Amazing - Professor Sycamore

47 1 0

Requested?: No

Prompt: 28. "You're gonna have to tell them at some point, (Y/n), it'll be better to get it off your chest." 5. "I'm pregnant."

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Sycamore's Fiancée

Reader's Home Region: Kalos

Warnings: None

Other notes: This is the title cause I couldn't think of anything better.


"Okay! Okay! I get it, you're happy to see me, Skiddo, but I do need my personal space!" I giggled, the Skiddo now licking my face, from my position of lying on the grass in the Pokémon Sanctuary portion of the lab.

"That Skiddo really likes you doesn't she, "(Y/n)."

"Yeah, I guess," the Skiddo nuzzled me again and I bent down, patting her on the head, "You are very cute, I know."

Just then I was nudged from behind and I stood back up, turning around to see Gabby behind me. I chuckled and patted the friendly Garchomp on the muzzle, "Don't worry Gabby, you're still my favourite."

"Gar!" Gabby replied happily and moved down gently nuzzling my stomach, somehow Gabby knew before I did that I was pregnant... and she hadn't let me out of her sight since.

"Have you told him yet, (Y/n)?" I turned to Sophie who had been helping me feed some of the Pokémon and shook my head, "No, I haven't," I replied, continuing to stroke Gabby's muzzle. Sophie walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder, "You're gonna have to tell the professor at some point, (Y/n), it'll be better to get it off your chest."

"I know it's just," I paused and started to fiddle with the ring on my left finger, alerting Sophie to what I was worried about. She took my hands in hers and fixed the ring, "You have nothing to worry about, (Y/n), trust me. Just tell him the next time you have the opportunity."

"Tell me what?"

I whipped around and saw Augustine standing in the doorway. I gulped and felt a sinking feeling appear in my stomach as Gabby walked up to him happily. I took a deep breath, "I-I'd rather tell you in private."

Augustine smiled and walked up to me after patting Gabby's muzzle, her going to play with some of the other Pokémon in the lab. I felt my face heat up when Augustine place a hand on my cheek, "Mon amour, you know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know it's just that I don't know how you're going to feel about how what I'm going to tell you and-" I was cut off when he kissed me, "(Y/n), just tell me!" I took a deep breath, "'re going to be a dad... I'm pregnant."

ProsessorSycamore.exe has stopped working.

And.... He fainted...Thankfully we were in the sanctuary, so he landed in the grass but I managed to stop his head from hitting the ground. A nearby Froakie came up and used Water Gun, immediately waking him up, and I had to say, despite how handsome Augustine was normally, he was even hotter with wet hair.

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