Chapter 24

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I was so excited when Oli said that he would be okay with meeting Gabe and would be happy to have another daddy around. It's finally the weekend and I get to spend some relaxing time with Oli which I was super grateful about. Well, I thought it would be relaxing but when I heard Oli's cries from the baby monitor, I knew it was going to be a difficult day. I get some sweatpants on and a shirt as I rush to his nursery. I open the door and Oli is sitting down clutching his blanket while tears stream down his face. I walk over to him and when he sees me he makes grabby hands for me so I pick him up along with his blanket. "What's wrong baby boy?" Oli rubs his eyes to try and stop the tears from flowing but only gets more distressed when I try to bounce him. "Icky" He says between his cries and I feel his forehead. It's warm. I look at him sympathetically, "What feels icky?" I ask him he points to his head and tummy. "Your head and tummy hurt?" He nods his head when he calms down and I take him to the bathroom to get the thermometer.

I rummage through the drawer as best I can with one hand and pull out the thermometer. "Oli? I need to set you down so I can take your temperature" He shakes his head and grips my shirt. I try to think of what I can do instead so I head to my room and sit on the bed. I take off the cap and tell him to open his mouth. He looks at it curiously before shaking his head, "Oli I need to take your temperate so I can monitor it" Oli whines and pushes my hands away when I put it near his mouth. Maybe after breakfast, he will feel a little better so I put the thermometer in my pocket and carry him to the kitchen, "Let's see. What about some toast?" Oli nods his head and rubs his eyes. I don't want to upset his tummy so I thought something simple like toast with jam might be the best option right now. So I put 2 pieces of toast into the toaster and wait for them to pop up. I look at Oli who has his fingers in his mouth laying his head on my shoulder. I feel awful. This is his first time being sick with me and I know he's going to be extra fussy today.

I hear the toast pop up and I grab a plate putting the 2 pieces of toast on it. I get the jam out of the fridge and spread it onto the bread. I take the plate to the kitchen table and set Oli down in his highchair. Oli starts crying and reaching out for me as soon as I put him down so I scoot a chair closer to him, picking up the toast. "I'm right here Oli. Don't you want the toast?" He sniffles and nods his head. I pick up the toast tearing off small pieces and he takes his fingers out of his mouth as I tear off small pieces of toast handing them to him which he takes without too much fussiness. When the toast was all gone I put the plate into the sink just as Oli was starting to whine again. I walk back to him and he looks at me upset, "I know you don't feel good Oli but can you do me a favor?" He hesitantly nods his head, "I need to take your temperature. It'll be super quick I promise" He rubs his eyes and nods his head. I smile at him and tell him to open his mouth so I put the thermometer under his tongue and he closes his mouth. Once it beeps I take it out and check it, 101.3 F (38.5 C). I sigh and take him out of his highchair to set him on his feet along with his blanket.

I walk back into the kitchen to rinse off the thermometer and I look down to see Oli who plopped himself down on his padded butt next to me. He plays with the ends of his blanket and I smile sympathetically at him. As I put the cap back on I feel a tug on my shirt and I look down to see Oli looking up at me, "Juice pwease daddy?" He asks and I nod my head, "How about I put on some cartoons for you in the living room? It's much comfier than sitting on the ground" He nods his head and takes my hand as I walk him to the living room, turning on the dino show. I pick him up and set him on the couch which he relaxes into before I walk back into the kitchen. I get one of his sippy cups from the cupboard along with the liquid medicine. I pour apple juice into the sippy along with the medicine. I take it back to Oli who is rubbing his nose on his arm. I cringe at the sight and set down the sippy so I can grab a box of tissues. I grab a tissue and set the box next to the couch, "Oli you shouldn't rub your nose on your arm" I tell him as I wipe the snot from his arm, "Nose icky!" He says defensively and I nod my head, "I know but you need to use tissues instead okay?" He nods his head and I throw away the tissue before I hand him his sippy. He takes it happily and starts to suckle on the juice.

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