Chapter 67

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Nick and Luke Meet

I was walking down the street to my job and I was looking down at my phone until I bumped into someone. Some books fall at my feet and I look up to see a boy with blonde hair and green eyes that stood out with his hair. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was going" I say starting to pick up the books but I hear a little sniffle. I look up to see the boy starting to cry and I stand back up, "Hey it's okay. No need to cry. Did I scare you?" He nods his head without making eye contact. "I'm sorry about that" I say and he doesn't say anything, just bends down to get the rest of his books before starting to walk away. "Wait! I'm Nick" I say before he can get too far and he turns around. He finally makes eye contact with me, "I'm Luke" He says just above a whisper and I smile at him.

I walk a little closer to him and whisper, "Are you a little?" I ask him and his eyes widen. "Uh yeah, I am" He says looking confused. "I apologize if that seemed too forward. I'm a daddy so I was just curious" I say rubbing the back of my neck. "It's okay" He says to reassure me and I thank him. "Do you mind if I get your phone number?" I ask before I lose my courage. "Why me?" He asks looking down at his books again. "You seem like a good person and you're absolutely adorable. I'd love to get to know you more" I confess and I see a little blush on his cheeks. He eventually gives in and we exchange our phone numbers. We continued walking in the direction we were going and I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

In the few months that went by, Luke and I have gotten really close. He broke out of his shell a little for the first time a week ago when he was little in front of me. I got to see little Luke and I didn't know he could get even more adorable. He let me take care of him and I loved every second of it. Luke had been spending the night with me every so often and it's been the best days of my life. I couldn't be happier and can't imagine Luke not in my life. Luke is very shy which I think is cute but I'm not sure how he does around large groups of people. I also found out that he loves to read so we've been going to Barnes and Noble as well as the library to look at books for him. I also buy him gifts every once in and while which make him blush and I love it. He is not a very hyper little but he can throw tantrums like nobody else.

Sometimes his shyness causes him to go nonverbal and it frustrates him when I don't know what he wants. He prefers bottles to sippy cups as they are easier for him to grab and he likes how he gets more juice or milk out of a bottle. You may be thinking, 'But Luke is 3 in his little space, why is he still using bottles?' Luke is perfect the way he is and if he wants to use a bottle over a sippy cup then he can! I'm glad we can all accept that. I found out something interesting about Luke in the past weeks that he has been hiding pretty well from me. He uses pull-ups at night in case he has accidents and wears diapers during the day sometimes to keep him from having accidents. He looks absolutely adorable in them so now I know why he would be going to the bathroom so often. He wanted to hide that part from me out of embarrassment. I felt horrible that he had to hide that so I got him a little bunny stuffie that he named buttons. He would not let the bunny out of his sight, he loved it so much. he slept with it every night and took it everywhere we went.

I was currently putting on my shoes while Luke was playing in the living room. "Come on Luke! It's time to go to the store" Luke perks up and runs over making grabby hands to be picked up. I pick him up holding him with one arm and grabbing his backpack with the other hand. I lock the door behined me and get Luke settled in his seat before going to the driver's seat. As I was driving to the store I heard Luke from the back, "Daddy watch tv?" He asks and I nod my head handing him my phone. He giggles and goes to the Netflix app so he can watch DocMcstuffins. He keeps his occupied while we're in the store and on long drives so I don't mind when he asks to watch his show. I look in the rear-view mirror to see buttons ear in his mouth and at the red light I rummage through his bag to get his pacifier. I pull it out and turn to him, "Use your paci Luke please" He takes it and replaces button's ear with his paci.

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