Marriage Level Gold - Yuri x Girlfriend! Viktor's Sister! Reader

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Requested?: No

Prompt: I got this idea while browsing Pinterest, so thank you Pinterest for me for finally adding Yuri to this book... (cause the YoI ones are with Yuuri, Viktor or JJ)

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Yuri's girlfriend/Viktor's sister

Reader's Age:

Warnings: None

Other notes: For this, Yuri is 19. It's important for a certain plot point.


"You're wrong, these are engagement rings. We'll get married once he wins a gold medal.




And it was at that point when I entered the restaurant, "YURI PLITSETSKY! HOW DARE YOU!" I shouted the minute I saw his blonde locks with the rest of the GPF skaters (minus JJ), and marched straight over to him, pulling him out of his seat, "I've been looking all over Barcelona for you! I've been worried sick about you, Yuri! You should tell me if you're going out with your skating buddies! Also, hi Viktor." Yuri was shocked and his face turned bright red, whereas Viktor stood up immediately, hugging me, "(Y/n)!! I missed you! How have you been?!"

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'll be the one getting married after getting gold. You can count on that!"


While watching from the side of the ice, I was cheering Yuri on with all my might. I was so proud of him and I wanted the world to know what Yuri Plitsetsky was capable of. I was so happy when I saw him receiving his gold medal after beating Yuuri by 0.12 points (idk if this is right... please correct me if it's not) and when he came off the ice, I gave him a massive hug, "Yuri! I'm so proud of you! A gold medal AND a world record!" He smiled, something one I ever saw and returned my hug, before the two of us made our way backstage (cause I still dk what to call it...).


After about 10 minutes of waiting outside of the ice rink, Viktor and Yuuri walked up to us. I smiled apologetically at Yuuri and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Well done. You did great Yuuri."

"Thank you. Well done to you Yuri."

"Psst, I crushed you, Piggy." I elbowed him in the gut, "Yuri Plitsetsky! That is not nice! But, I-I do have a question I wanted to ask you, Yuri."

"Huh?" he asked, recovering from being the overly dramatic 19-year-old he was and I took a deep breath, reaching into my backpack for the small box I had been keeping in there. I pulled it out and zipped my bag back up, putting back on my back, turning back to Yuri, "Yuri Plitsetsky, you helped me so much when I was going through a tough time in my life and I love you so much. Everything you do for me, I could never be able to repay you for, but one thing I can give you is my heart, well not literally, but you get what I mean, right? But I guess what I'm really trying to say is-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because he interrupted me, "Yes."


He hugged me, "(Y/n), I know you, and I know you're trying to ask me to marry you, which is just like you, not following rules."

I squeaked, "Hey! But to be honest, I'm glad you understood what I-" he cut me off by giving me a kiss.


I smiled and pecked Yuri on the lips, happy to now call him mine for life, "Hey, Yuri, Ima just go to speak to Yuuri and Viktor for a sec."

"That Piggy?"

"Yes, and he's going to be my brother-in-law soon, so you have to stop calling him that!"


I smiled and stood up, ruffling his hair before walking over to where Yuuri and Viktor were standing talking to each other, "Hey, Yuuri, can I talk to you please?" Before he could reply, Viktor had hugged me, "I'm so happy for you!" I growled as he started to mess up my hair. I got out of his grip and turned to Yuuri as Viktor walked off probably to talk to someone he knew, although knowing Viktor, he was probably going to annoy Yakov. I just ignored his and turned back to Yuuri, "I want to give you this, Yuuri," I paused and pulled something out from behind my back, "Here." I handed him the hand-made gold medal, "I was going to give it to Yuri if he didn't do well at the Grand Prix Final, but, just listen, I know it's not the real thing but, I just want Viktor to be happy and I know he's madly in love with you. So, I'd like to be flower girl." I gave him a hug and made my way back over to Yuri, smiling widely.


Just as (Y/n) walked off, Viktor returned and hugged me from behind, "I'm back! What was (Y/n) talking to you about?"

I smiled, "She gave me this," I lifted up the medal and showed it to him, "She told me she wants to see you happy and, huh?" I noticed an engraving on the other side of it and lifted it up to my face to read, "#1 Fit as a Romantic Partner for Viktor." I looked back up at Viktor to see his face bright red, "Well, to be honest, I didn't say what the medal had to be for... (Y/n), the number of times you manage to outsmart me."

-----------------END OF ONESHOT

Well... time for Author-Chan to sleep it's 10:11pm right now for me and I'm tired.... I hope you peoples like it

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