


"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked looking up from the Instagram post I was about to share at Augustine.

He walked over and sat down beside me, "(Y/n), how many times do I have to say this? Yes, I'm fine with it. You don't need to keep asking."

I took a deep breath and pressed the share button, allowing the post to be uploaded. Augustine had kissed my cheek in the photo and I'd put the caption of, "Finally decided to go public! Will be taking some time off in a few months to take care of the little one."


The next day, I was sitting watching the news, and one of the main headlines was about the post I'd shared the previous day, "A few days ago, Kalos's Champion (Y/n) (L/n) announced her relationship with Professor Sycamore. She announced this on Instagram along with the fact she was pregnant and coming from the champion herself the two 'Finally decided to go public'. Following on from this, from her official Instagram account, she'll be taking some time off in order to take care of both herself and the baby."

I sighed and turned the television off, turning to Augustine, "Well, there you go. Now the whole of Kalos knows, there's no going back," I spoke, rubbing my now 5-month-pregnant stomach. Augustine walked over and kissed my forehead, "I love you, I'd do anything for you, remember?" he replied, taking my cheek in his hand and kissing me. My eyes widened and when he broke off I just looked at him blankly, my face red, "Y-you don't have to keep the act up here, there's no press."

"That's not the act talking, (Y/n)," he responded, sitting down on the sofa next to me, "I'm telling the truth, I truly love you. I would not have offered to pose as the child's father, knowing it would mean we'd have to pretend to be in a relationship if I didn't love you."

My face flared up and I grabbed the collar of his lab coat, kissing him, "Good job I love you too, huh?" Augustine chuckled, "I was going to save this for when we were in public in order to keep the act, but it's real now, so, would you marry me?" He asked, getting down on one knee in from of me. I gasped and nodded, "Y-yes!"

----------------------------------END OF ONESHOT

Another oneshot written!

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