Chapter 16

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Austin starts on the sushi as Oli wanted to go outside and play on the playground. I take him outside and he runs to the swings, he kicks his legs, "Daddy help" I walk over to him and give him a little push, and he is able to take it from there. I smile at him as I sit down on the bench on the concrete part of the backyard until the grass takes over the rest. I take out my phone to check Instagram and by then Oli had hopped off of the swing and came to where I was when I pulled out some of the backyard toys. "Daddy look!" I see something in his hand, as he comes closer my eyes go wide when I realize he is holding my cigarette butt. "Oli give that to me" I tell him and he puts it in my hand, "What it?" I go back to what I told Austin and I want to keep being responsible, "It's called a cigarette butt. It's something that some adults do and not little boys like yourself. So, if you find another one, let it be, do not pick it up" Oli laughs when I say butt and nods his head. I tell him he is a good boy and he can go play again.

I watch Oli run up the stairs and head toward the slide. He giggles as he slides down and comes running over to me, "Daddy pway?" I nod my head and he takes my hand, leading me over to the swings. I pick him up and set him on the swing. I walk behind him and push him gently so he doesn't get scared if he goes too high. He starts to swing his legs so I stop pushing and he is able to swing himself higher. I go around to the front of the swings and he smiles when he sees me, "Daddy! Wook how high" He says and I nod my head, "I can see Oli. You're such a big boy for swinging all by yourself" I see a tiny blush form on his face as he starts to slow down. He hops off the swing and runs off to go play in the sandbox. I walk back to the bench and watch him build castles and create animals with the animal molds in the sand.

Soon Austin comes out back and tells me that the food is ready. I call Oli over and he runs towards me, taking my hand as I lead him inside. I see the assortment of sushi and I suddenly get very hungry. I get 1 plate and I set it on the table, "You don't have any allergies right Oliver?" I put a couple of rolls on one plate for Oli and I. "Mmm no I feel good" Oli smiles up at him and he laughs, "No not allergies. I meant food allergies" Oli giggles, "Oh! Nuts" I turn around swiftly and look at Oli concerned, "Oli! I asked you a thousand times to tell me if you had any food allergies" Oli looks back at me embarrassed, "I nu wanna tell! Scared and embarrassed" I bend down to his level, "Oli you don't need to be embarrassed to tell me something so serious. I need to know these things so I know not to give you nuts. Why would you be scared to tell me?" Oli whines and fidgets, "Old daddy give Oli nuts den go rawr at me for nu eat. Den I gots own room at big building den chu take me home" He smiles and Austin looks down at me with a sad expression as I react the same way. I can't believe someone could hurt my little Oli and his way of explaining it is so heartbreaking. I feel awful and I just want him to be with me all the time. "Oli is it all nuts? Or is it specific nuts like peanuts?" He thinks for a second before answering, "Peanuts!" I nod my head, definitely keeping that in my mind. I get up, "There are no peanuts in anything right?" Austin shakes his head and I head to the table.

I thank Austin for making us dinner and Oli climbs on my lap. He looks at the food curiously, I take a fork and chopsticks. I pick up a cut-up roll and hold it to Oli's mouth. He takes it and chews it. He has a weird look on his face as he chews and I can't tell if he likes it or not. He shakes his head, "No wike". I eat a piece for myself and I give him a different roll that has shrimp which he seems to like, he takes it and starts to chew slowly. He looks up at me and nods his head, "Wike dat. More?" I give him a fork so he can eat more. He takes the fork happily and starts to eat the sushi. After he eats all of his food he sits back against my chest and smiles, he goes up to touch my face grabbing at my nose. I tickle his tummy and he squeals, putting his fingers in his mouth.

I try to pull his fingers out of his mouth but he swats my hands away, "Oli don't put your fingers in your mouth" Oli whines and shakes his head, "Wike fingews" He says and I sigh. I look up at Austin who is looking at me, "Do you think you could get me his backpack?" I ask him and he gets up to go get it. I see drool dripping down his chin as he shifts himself on my lap. Austin comes back with his backpack and I go through it looking for his teether or paci. I find his paci first so I try to offer him the light blue paci before I need to look for his teether. Oli takes it and replaces his fingers with the paci. I am surprised that he didn't protest but happy to see his fingers are out of his mouth. I grab a napkin and wipe the drool from his face along with his fingers.

"Would you ever get another little?" I look at Austin confused and surprised, "I don't think so. Oli is a very sweet boy and I love him so much but I don't think he would do well with sharing me with another little" Austin shrugs, "I know he gets along with the littles well here but maybe another daddy?" I narrow my eyes, "I mean, he would do better with another daddy rather than another little but that would mean I'd have to find a boyfriend first" I laugh a little bit at the thought and I feel Oli takes my fingers from his lap and start to play with them. I hear him mumbling and counting behind his paci as he goes through all my fingers. "Well, there are plenty of guys out there that are nice and want a boyfriend" I playfully scoff and shake my head, "Yeah maybe one day" I say before Austin nods, leaving the conversation where it was. 

Austin and I finish talking, I pick Oli up and set him on his feet. He starts to look tired again so I quickly pack his backpack. I grab both of them and say a quick goodbye to Austin and get Oli settled in his car seat. I buckle him in and I start the drive home. Once we get home, Oli is asleep so I quickly grab the backpacks setting them at the front door. I unbuckle Oli and carry him inside, taking off his overalls, and leaving him in his dino shirt and diaper as I set him in his crib. I also turn on the mobile in case he gets woken up and I cover him with his blanket. I bring my backpack inside and head straight to bed. I turn off my alarm and get ready to sleep in.

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