Chapter 74

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Today is a big day. I am proposing to Seb today. I have thought about this day since we went on our first date and it's finally the right time to do it. I wanted to make it special so I wanted Oli to be there too. He is a part of our relationship so I want to make sure he knows how special he is to us. Seb was still at work and I got off early so I could plan a few things for tonight. I thought a Friday would be a good day to propose so we could relax the whole weekend as a newly engaged couple. Oli was playing with his toys in the living room while Paw Patrol was on and I was still trying to figure out where to propose. I was so focused that I didn't know that Oli walked into the kitchen, "Dada!" I hear him say loudly and I snap out of it. "Sorry, Oli. I didn't know you came in" I admit and he looks at me confused before he climbs onto my lap.

He looks down at my notes and holds them up, "What do dada?" He asks setting the notes down and looking at me. "I'm proposing to daddy tonight" Oli's eyes widen and he squeals, "Daddies marry?" He asks and I chuckle, nodding my head. "Congwatulations!" He yells. "Thank you, baby boy. Do you want to help?" He nods his head eagerly and faces my notes again. "Where do you think Daddy would like to get proposed to?" I ask him and he puts his "little" finger on his chin. "Zoo" He says quickly and I laugh. "That's your favorite place silly" I tickle his tummy and he giggles. "How about a nice walk on the beach? You like the beach" Oli thinks about it before answering me, "Das good! At night mean womantic" He says and I nod. "Exactly. That's what I'm going for" I say writing that down. "Have ring?" He asks and I pull it out to show him. "Pwetty" He says admiring the black ring with silver running down the middle. I put it back in the box when I heard the door open, "Don't say anything okay Oli?" He makes the lips zipped motion and kisses my cheek before hopping off my lap.

Seb sets dinner on the table and Oli looks at it like he hasn't eaten in days. "How was your day?" I ask him and he shrugs, "It was alright. Not too stressful but not easy that's for sure" He says taking a piece of salmon from the tray. "Daddy happy tonight!" Oli says raising his hands and Seb chuckles, "Why do you say that?" Oli goes quiet and I bite my lip. "I think he just means that we'll all be together" I say to him and Seb nods while chuckling. "Speaking of tonight, did you want to take a walk on the beach together? All 3 of us?" I ask him before he can take a bite. He looks at me confused before answering, "Tonight? Yeah sure. I like doing spontaneous things" He says and I kiss his cheek. We continue to eat dinner talking about some plans for the weekend.

I get Oli's jacket and slip it into his arms then zip it up for him. I grab some gloves in case his hands get cold. Seb comes out in a long-sleeved shirt and a jacket in his arms. It's not super cold at night but knowing Oli, he gets cold very easily. I grab my jacket off of the chair in the kitchen and we all head out to the car. I feel a sense of anxiety wash over me and I try to hide how nervous I am when we get into the car. I turn on the radio to try and distract my mind until we get to the beach. I'm so excited but I'm so nervous. I'm the 'I'm so nervous I might throw up' type of person but never do. We pull into the parking lot and we all head out. Luckily there was no wind so it wouldn't blow the ring away even if that's a ridiculous thought, I have thought of everything possible that might happen. "Seagulls!" Oli yells running off toward them waving his hands, "Oli! Don't run, please. It's slippery" Seb says and I grab his hand which makes him look at him.

Oli speed walks back to us and we head down the stairs to the sand. We walk along the beach with Oli picking up sea shells, "Daddy look" He says as he holds up a different seashell, "Wow. That's awesome Oli. Are you going to take it home?" He asks and Oli tilts his head, "Can I?" He asks and we both nod. Oli puts them in the pocket of his jacket and scans the ground for more. We sit on some rocks while Oli is digging through the sand looking for more 'beach things' as he calls them, to take home with him. The only sound is the waves crashing against the rocks and the tide coming in. I feel the ring in my pocket and I feel my heart beating in my chest with my cheeks turning red. I take a deep breath before I start speaking. \

I face Seb, "Hey" I say rubbing his knuckle with my hand, "Yeah?" he asks smiling, "I wanted to tell you how much I love you and how lucky I am to have you and Oli in my life. I honestly didn't think I would find it as special as you. I am grateful for you every day and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" I say and Seb's face turns into surprise when I bend down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I ask him and I can see the tears forming in his eyes before he starts nodding rapidly. "Yes! Yes, of course, I'll marry you" He says getting up and I put the ring on his finger before he wraps his arms around my neck. "I love you so much" I hear his voice break and I hold him closer. "I love you too" I say back to him and we share a deep kiss before Oli comes running over.

He has sand on his hands along with his clothes, "Congwatulations!" He says throwing up his hands and Seb wipes the tears away from his face. "Thank you Oli" He says with a small chuckle before leaning in to kiss me again. "Should we go home and celebrate with some ice cream?" I ask and they both nod. We walk back up to the car and I help Oli get the sand off of his clothes. Once we arrive home, I get out the ice cream and I notice Seb admiring the ring and I smile. I bring both bowls into the living room and I hand one to Oli and one to Seb. "Do you like the ring?" I ask sitting down with my own bowl of ice cream. "I love it. It's perfect" He says smiling at me and I blush at the compliment. "I knews daddy wike" Oli says with a bite of ice cream in his mouth.

Seb looks between me and Oli, "Did you know Dada was going to propose Oli?" Oli looks over and nods his head looking proud. Seb gasps and looks at me, "That's why you two were acting weird earlier!" He says finally figuring it out and I laugh. "I told Oli not to say anything and he was a very good boy" Oli giggles at the compliment and Seb shakes his head. "I can't believe you guys" He says laughing and taking a bite of the ice cream. Once we were all done with our sweet treat, I put the bowls in the sink and walked back to my two favorite people. "Daddies?" I hear Oli ask, "Yes Oli?" Seb says and Oli hops off the couch. "Sweep wif daddies?" He asks sweetly and how could you say no to that adorable face? "Of course. Let's get you into some pjs" He takes my hand and I lead him to his room. I tell Seb to go relax and I'll take care of Oli. I set Oli on the changing table to change his diaper and get him into some long-sleeved pjs.

I carry him back into our room with his paci, blanket, and his favorite stuffie. Seb was climbing into bed when Oli crawled under the covers, "Oli what are you doing?" Seb asks laughing and we hear Olis giggles from under the duvet. "Sweepy" He says with his head poking out from under the covers and his paci in his mouth. I get dressed into my pjs for the night and scoot into the bed. Oli grabs the blanket that he left under the covers and holds it close to him as he lays down. I sit up in bed rubbing his head until he falls asleep and I notice Seb looking over at me. "I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" He says genuinely and we share a deep kiss. "I can't wait to see us getting married and planning a wedding together" I say back and he blushes.

I look at him with such love, "What kind of wedding are you thinking?" I ask him and he bites his lip. "I'm thinking of a beach wedding" He says and I look at him confused. "Why is that?" I ask chuckling but also curiously. "Because you proposed to me on the beach and I want every beach we go to, to have a special meaning" I look at him surprised and almost ready to cry. "That is so sweet. I would absolutely love that" He smiles at me. "Maybe we could do white and red roses with shea shells in the flower jars. I want Oli to collect the sea shells and for him to be involved as well" He tells me and I nod. "Oli's opinion is very important and I love the sea shell idea" I mention and he nods his head proudly. "Good because I wasn't going to change my mind" He says shrugging and I laugh. "I love you" I say which makes him giggle. "I love you too"

I notice Seb starting to look tired when his eyes are drooping like Oli's does when he's exhausted. He lays on his side with the covers pulled up getting ready to sleep. I watch him close his eyes and drift off to sleep. I look at the ring on his finger and know that we are meant to be together forever. I knew he would say yes but of course, I was still nervous. I couldn't have imagined a better proposal with the people I love more than anyone. I stay awake a little longer in case Oli wakes up or needs anything from me. I look at both of them and pinch myself to make sure this is real. 

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