Some Secrets are Worth Sharing - Blaine

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: None of importance

Warnings: None I can think of

Other notes: 1) You're the principal of Dalton's daughter. 2) You've been pretending to be a guy for a while. 3) Sebastian is in this, but i haven't actually watched any of the episodes where he's in (i'm only on like season 2) so he's prob going to be ooc, but even then he only appears for like a minute, and you're really good friends with him. 4) (M/n) means male name (cause you're pretending to be a guy.) 5) Kurt doesn't like Blaine in this (Kurt is my special lil bean and I don't wanna make him sad)


"Can I ask you a question? Are you guys all gay?"

I let out a small chuckle at Kurt's question, before taking a sip of the (insert drink) in front of me, as Blaine answered his question, "Uh, uh, no. I am, but no, these two have girlfriends."

"I'm bisexual," I spoke up, after swallowing the mouthful of (drink).

---------------------------BLAINE'S POV (After Kurt has transferred btw)

"Seb! Come back here! I told you to stop stealing my things!"

I turned around and got out of the way just in time so I didn't get knocked over by Sebastian running, however, (M/n) did bump into me, "Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Sebastian stole my comb again and he won't give it back, gotta run!" before he ran off chasing Sebastian again. Kurt helped me stand up and I thanked him, "Kurt, can I tell you something? I'm in love... with (M/n)."

"I'm happy for you Blaine, really! Just tell him!"

I shook my head, "I can't."

"Why?" Kurt asked, "It's not like he's straight or something."

"It's not that. It's obvious he likes Sebastian, and I can tell Sebastian feels the same."

"How do you know for certain? Because of the amount of time they hang out with each other? I'll ask (M/n) if he likes anyone and try get him to tell me who, then you'll have your answer."

—-----------------------YOUR POV

"(M/n), question. Do you like Sebastian?"

"Well, yeah. Of course, I do! He's my best friend."

Kurt just let out a groan, "I mean romantically."

"Oh... No, I don't. Plus he's gay anyway," I replied, staring up at the clouds.

"But you're a guy too.... Wait a minute, (M/n), are you a gi-"

"SHHHH! Fine, yes, just don't tell anyone."

"How though? Dalton's an all-boys school."

"My dad's the principal. To be honest with you, Kurt, I got bullied at my old school because I was bisexual. I begged my dad to let me come to Dalton because of the 'No bullying' policy and he did immediately say no, due to Dalton being an all-boys school, but I told him that I could pretend to be a guy. I would take cutting my hair and wearing a binder over being bullied any day of the week, so my dad agreed, and I've been going here ever since. You and Sebastian are the only two that know I'm a girl, that's why Sebastian keeps stealing my stuff. I'd like to keep it that way if you don't mind, so please don't tell anyone! Please, I'm begging you."

Kurt just gave me a hug, "I promise I won't say a word."


"Where is it? Where are you, you stupid binder?!" These were some of the questions that were floating around my head as I searched my room, almost turning it upside down trying to find it. I eventually gave up and growled to myself as I buttoned up my Dalton blazer, fixing my hair in the mirror, "Well, I guess I'll have to roast today," I told myself as I looked out the window, seeing that the sun was shining brightly. I sighed and left my room heading to my first class of the day.


"Curse you, sun!" I growled, lying on my back, fanning myself with my hand, "Why does it have to be so hot?!"

I heard Blaine chuckling beside me, "Just take your blazer off, (M/n). We're allowed to if it's this hot."

"NO!" I exclaimed, swatting his hand away as he placed it on my shoulder, shocking him and Kurt, "I-I mean... I don't want to get it dirty... So I'd rather keep it on."

"Then just unbutton it."

I shook my head, "No."

"What are you hiding? (M/n), I know you're hiding something from me... Tell me," Blaine protested starting to poke me, knowing it got on my nerves. I rolled my eyes and mouthed to Kurt for him to help me. He smirked and just gave Blaine a nudge, pushing him into me, causing us to fall onto the grass. I felt my face heat up and I saw Blaine's eyes widen when we realised where his hands were: on my chest.

"Y-you're a girl?!"

I immediately pushed him off me and ran off, ignoring his shouts for me to come back, and ran back to my dorm room, shutting myself in.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door of my dorm room, "(M/n)... You in there?"

"Go away!" I replied, "I know you hate me or not telling you-"

"I don't," I heard Blaine reply from the other side, "I want to talk to you. Please?" I sighed and stood up, opening the door, and letting Blaine inside. I encouraged him to sit next to me on my bed and spoke quickly, "Yes I am a girl, my real name is (Y/n), but you can't tell anyone else, please. I've been pretending to be a boy cause I persuaded my dad, who is the principal, to let me come here because I was bullied for being bisexual at my old school, so when he let me come here, I cut my hair and started wearing a binder so I'd seem more like a boy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but my father didn't want me to tell anyone."

"Does anyone else know?"

I nodded, "Sebastian and Kurt. Sebastian because he walked in on me getting dressed once, and I'm sure the image still hasn't left his brain, and Kurt because when I was telling him I didn't have romantic feelings for Sebastian, I said "Plus he's gay anyway", and Kurt figured it out from that that I wasn't a boy. I pro-"

I was cut off when he took my cheek in his hand, kissing me. I was shocked due to the fact that I'd thought he liked Kurt, but wrapped my arms around him, kissing back, something I'd wanted to do for ages. When we broke off, I spoke up, "B-but I thought you were gay."

"I thought I was too. When I realised I was in love with you, I thought I was gay, but now, at least bisexual."

"So, even though you know I'm a girl, your feelings haven't changed?"

Blaine nodded and I smiled, "Does that mean I can kiss you again?"

He chuckled and nodded, kissing me again.

-------------------------------END OF ONESHOT

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