Chapter 12

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I finish my meal prep with no issues from the boys and I put everything in the fridge to keep it fresh until lunch. I enter the living room and I see all 3 of the boys playing with some trucks as Oliver keeps his dino toy close to him. I turn on the TV and see Oliver perk up, "Dino show?" He asks and I look at Noah and Liam, "Is that okay with you two boys?" They nod their head smiling. As they watch the dino show, I look outside and see that it's clearing up a bit, "Hey boys. Would you want to go and play outside?" This time, all three of them perk up and they all say yes simultaneously. They all start to run towards the back door and I shut it closed, "Woah Woah guys. I need to make sure you guys get bundled up so you don't catch a cold" They all pout but I drag them to the living room to get them ready.

After I get all of them ready, I open up the sliding back door and all three of them run out. Noah goes to the play structure that I built a while ago and Liam runs towards the sandbox with a tiny little Oliver following after him. I get out some toys for the sandbox and bring them to the two littles. Oliver goes for the bucket and the shovel, filling them with sand and dumping it out as he giggles in the process. Liam is focused on making a giant sand castle. Noah is occupied with the play structure, playing on the swings and monkey bars. I sit down on the bench I have outside and I watch them play as I scroll through my phone until I hear a loud cry. I immediately look up and see Oliver on the ground looking down at his knee. Before I could get to him, Liam rushed over to ensure he was okay. I reach the two of them and see that he cut his knee, "What happened Oliver?" His cries become louder and he puts his fingers in his mouth to try and calm down. "When he was exiting the sandbox, he accidentally tripped and fell over" I pick up Oliver and carry him back inside. I set him on one of the chairs at the dining table and go grab some alcohol as well as band-aids. I wipe his cut with the alcohol and he whines pulling his knee back, "Oliver, I need to clean the wound so it won't get infected" He lets out another cry behind his fingers as I see Liam leave my eyesight. He gives me his knee back and I am able to clean it without a problem. I see Liam come back with Oliver's teether, "Take this Oliver, it's better than your fingers" He looks over at Liam and he takes his fingers out, replacing them with his teether. I put a band-aid over his cut and I set him on his feet. Liam takes his hand and they go to play with Noah on the playground outside.

The day goes along without any more instances, later that day, Noah's dom picks him up and now it is just Oliver and Liam. I look at the clock and see that it is 5:00 and tell myself that I need to get Oliver ready to go. "Hey, Oliver. Your daddy will be here soon so we need to get you ready to go" He gets up and takes my hand as I pick up his backpack, Oliver takes what it is from the nursery and then we make our way back to the living room to put his dinosaur toys in his backpack. I set his backpack beside the couch and Liam speaks up, "Does Oliver have to go?" He looks up at me with a sad expression, "Yes, he does Liam. His daddy will be here soon to pick him up and shortly after your mommy will be here to pick you up" He whines but continues to play with the cars on the mat I laid out. Oliver sits with me on the couch, talking about his daddy, to no one and I smile.

Sebastian POV

I finally finish up with work and clock out quickly so I can head to my car. I sit in my car for a little bit, since I am exhausted, and drive off to Austin's house. I pull up and exit my car. I head up the long driveway and I knock when I reach the front door. Austin opens the door and I see Oli sitting on the couch, talking to someone. I step inside, "Hey Seb. How was work?" I sigh and rub my head, "It was alright. There was so much to do and I had to deal with some upset people. So now I am exhausted" I laugh a little, "How was everything here?" Austin goes to speak but Oli comes running up to me, "Daddy!" I pick him up as he reaches me, "Oli! I missed you so much" I kiss all over his face and I notice the band-aid on his leg. I look over at Austin, "What happened to his leg?" Austin says, "He tripped outside when he was exiting the sandbox and had a small cut" I nod and thank him for telling me. "Does your leg feel okay Oli?" He nods his head enthusiastically and I tickle under his chin making him squeal and giggle. "Oli made a friend" Austin whispers to me and I look at him with a shocked expression. "That's great! I'm so happy to hear that" Oli smiles at me, "Liam fwend" I see a boy perk up when he hears his name being called, "It's okay Liam. You can come over here" I hear Austin say. I see Liam cautiously come toward the three of us. I put Oli down and he bounces around trying to keep himself occupied while I talk to Liam. I bend down to Liam's level, "Hey there Liam. My name is Seb, Oliver's daddy. It's nice to meet you" I see him smile a little and he shakes my hand. "It's nice to meet you too. I really like spending time with Oliver. He's really nice" I smile at him, "How old are you, Liam?" I see him count on his fingers and he holds up 5 fingers very proudly. I look at him shocked, "Five years old?! That's a very big boy age" He giggles a little and blushes as he says thank you. Oli comes over and stands next to me, "Dis my daddy! He da bestest daddy eva and has weally yummy food. Da best part of daddy is when I hear stowy or watch movie!" I chuckle at the food part and I see Liam lose a little bit of his smile. I let Oli talk with Liam a little bit longer and I pull Austin aside.

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