(Harry Potter) It's the Inside That Counts - Sirius

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Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff?

Timing: Marauders' Era (7th Year)

Reader's Relations: Newt's granddaughter (don't ask how this works, I just wanted it to be a thing in this oneshot, because he's best boy and it kind of works)

Reader's House: Gryffindor

Warnings: Bullying

Other notes: The reader is slightly chubby in this. Also in this, your parents died when you were young, so you live with Newt and Tina.


"Really? You honestly thought I'd want to date you when you look like that?" I tried to hold back the tears as my, now, ex-boyfriend kicked me to the curb metaphorically, continuing to say hurtful words, another girl hanging onto his arm, "You're dumber than I thought. I was just using you because of your family." And with that, he walked off, the girl following next to him, laughing. I sighed and stood up trying not to let the tears fall as I made my way back up to the common room. When I got up to my dorm, I sat down on my bed and sighed, taking my robe off so I was more comfortable, and laid down on my stomach, finally letting the tears fall.

That was when I started to hear small squeaks and I felt a small weight on my head. I let out a small giggle and lifted my hand, allowing the bowtruckle to step on before I brought my hand to my face, "Hello there. Did you stow away in my robes?" The small green creature looked down refusing to make eye contact and I giggled, "At least you've been found, Pickett." I sighed, placed him down on my pillow and wiped my eyes, trying to stop the tears from flowing as I reached into my bag and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. I immediately started writing to my grandfather to let him know that Pickett was safe and hadn't been stolen/harmed. Once I was done, I folded it up and let Pickett up on my shoulder before leaving the dorm, and heading up to the owlery.

"(Y/n)? Where are you going?"

"Owlery," I replied in a monotone voice, refusing to look at Jen as I knew how observant she was and that she'd be able to tell I'd been crying from my face if she hadn't by my tone of voice, "You've been crying. You can tell me what's up, you know that, right?" I nodded, "Thank you, but it doesn't matter. Now can I continue up to the owlery please?" She narrowed her eyes and let me go causing me to sigh in relief. I really didn't want her to find out that William had broken up with me as I knew she'd tell the Marauders because of how protective they were of me. They didn't need to be, it wasn't like I was related to any of them, they just decided they were going to protect me for some reason. Once I'd sent the letter off to my grandparents, I walked outside and sat down by a tree by the Black Lake as it was just after dinner and curfew wasn't for a few more hours and the outside air helped me to think better.

—------------------SIRIUS' POV

"It was hilarious! You should have been there Prongs, his face was priceless."

"Mate, shh. Is that.. Look it is! Where's (Y/n) though?"

I looked up from my food to see William walking into the Great Hall, a random Slytherin hanging onto his arm looking as sneaky as ever.

"I swear to Godric if that git broke up with her, I'll have is head."

"Pads, calm down we know you like her."

"Oh shut it, Prongs, you'd be the same if someone had done the same to your precious Lily" I retorted. Before James could reply, I felt a presence next to me and I looked up to see Bella.

"Have you seen (Y/n)?" I asked, curious as to where she was as she and Bella were normally inseparable, but Bella just shook her head, "Sorry, Sirius. I haven't seen her since Transfiguration ended, but if I see her this evening, I'll let her know you're looking for her."

"Thank you."

"Wait a minute, I have an idea."

"Huh? What do you mean, Moony?"

"Just, give me a minute."

Without another word, he spun around in his seat to face the Hufflepuff table, directly where Jen was sitting, "Jen, have you seen (Y/n)?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I saw her going up to the owlery before dinner. She looked like she'd been crying but refused to tell me why. If she's not in her dorm or the common room, then I don't know. Wait a minute, why didn't you guys just use that map of yours? Don't worry I won't tell anyone about it."

Moony thanked her and turned around as we all banged our heads on the table, "Why didn't we think of the map? When we get back up we're checking that map and finding where she is."

------------------------YOUR POV

"Alright Pickett, you can sit on my head," I muttered as the bowtruckle refused to go back in my pocket, "But you've got to hide when I go back inside, "Okay?"

Pickett just stuck his tongue out at me and blew a raspberry, "I thought you were taught not to do that. If you're discovered, then it'll mean bad news for me. Please, work with me-"


At the sound of my name, I quickly took Pickett off my head, hiding him behind my back and turned to the person, "Oh, Sirius, hey, what are you doing out here?"

"I wanted to talk, have you been crying?" he asked, reaching out and taking my hand in his, which I didn't reject, surprising him as every other time he'd tried to make physical contact with me, I'd pushed him away. I sighed and nodded, releasing my grip on Pickett before placing him back on my head and wiping my eyes with my now free hand, "Y-yeah. Promise not to tell anyone else?" Sirius nodded and I took a deep breath, "William broke up with me. Told me he was just using me because of my family and that 'no one would want to date someone who looked like me'. He then called me fat, along with a load of other hurtful stuff and then walked off," I spoke, the tears coming back to my eyes again, this time I just let them fall, only stopping when I felt Sirius wiping them, "(Y/n), please don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry, it makes me cry when you're upset and don't believe anything that jerk says, you're perfect the way you are."

"He's right though, Sirius. No one would want to date me, I am fat-" I was cut off when he placed a finger to my lips, "Do not say that about yourself in my presence. You are not fat, (Y/n). You are perfect, and I know one person who would want to date you."

"W-who?" I asked, looking up at him. Instead of replying, he took my cheek in his hand and bent down to my level, kissing me, "Me." I felt my face turn bright red and I blinked, bringing my hand up to my lips once he'd stepped back a little, "Y-you? You'd want to date me?"

"I-if you wanted to date me back, then yeah. I've been in love with you since 3rd year, (Y/n). You know how Prongs used to go on and on about Lily before she finally gave in and started dating him?" I nodded and Sirius continued, "Well, Moony told me I was the exact same with you. Apparently, I wouldn't shut up about you and complain about that git of a boyfriend you had whenever I could. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a nose to go and break."

I giggled and grabbed his hand before he got too far from me, "I-if you're serious that you'd want to date me, honestly, I'd be lucky to be the one to have grabbed your attention. I like you too, Sirius."

That stopped him in his tracks, and he turned back towards me, grabbing my upper arms and kissing me again, "I would be the lucky one, (Y/n). I love you so much."

"I-I love you too, Sirius. Are you sure I'm not too chubby for you to date?"

He shook his head, "No. You are perfect the way you are, how many times do I have to say it? It's what's on the inside that counts, not what you look like. I love you for the way you act and your personality, not what you look like." At that moment Pickett jumped off my head and onto Sirius' hand, causing me to smile, "It looks like Pickett approves, please don't tell any of our professors he's here. Honestly, he stowed away on my robes, or well, in my clothes in general."

"I won't don't worry, (Y/n). I'd never do anything to get you into trouble."

"Thank you. I love you, Sirius."

-----------------------------END OF ONESHOT

Hehe, more Sirius fluff.

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