Chapter 56 Pt. 1

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After stressful events and work, we are exhausted. Gabe had come up with an idea to take a small trip with Oli. We thought about going to the city, but we were worried that it would be too loud and overwhelming for Oli. There was also talk about Disneyland but that was really expensive. We talked to Oli to try and get his input so we could land on something good. We had come to a conclusion a few days later which was...camping! The other option was an amusement park but I'm worried that if Oli would get nervous with how many people there were or get tired after 30 minutes of walking around. The closest camping spot was 6 hours away so this would mean staying in a hotel for a night until we can drive the rest of the way. We live in a suburb that is far from the county side and woods so the drive would be too long for Oli. A hotel sounds nice for everyone and I'm sure Oli would love to go somewhere new.

I'm currently packing Oli's suitcase that we had bought a few days prior while Gabe was giving him a shower to make sure he was clean before we left. We had also been letting Oli play some games on my phone to make sure we found something he liked to make sure he was occupied during the car ride. I pack some shorts, pants, short sleeve, and long sleeve shirts in case it's cold at night, diapers, shoes, and extra socks. I hear faint little giggles coming from our bedroom and I see Gabe holding Oli who is wrapped up in his dino towel. "How was your shower Oli?" I ask him standing up and he giggles, "Is good! Dada cwean" I laugh and nod my head before kidding the side of his head. "I need to pack our suitcases" I say and Gabe stops me, "I can do it if you take Oli" Gabe says and I nod my head, taking Oli from his grip. I had laid out some clothes for him that would be comfortable to sit in the car for a long period of time.

I set him on his feet and open up the diaper setting it on the changing mat on the ground. I turn around to see Oli gone and I look around confused, "Oli?" I say out to the empty room and Gabe comes in holding him, "I think you lost something" Gabe says and giggles loudly, "I can see that" Gabe gives him to me and closes the door behind him. "I need to get you dressed little dino" I lay Oli down on the mat and change him into a dry diaper before slipping some black sweatpants up his legs and a green dino shirt over his head. I tickle his tummy before lifting him onto his feet and he runs to the door, "Daddy open" He says holding the handle and looking back at me. I open the door and I stop him before he can dive into his tent, "Gather some toys you want to bring, okay?" Oli nods his head as I hand him a bag and I go to our bedroom to see if Gabe needs any help.

I give a small knock before going in and Gabe smiles at me, "Hey. I was wondering if you needed any help?" Gabe looks around and points to a drawer, "I didn't know what shirts you wanted to pack so I left that part to you" I grab a couple of shirts and fold them, putting them into the suitcase. "Are you nervous? Excited?" I ask him and he smiles, "I'm excited. It's been a while since I went camping" I nod my head as I close the suitcase and put it on the ground. "I'm excited too. We have been doing a lot of things together and I'm always happy when we get to enjoy something altogether" Gabe blushes and I chuckle, he's always so why when he gets compliments. It's adorable.

We exit the bedroom and see Oli coming over struggling to carry the bag full of toys. I take the bag, "Oh my gosh. Oli you packed so many toys" Oli nods his head affirmatively, "Nu decide so bring all!" He says with a big smile and I nod my head. "Well don't lose any of them, okay? I don't want you to go without some toys" Oli giggles and nods his head, looking up at me. "Alright. The suitcases need to go in the car, then shoes, and then backpacks" I say out loud, grabbing Oli's first and heading out the door. Once everything was in the car, I head back inside to get my shoes on. I see Gabe already putting Oli's shoes on which makes me happy. I get mine on and check the room one more time. "Ready?" I say to both boys and they nod their heads.

I pick up Oli to set him in his seat and give him his teether along with my phone. I close his door and head to the driver's seat. Gabe gets in beside me and I look over to him before I put on my seatbelt, "You're in charge if Oli needs something or has a tantrum" He puts his hand up to his head in a salute, "Yes sir!" He says and I shake my head with a smile, "Just put your seat belt on before you go face first onto the dashboard" Gabe rolls his eyes and puts on his seatbelt so I can start driving.

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