Soulmate Issues - Carlos

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: fluff? ig

Reader's Relations: Ben's Sister

AU?: Yes, soulmate AU (You only see in black and white until you meet your soulmate)

Warnings: None I can think off.....

Other notes: Uhh....


I smiled at the four VKs, standing next to Ben and Audrey in front of Auradon Prep. Even if I was nervous inside, I didn't show it on the outside as the four of them stepped out of the limo, the two boys fighting over a scarf and the girls getting out elegantly, well, as elegantly as they could, at least they were trying to make a good impression. Audrey made a snarky comment to the two boys and they stood up, throwing the scarf and whatever else they had back into the limo. During greeting them, I locked eyes with one of the boys and colour flashed through my eyes, and the world lit up in a mass of colour. I put my hand to my head and blinked to make sure I wasn't dreaming and apparently this caught my brother's attention, "(Y/n), are you feeling all right?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, just a small headache, nothing to worry about, Ben," I replied, smiling up at him, making not comment on the fact that I could see colour now.

"Well, okay..."

The three of us gave them a tour before bringing them to the dorms, where Ben and Audrey, well with Audrey's insistence, left the four VKs, in my care to take them to their dorms. I showed Mal and Evie to theirs before leading Carlos and Jay down the hall, saying nothing to either of them that Carlos was apparently my soulmate. When we got to their room I handed each of them their key and smiled, "If you need anything, feel free to ask."

"Oh yeah, question," Carlos asked. I turned my attention to him as Jay walked into the room.


"Where's your dorm?" I giggled, "You see Ben and I don't live in the dorms. We live in a separate building that's only for us and our parents. Normally, no one else is allowed in unless invited by one of our family."

"Oh, well thanks anyway." I smiled at his response and bid farewell, walking off down the hall, the smile not leaving my face.


I put the smile back on my face as a peeped my head around the small wall-like barrier, seeing Fairy Godmother teaching, well attempting to teach the VKs how to be good, "Sorry to interrupt, Fairy Godmother, but have you seen my brother?" I asked, stepping around the corner and walking in a bit further.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I haven't."

"Looking for me?" I whipped around and saw Ben, breathing a sigh of relief and grabbing his wrist, dragging him off, "Sorry to interrupt again!"


"Can you please tell me why you dragged me off?"

"Okay, so.... You know how when the VKs arrived I had a 'small headache' and you asked what was up?" Ben nodded and I continued, "Well, you have to promise not to tell ANYONE, especially Mum and Dad, all right?" Again, Ben nodded and I took a deep breath, "Carlos is my soulmate."

Ben just blinked at me in surprise, "Really? Not what I was expecting you to say. How do you know?"

"When I locked eyes with him, my world flashed in colour."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone until you want to talk about it."

I smiled and hugged him, "Thanks, Ben, you're the best big brother a girl could ask for."


"-(Y/n) are you even listening?"

I snapped from my daze and shook my head, "Sorry Mum, I guess I just zoned out for a minute."

"You had your 'I'm thinking about something important' face on, sure you don't want to tell us what's up?" Dad asked. I shook my head, "No, it's fine, I'm sorry I guess I'm just not in the right mindset today."

"(Y/n) found her soulmate."

My head shot up, and if our parents hadn't been there I definitely would have tackled Ben to the ground, "You little snitch! I told you not to tell anyone! So much for being the 'best big brother'!" I then felt a hand on my shoulder, " That's great. Who is it, (Y/n)?" I took a deep breath, "Does it really matter? I mean I haven't actually sai-"


I froze again and turned to Ben, "You are so dead to me."

Instead of being scared, Ben just smirked, "It's for your own good, (Y/n)."

"(Y/n) have you told him yet?"

I shook my head, "No, I haven't. I was thinking of just keeping it to myself...."

"Go and tell him," Dad ushered, giving me a small smile. I was shocked at this as he was originally against bringing the VKs to Auradon and now he was telling me to confess that one of them was my soulmate, "Really?"

"Yes, go on."

I smiled and ran out of the room, making my way down to Carlos and Jay's dorm. Before I knocked, I patted down my dress to make sure that it didn't look like I'd run there. Once I had, I knocked on the door and awaited an answer. Soon enough, I received permission to come in, I opened the door to see Carlos pacing the room and Jay lying on his bed. I closed the door alerting the boys to my presence and smiled, "Uhh, hi."

"(Y/n)?! What are you doing here? Not to be rude."

"Carlos, can I talk to you, please? Like alone?" the last statement was directed to Jay who responded with, "Hey, this is my room too! You can't kick me out!"

I rolled my eyes, "I might not be able to but my brother can, so I suggest leaving before I get Ben in here to throw you out."

Jay sighed and stood up, leaving the room, "Well, I'll go find Mal and Evie then see if they will let me be around." Once he'd closed the door I turned to Carlos, who spoke, "Uhh, why'd you want to talk to me in private?"

I took a deep breath, "You're my soulmate, Carlos."

His eyes widened and he smiled, "Really? Then prove it to me."

I smirked thinking of a way I could mess with him, "Well, you're jacket's black and white."

He gave me a deadpanned look, "Yeah, I know that, everything is."

"No, I'm being serious, your gloves are a deep red colour," I replied, taking his hand in mine, under the guise of examining his glove, "What's your response?"

"Y-you're my soulmate too. Your hair's a (H/C) colour, and your eyes are the colours of (insert a gemstone close to your eye colour)."

I smiled, "Carlos, can I be honest with you? I'm kind of glad you're my soulmate, I-I've fallen for you too-" I was cut off when he put a hand on my cheek and kissed me, "Same here." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him again.

---------------------END OF ONESHOT

Hehe.... Please give me Descendants requests!!

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