Chapter 14

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Oli saw Liam again at daycare yesterday so he was reluctant to go home. But now it is Friday morning and I was happy to spend more time with Oli. This morning went pretty smoothly with Oli eating his breakfast as I cleaned up the house a bit with him talking between bites about dinosaurs, I really need to take him to a natural history museum this weekend. I was able to pack all of my things along with Oli's and run it out to the car. When I come back inside, Oli has oatmeal all over his face and hands. He looks at me smiling and giggling as I get wet wipes. I quickly wipe his hands and face with much protest from Oli. I pick up Oli from his highchair and set him on his feet, "Okay Oli we need to leave now. Grab anything you want to take for the day" He runs off to grab his dino toy and runs back to me as I open up the door.

I get him settled in the back of the car as we drive off. The car ride is silent with Oli looking outside the window at all of the dogs, cats, or people that go by. For the past few days, Oli has been pointing out all the dogs saying he wants to get one more frequently but we've been over this. I promised him that I would take him to the zoo sometime so he can see animals up close. I pull up to Austin's house, take him out of his seat, and grab his items. "Do you want to be picked up or do you want to hold my hand?" Oli looks up at me and makes grabby hands. I pick him up and set him on my hip as I carry him to the front door. I knock on the door, but Austin looks exhausted when he comes to the door. I look at him concerned, "Hey. Did something happen?" He sighs, "Kalen came over early this morning and he has been crying and fussing the whole morning" I give him a sympathetic look "Do you need me to stay and help you? I don't mind, I could use a day off of work" He gives a look as if he is debating what to say and he sighs giving in, "Yes, I need the help. I don't think I can help Oliver with Kalen like this" I nod and set Oli on his feet. I pull out my phone and explain to my job why I am calling out. Thankfully they had no problem with it and to take as much time as I needed.

I head back to the chaotic situation and Oli is looking at Kalen curiously as he cries and looks back at me, I walk over to him and bend down to his level, "I know things are a little noisy right now Oli but daddy is staying with you today" Oli starts to giggle and clap his hands. Austin looks over at me with a desperate look on his face and I roll up my dress shirt sleeves. "I don't know what to do. I have tried feeding him a bottle, engaging him with toys, and solid food" I look at Kalen sympathetically and I offer to take him. I hold him on my hip, brushing the hair out of his face but his cries become louder when he is passed over to me. Austin goes into the nursery to see if a teether or a paci will work. I see Oli covering his ears and looking up at me with puppy dog eyes but quickly uncovering his ears to make grabby hands at me. "Not right now Oli. I can hold you in a second after Kalen calms down a bit" Oli whines and stomps his foot. I look at him surprised, Oli never gets jealous but this time is different because I am treating Kalen like I would treat Oli. "Excuse me? You want to try that response again?" Oli starts fidgeting with his fingers and whines louder, looking up at me with a pout. "Daddy up now! Daddy hold Oli only" He says, clearly upset. "What do we do when we don't get our way Oli?" He refuses eye contact with me, "No whine and talk daddy" I nod my head. "That's right. What you did was bad and we will talk about that later. What would you like to do?" He puts his fingers in his mouth just as Austin comes back into the room with a paci and a teether. Oli perks up and makes grabby hands for the teether. I tell Austin to give Oli the teether and he does so, handing it to Oli. I bounce Kalen on my hip as I walk around the room, offering the paci to him and he takes it, creating the silence that we have been looking for.

Once Kalen is calm for about 15 minutes, I set him down in front of the tv which is a more baby-appropriate show other than dinosaurs. I head into the kitchen where Austin was making lunch and Oli standing beside him chewing on his teether. Oli squeaks when he sees me and hides behind Austin's leg, and my heart breaks. Austin looks down at Oli, "Is something wrong Oliver?" He looks up at Austin and whispers behind his teether, "Daddy mad at Oli". Austin looks at me confused and I sigh, "He was being a little of a brat when I was holding Kalen. He whined and stomped his foot. And he didn't use his manners when he wanted something" Oli whines, "Oh Oliver. You know that isn't good boy behavior" He looks at the ground, "Come here Oli. We're going to talk about it in the other room" He sheepishly follows after me, taking my hand and I lead us to the nursery. I open the door and pick up two stools for us to sit on. We both take our seats and I start to speak, "Oli you know what you did was not good behavior. What happened earlier? I need you to talk to me baby boy" He takes his teether out of his mouth, "I no wike you wif oder wittles. Daddy's baby only! Den daddy no pick up" He tells me distressed and he starts to cry "Oli you know I love you. More than anything in the whole world. Kalen needed my help at the moment and I am sorry I couldn't give you the attention you needed. The one thing I need from you is for you to understand that I am not replacing you or ignoring you on purpose. Do you understand Oli?' I see him take in the information I told him and he nods his head, "Yes daddy. It hard because wuv you a wot" I smile and I pick him up, "I love you too Oli. I know it's hard but we'll get there together" Oli smiles and latches onto me as I leave the nursery, kissing all over his face and he squeals. Today is going to be hectic so I have to be prepared which I soon found out I was not. 


Hello everyone! This is going to be a short chapter but this storyline will continue in the next 2 chapters (15 & 16). I am currently working on the Christmas portion of this story so if you want to see anything, in particular, leave a comment or a PM and I will try my best to incorporate it! Thank you so much to everyone who has given this story love and support. See you next Monday!! :)

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