Test Me - Sirius

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Timing: Marauders' Era (5th Year)

Reader's Relations: Remus' twin sister

Reader's House: Gryffindor

Warnings: None

Other notes: This is a 'Voldemort doesn't exist' AU


"One date, that's all I want (Y/n)!"

"And I've told you at least a million times, Sirius, my answer is no!" I shouted back, we were sitting in the common room talking about random stuff when Sirius asked me.

"Ooh, let's play Truth or Dare!"

"Seriously, are you actually 10?" I asked, trying to concentrate on my reading book, "You do realise we have O.W.L.S. this year? You boys might want to think about studying!"

"How can I when your gorgeous face keeps distracting me?" Sirius asked. Despite my red face I hit him over the head with the book in my hand, "Shut it. I'm not going to go out with you. So stop trying!"

"Moony.... What do I have to do to get your sister to go out with me?" Sirius whined, turning to look at Remus. I just glared at my brother, silently telling him not to say anything, "If she doesn't want to go out with you, you can't force her, Sirius."

"Oh come on! Moony, you're my friend, why aren't you supporting me?"

"Because she's my sister. It feels weird to think of my sister and one of my friends dating."

Sirius just pouted and say back down in his seat, turning away from us and muttering to himself.


"(Y/n), please? One Hogsmeade trip? Then I'll leave you alone, I promise, we'll unless you want to keep dating me."

I took a deep breath and turned around, "Fine, I'll make you a deal. You get AT LEAST two Outstandings in your O.W.L.S. and I'll go on a date with you."

Sirius' eyes widened and I leaned up, pecking his cheek, "There's more of that if you win the bet."

I saw his face turn bright red as I left him standing in the middle of the hallway, me walking off to Transfiguration.

-----------------------------SIRIUS' POV

"And then, she hexed me! Like, all I want is a date, you don't have to hex me!" James complained, once again after having been rejected by Evans.

"Can you be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate!"

"Wow, Pads is actually doing homework... what brought on this? Could it be this girl you like?"

"Sirius, I swear, if you're only doing your homework to get (Y/n) to go out with you, I'll have your head."

"Technically, wasn't my idea. She said if I got 'at least two Outstandings in my O.W.L.S. then she'll go out with me'. So kind of, but it was her idea."

Moony just rolled his eyes, "The things you'll do for a girl, Sirius."


I smiled sitting on the sofa in the Potters' house, James' parents having invited us to stay for the final two weeks of the holidays, so we could all go to Diagon Alley to get our new school books together and we could all get our O.W.L. results together. That was when four owls came flying through an open window, landing elegantly on the coffee table placed in the middle of the room. A snowy white owl made its way over to me and held out its leg. I smiled and took the rolled-up letter from it, saying thank you, seeing the three boys doing the same. Within the envelope were two pieces of parchment, the first being my results, the second being a list of everything I would need for 6th Year. I read through the results first, being pleasently surprised at a few of them, but with mostly Outstandings, one of which being Care of Magical Creatures. I looked up from reading down the list of new books when I heard a small whine, to see Sirius hunched on the edge of the sofa, looking like he was about to cry. Before I could say anything, James had sat down next to him, "What's up? Is it your results?" Sirius just nodded and handed James a piece of parchment that I guessed was his results before lowering his head into his knees.

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