Chapter 30

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I finally finish up my work and I am currently sitting in my car putting my things away. I start my car and head towards Austin's house while I listen to the radio. I pull up to his house and get out of the car, walking to the front door. I knock a couple of times before I see the door open, "Hey. Come on in" Austin says as I step inside and I am met with Conner's cries for his daddy. I look around to try and find Oli, and my eyes finally land on him. He is covering his ears looking distressed until he sees me, he gasps and runs over to me. "Dada!" I pick him up, "I missed you Oli" He smiles and giggles, "Miss you dada! Where daddy?" He asks as I rub his back, "Daddy is at home right now. We're going to see him once we leave" He nods his head and I look over to see Austin bouncing Conner, wiping his tears away as he clams down with only hiccups following. "I can see it was a rough day" Austin lets out a sigh, "Yeah Conner was upset all day because he didn't get to watch Chuggington which caused him to bite Oliver" I look down at Oli who is whining and I hold up his arm to see a bite mark, "Does it hurt at all Oli?" He shakes his head and I kiss his forehead. "I should get him to Seb. He's probably spamming my phone as we speak wanting to see Oli" Austin nods and I grab his backpack, heading out the front door before thanking him.

I get everything settled into the car and Oli whines when I get into the driver's seat, I look back at him and he is making grabby hands. "I promise that I will hold you as soon as we get home" He puts his arms down, pouting a bit but nodding his head. I make the drive home as quickly as possible, pulling alongside the sidewalk and I turn off the car. I get Oli out of the car while still holding him and grabbing his backpack. I head to the front door, open the door and I see Seb leaning against the back of the couch biting on his nails but shooting his head up when he sees Oli and me. "Oli are you okay? I'm so sorry that happened to you" Oli nods his head and Seb gently takes his arm examining the bite, "He went really deep. Did Austin say what happened?" I readjust Oli on my hip before I speak, "Conner was upset that he couldn't watch his train show, Chuggington, and Oli wanted to watch his dino show so he was frustrated and took it out on Oli's arm" Seb kisses Oli's forehead as Oli puts his fingers in his mouth, "I'm just glad he's okay. I was worried it drew blood" I shake my head and kiss Seb's head, "You're okay. Everything is okay now" Seb nods his head and tickles Oli's tummy making him squeal and try to push his hands away. "We should order pizza" Seb looks up at me and laughs, "Yes. Yes, we should"

The pizza arrives and I take it into the kitchen setting it on the table as Oli comes bouncing into the kitchen with his dinosaur tucked into his arm. He struggles to be secretive about grabbing a slice from the table with little grunts, "What are you doing their baby boy?" Oli gasps and squeals with a big smile, "Dinosaur hungry" He holds up his dinosaur toy proudly, "Oh okay. I see. Does the dinosaur want two slices?" Oli nods his head putting his toy back around his arm, "That's a lot for a little dinosaur. Are you sure he can handle it?" Oli giggles and nods his head enthusiastically, "Well I will give him two slices but if he can't finish both of them, then you let me know, okay?" Oli smiles, "Yes dada" I rub his head and hand him a plate with two slices on it. Oli runs past Seb, "Woah there Oli baby. You got two slices?" Oli nods his head, "Dinosaur hungry daddy" He says before running back to the couch and plopping himself on it. Seb smiles at me and wraps his hands around my waist, "I missed you" He says quietly and I smile down at him, "I missed you too" Our lips meet each other and we make out for a bit before I hear Oli running into the room.

Oli is holding his sippy cup in the air, "Juice?" Seb takes the sippy cup, "What do we say Oli?" Oli tilts his head a bit before gasping, "Pwease daddy" He ruffles his hair and fills his sippy with apple juice before handing it back to him. "Good boy. Now go eat" He runs away giggling, going back to his pizza before Seb grabs two plates for us. We get our pizza, stepping away for a second before we sit next to each other on the couch with Oli on Seb's side. We turn on a random Disney movie that we know Oli would enjoy. Seb and I talk about our days while Oli is occupied, basking in the moment. I don't ever want to leave them; they both mean the world to me and I can't imagine being away from them for very long. I listen to the sounds of the Disney movie in the background as I think. I glance up at the clock to see it is 8:00, I have to wake up early tomorrow and Seb knows it because he looks at me with sad eyes. I kiss his forehead before I get up, putting all of my stuff together.

"Dada go?" I hear Oli's voice behind me and I turn around, "Yes baby boy but I promise you'll see me really soon" Seb is chewing on his fingers nails as I get ready to leave and I grab my sweatshirt, "Here Oli, you can have my sweatshirt so it smells like me" Oli takes it happily and he rubs the material onto his face. I look at Seb who looks like he is about to cry, "Hey it's okay. I'm going to be back here with you and Oli before you know it" He nods his head and gives me a tight hug, "I'm going to miss you like crazy" I let go and give him a deep kiss before I grab my stuff, giving one last goodbye and exiting the door. I feel my chest tighten as I step off of the doorstep and see their faces. I start to walk to my car but I stop in my tracks before I head back to the front door. I knock on the door, bouncing on my feet from the adrenaline rush. Seb opens up the door and looks at me confused, "I can't do this" Seb parted his lips a bit to say something but before he can I speak again, "I can't keep going back and forth between here and my apartment. I can't stand it when I'm away from you two" Seb looks at me with wide eyes keeping quiet most likely out of shock before saying, "Stay here" I look at him and I smile a bit, "Like move in?" I ask him knowing that is what we both want, "Yes" I smile quickly before nodding my head and Seb smiles, I grab the side of his neck/face, "I love you so much" Seb laughs before he tells me he loves me too.

I pick him up and give him a small spin, "Gabe! Put me down" He says slapping my shoulder gently and laughing. I put him down and I look over at Oli who looks incredibly confused with his fingers in his mouth. "Oli, we have some good news" Oli perks up, "Dada is going to be moving in with us" Oli takes his fingers out of his mouth and smiles, "Hewe fowver?" Oli asks tilting his head and I give a small nod. Oli squeals, jumping up and down. "Looks like someone is very happy I'm staying" I laugh and Seb rests his head on my shoulder as Oli runs off to the living room. "Thank you" I hear Seb say and I kiss his head, "No need to thank me. I love you guys so much that I want to spend every moment with you guys" I see a smile form on his face and he blushes. Oli comes running back with his fuzzy dino blanket and holds it up to me, "Dada have!" He giggles and I look down at him, "Oh Oli I can't take your dino blanket. You love that blanket" Oli looks at Seb confused and whines, "But dada give me somefin of his" I bend down to him and rub my thumb on his cheek, "Yes but that's a little bit different. I gave you that sweatshirt so you could have comfort when I'm not here. But now that I am going to be here all the time, I want you to keep it. Your dino blanket gives you comfort in the same way so I think it's best if you keep it Oli" Oli nods his head and I ruffle his hair, standing back up.

I look at the clock and see it is almost 8:30, "Okay Oli. It's bedtime" He whines and latches onto my torso, "You heard dada. You have to get to bed Oli" Seb says before Oli detaches from my torso and he grabs my hand as I lead him to the nursery. I set him on the changing table as I get a new diaper out and I hear Seb come in behind me, "Need any help?" He offers and I nod my head, "Most likely yes. It's my first time" We laugh at my comment, take off Oli's pj pants, and lay him down. Seb instructs me on how to change Oli even though he was wiggling around a lot. I pull up his pjs pants and set him on his feet as I get his crib ready. "Dada? Pway dinos tomorrow?" I turn to face him, "Yes of course Oli. Once you get back from daycare then we can play with all of your dino toys" Oli squeals and claps his hands, "And den daddy joins! And den get mowe toys" I raise my brows at him and laugh as I look over at Seb who is shaking his head while smiling, "Maybe some new toys. Right now, your toys are perfect" Oli looks disappointed but nods his head, I pick him up and put him in his crib. Seb kisses his cheek as I rub his head, "Goodnight Oli" Oli mumbles a small goodnight as he rubs his face on the blanket and we step out of the room.

Seb drags me into the room and closes the door, I set the baby monitor on the side table. He starts kissing my neck and trying to strip off my clothes but struggles. I pet his head and he lets out a small whine when I walk to the bathroom, "We can cuddle after I use the bathroom" He nods pouting a bit, "Last time I checked you weren't Oli" I go to close the door and I see a shocked look on his face and narrows his eyes. After I get out, he is sitting in bed with blankets covering his body. I slide into bed next to him and he immediately latches onto me, "You're so warm all of the time. You're so lucky" I kiss his head and chuckle, "Well you can latch onto me anytime you want" He grins and nuzzles his head into my side, "I was thinking we could head over to my apartment this weekend to get my stuff" Seb nods his head, "Yes! I'd love to help you and I'm sure Oli would love to as well" I chuckle, "Oli will probably run around the apartment looking to see if I have any toys" We both laugh and we sit in comfortable silence until we both fall asleep. 

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