Chapter 17

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I wake up to the sun shining in my room and I groan. I check the baby monitor and I see Oli spread out in his crib with his hair all over the pillow, his fingers in his mouth, and his blanket halfway on the floor. How does he move so much in his sleep? I laugh to myself as I get out of bed, take a shower, and then wash my face. I step out into my bedroom to get dressed in some jeans and a black t-shirt. I head out to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and I start on Oli's oatmeal. He has been wanting oatmeal a lot since he likes it when I make faces with the fruit. I finish his oatmeal, making a cute smiley face, and set it on his tray. I check the time, 9:00 am. I plan to take Oli to a natural history museum where he can look at dinosaurs all day. I go to the nursery and as I open the door, I see Oli rubbing his eyes. I can't help but coo at him. Once he spots me, he makes grabby hands for me, and I pick him up. He lays his head on my shoulder as I bounce him to try and wake him up. "We are going somewhere special today Oli" He looks at me confused but excited. I check his diaper and see that it is dry so I grab his blanket along with his teether from his crib and head out to the kitchen.

I set him in his high chair and he smiles when he sees the smiley face and takes the spoon to start eating. I pour some coffee into my mug and go to sit at the table with Oli as he eats. I walk in to see oatmeal all over Oli's face and I grab a wet wipe. I start to wipe his face and he whines, trying to push my hands away. I finally get his face clean after he finishes his oatmeal and I take him out of his highchair to let him play. He runs off to the living room to play with his toys as I grab his bowl to put in the sink and load the dishwasher. I pick up Oli's backpack to start getting ready. I put in some diapers, an extra teether, his paci, some of his extra toys, snacks, and an extra pair of clothes. I go to the nursery to pick out his outfit, I lay down some overalls, a dino shirt, and some vans. I head back out to the living room to pick him up and he whines. "I have to get you ready Oli" He lays his head on my shoulder and pouts. I get him dressed with minor fussing and he runs out of the nursery. I sigh, it's going to be hard getting him in the car.

I walk out of the nursery to see Oli playing with his toys again as I grab the backpack heading out to the car to put it in the front seat. I walk back in, putting on my shoes and grabbing Oli's from the nursery. "Come here Oli" He looks at me and shakes his head, "No go! Play now" He whines, I'm just trying to surprise him. Note to self: Tell Oli the place first so he won't be a fussy little. I walk over to him and pick him up, setting him on the couch. He tries to get around me to get back to his toys but I block his path. He whines loudly before he starts pawing at his eyes, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Oli. I don't want to take you away from your toys but we're going to a natural history museum. It's a place where they have dinosaurs" He sniffles and makes eye contact with me. "I'm sorry for not telling you Oli. You can play with your toys as we drive there" He nods his head and makes grabby hands for me. I pick him up, bouncing him a little so he doesn't cry anymore. I head out of the house, lock the door, and head to the car. He puts his fingers in his mouth as I set him in his car seat and I dig through his backpack in the front seat to get his teether. I offer it to him and he takes it happily, finally feeling a little better. He gives me a little smile as I kiss his forehead and head to the driver's seat. I give Oli his backpack and he takes it from my grip as he chews on his teether.

About 45 minutes into the drive, Oli starts to whine and kick his feet, pulling at the straps of his car seat, "What's wrong Oli?" He just continues to whine and looks at me making grabby hands, "Oli I can't hold you right now. Can you tell daddy what's wrong?" He points to the floor and I take a quick glance, seeing his dino toys on the floor. "Oh, Oli" He starts to cry and wipe away his tears with his fists, as I pull into a parking lot to find a spot. I get out of the car as Oli's wails become louder. I open the door to unbuckle his car seat and I hold him, "Shh it's okay Oli. Why is my little baby boy so fussy today huh?" I look at him as he has his fingers in his mouth to try and calm himself down. I take out his fingers and he whines trying to put them back in his mouth, "Daddy! Down now" I put him down and he plops on the ground on his padded butt, kicking and crying. I pick him up setting him in the front seat with his legs hanging out the side so he is facing me. I let him cry it out for a few minutes before his crying calms down to small sniffles. His face is red and his cheeks are stained with tears as he looks around. I wipe his tears away from his cheeks as he plays with my fingers on his lap. "Now can you tell me what's wrong Oli?" Oli looks at me with big eyes as he starts to speak, "Tiwed den dino toys fall an daddy no hold Oli. Fwustwated daddy!" I see how upset he is and I feel awful, "I held you when we parked, didn't I? I am going to pick up your toys from the ground so you can play again. And you can take a nap the rest of the way" He looks away and kicks his feet a little, "I gave you some options baby boy. What would you like to do?" I hear him speak up, "Nap pwease" I pick him up and set him in his car seat, strapping him in. I give him his dino stuffie and cover him with his blanket along with his teether.

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