Flirting Gets You Nowhere, Or Does it? - Remus Lupin and Sirius Black

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Timing: Marauders' Era (You're in 6th year btw)

Reader's Relations: None

Reader's House: Hufflepuff

Warnings: None (Unless Sirius being flirtatious counts)

Other notes: You're an animagus in this, but unlike the boys, you're actually a registered one (Cat be your animagus - it's for a plot point), also this includes my OC, Arianna, you can read about her here: Also, this has WolfStar shipping in it (if you don't know, that's the ship name for Remus and Sirius)


"So, (L/n), fancy coming to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?"

I rolled my eyes, "Leave me alone, Black. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested in you?!" I replied, sneaking under the arm that he'd pressed against the wall and walking off, leaving him with a dumbfounded look on his face.


"What do I have to do to get her to go out with me?"

"Probably stop flirting with anything that wears a skirt, Pads. She's not going to want to go out with you if you flirt with every girl you see!"

-----------------------YOUR POV

I felt my heart beating rapidly as I ran around Platform 9 ¾ in my animagus form, a black dog chasing after me, my trunk and pet already on the train. However, I was starting to run out of stamina, thankfully I spotted someone I recognised and ran up, jumping into Remus' arms, and cowering.

"Oh hello there, little one, a-Padfoot, stop terrorising cats!"

I felt anger build up inside me as the dog transformed into Sirius Black. He started to laugh, "Moony, it's fun. I really got this one good, didn't I?" At this point, I jumped out of Remus' arms, transforming back into my human form, and got on the train in silence, not bothering to give Sirius a response. I found an empty compartment and sat down leaning my head on the window and starting to softly cry. Sometime later, I heard the compartment door open, "May I join you?" I looked up to see Remus standing there and I wiped my tears, nodding, "Yeah. As long as it's just you." He smiled and sat opposite me, "I had a chat with Sirius by the way, he's sorry for what he did. He just thought you were a normal cat."

"Hmph, well he should check before he starts chasing me, I thought he was an actual dog!"

"If you feel more comfortable in your cat form, you can transform, I don't mind," Remus spoke, noticing my discomfort. I smiled at him and shifted into my cat form, hopping across the table and decided to perch myself on his lap, soon falling asleep.


However, my nap was soon disturbed, "Yo, Moony! We were looking everywhere for you! What are you doing here on your own?"

I woke up with a start and hissed, my heart rate increasing in fear as I spotted Sirius. However, I felt a hand starting to stroke my head and I calmed down a bit at the sound of Remus' voice, "It's okay, (Y/n), I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you."

"That's (Y/n)?!"

I rolled my eyes and moved off Remus' lap before I transformed back, "Yeah, I'm an animagus, but unlike you lot, I'm registered."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw James nudging Sirius and the latter turned to me, "Oh yeah, (Y/n), I wanted to apologise," he spoke as the two of them sat down. I raised an eyebrow at him he continued, "You know, for earlier, when I was chasing you. I had no idea it was you, and I'm sorry, but you gotta admit it was fun."

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