Chapter 26

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We head into the restaurant with Oli walking between us and Gabe opens the door for both of us. Gabe talks to the hostess; I get this dominant energy from him and I think it's sexy so I don't mind that he takes control. I see him look back at me and I raise my brows, "Does Oliver use a highchair?" He whispers and I nod. I hear him tell her one highchair and she smiles as she leads us to a table with a highchair. Oli happily follows us and gets to the table. Oli sees the highchair and makes grabby hands toward Gabe. I look at him surprised and Gabe looks at me with the same expression, "Is that okay?" He asks me to make sure and I say yes. "Okay, little Oli. Up you go" He picks up Oli and sets him in the highchair. Gabe smiles at me and I bite my lip, watching them with a smile on my face. I sit down, setting his blanket and paci/teether next to me, starting to look at the menu. "Is Oliver allergic to anything?" I look up at Gabe, "Only peanuts" He nods his head, and Oli whines, putting his fingers in his mouth. I offer him his teether and he happily takes it, chewing and sucking on it. Gabe lists off the items on the kid menu, "What do you want Oli?" I ask him and he thinks about it for a while, "Chicken fingers!" I smile at him and I nod looking down at the menu until I hear Oli giggling and I look up. I see Gabe ticking Oli's tummy and he's trying to bat his hands away, "No mowe!" He says through his giggles and Gabe stops, "Chu silly" He says to Gabe behind his teether, "No I think you are much sillier than me" Oli and Gabe go back and forth for a little bit, I smile as I watch them before the waitress comes over asking for our orders.

We give the waitress our orders and we order drinks as well. Gabe and I talk about him spending the weekend with us and he smiles at me, nodding his head. I think Gabe spending the weekend with us would make me as well as Oli happy. As Gabe and I talk I look over at Oli who is looking at the floor and whines, "Toy" He tells me and points at the ground, I look at the ground and see that his teether fell on the floor. I pick it up, "I should wash this off. I'll be right back" I say to Gabe and he nods, "Daddy!" Oli whines and makes grabby hands for me. "I'll only be gone for a minute Oli" I say as I head to the bathroom, washing off his teether under some warm water and I come back out. Gabe is rubbing Oli's cheek and he leans into his touch; I coo at them as I get back over to the table. "Here you go Oli" I hand the teether to him and he happily takes it back. "Is there anything else I need to know about Oli?" I look back at Gabe, "He can get very fussy when he doesn't get what he wants. Sometimes he'll have nightmares in the middle of the night which causes him to leak through his diaper. He is more of a toy little than he is a coloring book little. He is shy around other littles, especially ones that are younger than him. And he hates loud noises, it makes him scared and start to cry" Gabe nods, "Has he always put his fingers in his mouth?" I nod my head, "Yeah it was the only way for him to calm himself down when he gets anxious but the teether helps out with that a lot. I used to see little bite marks on his fingers" Gabe looks concerned with a sad expression on his face. Oli is looking around the restaurant as he chews on his teether I see the waitress come back with our food.

She sets the food down along with the drinks and I thank her before she walks away. I set my plate aside as I grab Oli's plate, "I can feed him if you want so you can eat" I bite my lip and hand him the plate. I know that Gabe wants to help since it is in his nature and I want to relinquish control so some of the pressure is off of me. I love Gabe he is amazing and the perfect partner for me but it is going to take a little while before I can let go. I see Gabe hold a chicken finger up to Oli but before Oli can drop his teether I catch it and put it on a napkin. He takes the food happily and starts munching on it. Gabe dips the food in ketchup and makes little train sounds, Oli starts giggling like it is the funniest thing in the world. I smile at both of them as I eat and watch Gabe take small bites in between feeding Oli. We finish our meals and Oli is starting to look a little tired, giving him back his teether. I stack all of the plates as Gabe gets up to go pay at the counter. I take Oli out of his highchair and he clings to me while chewing on his teether. I keep him on my hip as I walk to Gabe and he smiles at me opening the door for us and I head towards the car. I set Oli in his car seat with his blanket as Gabe opens my door and we start the drive home. When we get home, Oli is asleep and I carefully take him out of his car seat, carrying him inside. I walk him to the nursery, stripping him of his overalls and changing his diaper before I set him in his crib with his comfort items. I grab the baby monitor before I walk out. I quietly exit the room and head out toward the living room.

I see Gabe standing in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets and I walk toward him, connecting our lips and making out a bit before we head to my bedroom. He closes the door behind me and smiles at me, "I had a great time tonight with you and Oli" I blush and look down, "I had a great time too. I'm happy that you wanted to spend the weekend with us" He tells me that he was really happy to spend time with us. "I really love Oli. He is such a sweet little boy. I'm happy that you trust me enough to introduce me to him" I blush before I say "Do you want to borrow my clothes? Even though they may not fit" I laugh a little bit, "I'm sure I can find something or I can sleep in my boxers" He kisses my neck and I smile at him, kissing his cheek. "I think your boxers might be more comfortable" He smirks at me and starts to strip to his boxers as do I. We get into bed and I cuddle into his side as he wraps his arm around me. I close my eyes as I fall asleep on his chest.

I wake up with Gabe gone and I sit up confused. I use the bathroom and I hear my bedroom door open; I see Gabe holding a giggly Oli. "Look! Your daddy is awake" Oli giggles and squeals, I smile at the two of them, "Well hello my little Oli. Good morning" I tickle his tummy and he starts to giggle again, "I heard him start to stir in his sleep. I decided to get him up so you could sleep in a little later" I thank him as he lets Oli down when he starts to whine, "Are you hungry Oli?" Oli shakes his head, "Already eat daddy" I look at him confused and look up at Gabe, "I made him oatmeal since he said that was what he usually eats" I smile, "You're amazing" I say and he kisses me, "You both mean a lot to me so I don't mind doing anything for you" I blush and Gabe laughs at my reaction as he sets Oli down, "Play wif Gabe! Show cars now pwease" He jumps up and down as we all leave the bedroom. Oli holds up his car to show Gabe as he sits down next to him, listening to his every word. I go to make my coffee while Oli is occupied, I start to brew the coffee and peek out to the living room to see Oli squealing when he puts the car down the track. I smile at them and go to get my coffee, pouring it into a mug and heading to the living room.

I hear Oli telling Gabe about Isaac and Liam, and he turns to me, "Who are Isaac and Liam?" He asks me as I sit on the couch, "Liam is an older little that Oli likes to hang out with at daycare but Liam is a very sweet boy. Isaac is an older little as well that Oli knows, I helped him with his books since he struggled to pronounce words" Gabe smiles at me, "I love that you help people. It's adorable" I look at him and I laugh a little bit, "You help people too" I say raising my eyebrows and I take a sip of coffee, Gabe scoffs "Oh yeah because people love lawyers" I nod my head, true he has a point. "Does Oli go to daycare every day?" I nod my head, "Whenever I am at work, he goes with my friend Austin" Gabe looks at Oli and I can see him thinking, "I can take care of Oli on my days off if that's okay" I look at him surprised, "Are you sure? Oli can be a lot to handle sometimes, especially on your own" I tell him with a concerned tone and I see him nod his head, "I think I can handle it" he smiles at me and I smirk, "Alright. If you are up for the challenge then I will hand over the reins. Plus, Oli seems to love you so I have no problem with it" Gabe looks excited and tickles Oli's tummy, Oli squeals and falls into Gabe's lap. "What would you say to hanging out with me one day during the week instead of going to daycare?" Oli looks at Gabe surprised and tilts his head, "No mowe daycare?" Oli asks looking at Gabe, "Well you would still go to daycare four times a week but if you wanted, I could take care of you on my day off' Oli smiles and giggles, "Yes! Wike dat" Oli smiles at me and I smile back at him, "You better be on your best behavior with Gabe. Understand Oli?" Oli nods his head eagerly, "Da best!" I tell him that he is a good boy and he blushes.

Oli is currently running around the house with his blanket tied around his neck acting like a superhero. I really don't want Oli getting hurt, "Oli please don't run in the house" Oli doesn't stop when I tell him to and Gabe picks him up as he runs past, "Oli didn't you hear your daddy?" Oli looks sad and whines, "Oli" Gabe says semi-sternly and Oli wants down. Gabe lets him down and he runs to his nursery, closing the door. Gabe comes to me and sighs, "One thing about Oli is he isn't used to people being stern with him so he will run away or act out because of it. Also, if he feels you are upset with him, he won't eat" Gabe looks at me concerned and I nod my head, "Poor Oli. I feel awful but he needs to learn to listen" I nod my head, "I agree. He has to understand that we're going to be stern with him for his own safety" Gabe looks at the nursery door and thinks about what to do. I feel bad for Gabe since I can see that it hurts him when Oli acts like that. "I'll go talk to him" I tell him and Gabe nods his head. I head towards the nursery, open the door, and see Oli in the middle of the floor with his back turned letting out little sniffles. 

Little Oli (DDLB story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora