Chapter 32

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It's finally the weekend and that means packing up Gabe's stuff. We're currently all in my car heading to his apartment and Oli is kicking his feet, "Where go?" He asks curiously and I look back at him, "We're going to dada's house to pick up his stuff" Oli nods his head as he goes to look out the window again. There are a lot of nice apartment buildings that are incredibly high and look very fancy. We pull into a parking garage and Oli squeals, "What's up Oli?" I let out a laugh and he giggles, "Is dark" He says as Gabe pulls into his parking spot and heads around to my side of the car, opening the door for me as he gets Oli out. Once Oli gets out and hears his voice echo, he squeaks, "It's okay Oli. Just an echo" Gabe says and Oli takes my hand as we head to the elevator, Gabe presses the number 5 and it starts heading up. "I'm excited to see your apartment" I say as Gabe looks over at me with a smile on his face, "It's nothing fancy I can promise you that" He lets out a small chuckle as the elevator doors open and we head to his apartment. He opens the door and we step inside, there is a small couch, a couple of tables, an amazing look kitchen, and a small hallway with a bedroom. Oli lets go of my hand as he looks around the apartment.

Gabe heads to his bedroom as I look out the window at the view, "We up high daddy" Oli says coming next to me and I pat his head, "Yes we are baby" A little later, I hear Gabe come out with a couple of boxes of clothes and other stuff he took from his room. Oli is sitting on the couch, jumping on it, "Bouncy!" He looks at me and giggles, "For a bouncy baby boy" I say and he blushes, getting off the couch and running up to Gabe "Dada have toys?" He asks as Gabe laughs, "No I'm sorry Oli. All I have is big boy toys" Oli humpfs and goes back to sitting on the couch, trying to keep himself occupied by playing with the hem of his shirt. "Big boy toys huh?" Gabe glances at me and smirks, "Only for special people" I laugh and hit his arm playfully, "We shall see them one day" Gabe narrows his eyes as I pick up a box and start the journey to my car.

Once all of the boxes are loaded into my car and the apartment looks emptier than it was when we first got here, we all head down and get in my car to start the drive home. "Are you hungry baby?" Oli nods his head and whines, pulling at the straps of his car seat. I sigh and Gabe looks at me, "I know he is fussy right now and it was a long day but it's okay. Remember? You have me to help you out" He grabs my hand as we drive and I smile at him, how did I get so lucky with him? My mind wanders until we pull into a restaurant I've never seen before but looks good. "Hungry" Oli says as I take him out of his car seat and set him on his feet, "I know we're at the restaurant. No need for whining" Oli rubs his eyes and puts his fingers in his mouth as he takes my hand. We all head into the restaurant, Gabe talking to the hostess "Would he like some crayons and a couple of pages to color on?" I shrug and nod my head, smiling at her. She leads us to a booth where Gabe and I sit down while Oli climbs onto the booth next to me. She sets down the coloring items as well as our menus and walks away. "Here Oli. You can color on these" I tell him and he grabs the crayons along with the papers. It has barn animals on the pages and he frowns, "Not dino" He says as he looks at the pages, "I know but these are still really cute animals that you can color. Would you like a dino coloring book?" He looks up at us and nods his head, "Yes! Yes!" I look at him surprised but nod my head. I was happy to hear he is turning into a coloring book little but I don't know how long it will keep him occupied since he seems to like toys a lot better.

Oli takes his crayons and looks through the pages to see where he will start. Gabe smiles at me. I narrow my eyes at him as Oli colors in the animals, "What?" I ask him curiously, "Nothing. I just love you" I blush and let out a small chuckle, "I love you too" He smiles at me before looking over at Oli. Gabe points to the drawing of a cow, "What's that Oli?" Oli looks at what Gabe is pointing at, "Moo!" Gabe laughs and shakes his head, "Yes that's the sound that the animal makes. But what is the name of the animal?" Gabe encourages him and I look down at him, "Mmm cow?" Gabe gaps enthusiastically, "Yes! That's right Oli. Such a smart boy" Oli giggles and kicks his feet happily underneath the booth, "Mowe! Mowe!" Oli says happily and looks at Gabe with hopeful eyes, "I think he really likes this" Gabe tells me, looking up at me and I nod my head, "It might benefit his little brain" I pat his head and Oli looks up at me with a smile on his face. Oli looks back at Gabe and points to a new animal, "And which one is this?" Oli looks at what animal he is pointing at and smiles, "Piggy!" Oli says proudly and Gabe nods his head, "Good job Oli!" He smiles at the praise and hands me as well as Gabe a crayon, "Daddies color too!" He says as we all start to color together, making sure I stay in the lines or else it will drive me crazy.

While we were all coloring, the waitress came over and took our orders. It's been about 10 minutes and Oli is fussing a bit, "Daddy hungry" He tells me, tugging at my shirt "I know baby boy. Food will be out soon" Oli lets out a small whine and looks over at Gabe with puppy dog eyes, "Oli you will get food in your tummy soon. You just have to be patient" Oli pouts, pushing his crayons away along with the papers, "No need to be a fussy baby. Why don't you want to color?" Gabe asks and puts the crayons in a pile off to the side doing the same with the coloring pages, "Too hungry dada" He says, starting to bite on his fingers, "But you can't eat your fingers silly boy" He reaches over the table and gently takes his fingers out of his mouth as Oli giggles, "Eat dada!" Gabe fake gasps and I smile at them, "No you can't eat me! Then who will be your dada?!" Oli looks shocked and shakes his head, "Chu my dada" Oli lays his head down on his hands and Gabe smiles down at him. Gabe looks at me and nudges his head toward Oli. I look at him confused before he mouths his secret plan to keep him occupied, "Hey Oli?" Gabe says as Oli looks up, sitting up straight. He "grabs" his nose and holds it between his fingers, "I got your nose" Oli whines and make grabby hands for his nose. He tries to climb onto my lap and reach for his nose, "Give pwease" He says softly and I coo at him, "Aww how can I resist those adorable manners" Gabe says and gives him back his nose and he sits back against the booth, touching his nose to make sure it is there. Gabe laughs and Oli giggles looking between us, "Chu silly" I kiss his head as I notice the food is arriving, Oli claps his hands and bounces in his seat.

After all of the food is set down and we're left alone again, Oli takes a chicken finger dips it in ketchup, and takes a bite. "Do you want us to feed you or do you think you got baby?" Oli nods his head before he answers, "Iz eat" I nod my head as we all start to eat, Oli is humming the tune from his dino show to break the silence and I try to hold back from laughing. He is just so adorable; I can't help but smile at him all the time. After Gabe and I finish, I look over at Oli who is coloring as he eats. I listen to Gabe talk about the case he is currently working on and I nod my head. "I wish my work was interesting like that" I tell him and he smiles, "Your job is just as important as mine, you dork" I playfully roll my eyes and shake my head, "Law is much more interesting" Gabe raises both of his eyebrows, "No. Just no. It's so incredibly boring sometimes" I chuckle and shake my head, "Daddies! Wook I drew" He holds up a picture with a few farm animals with a barn in the back, "It looks great Oli. Great job" I tell him and he basks in the praise as he eats another chicken finger. He holds one up to me, "Daddy eat?" I smile down at him as he looks up at me with big eyes, "That's your food Oli. I want you to have it" Oli nods his head and eats it, chewing with his mouth open and giggling. I push his jaw up so his mouth is closed and he squeals, "Silly boy" He tries to offer his dada some but says the same thing. Oli finishes his food and sits back against the booth seat.

Once Oli is done, Gabe scoots out of the booth looking at Oli who is still coloring. "Come on Oli. It's time to go home" I say and Oli looks back at his coloring pages, "Wanna color daddy" I look over at Gabe who is smiling at him and tilts his head, "You can take the pages with you but you have to leave the crayons, those aren't yours" Oli squeals and piles his pages together before he scoots out of the booth. "Dada, I color" He says as we walk towards the front of the restaurant and Gabe smiles, "I see Oli. I can't wait to see all of your colorings on display" Oli looks confused but excited, "Dispway?" Gabe picks up Oli and sets him in his car seat, "Mhmm. Daddy and I are going to put all of the things you color on the fridge" Oli gasps and looks at me, "You do dat?!" He looks at me with hopeful eyes, "Of course Oli. Everything you color or draw will be put up" He bounces in his car seat as Gabe gets in the driver's seat, "Chu da best daddies" I smile at Gabe and he smiles back at me, "We're the best daddies" I nod my head and Gabe backs out of the parking spot.

We get into the house and I close the door, lock the door, and set my keys on the side table. Oli runs to the kitchen table and sets his pages on the table, letting out tiny grunts as he pulls out a chair and climbs up on it. Gabe looks at Oli with a confused expression, "Whatcha doing baby boy?" I ask him and he looks at me, "Color daddy! Crayons?" I shrug and look towards Gabe, "It would keep him busy while we bring the boxes in" Gabe nods and I walk to the cabinet near bubbles, pulling out a box of crayons. I walk over to Oli and I open the box for him, spilling out the crayons, and squeals when he sees them, "Tankies!" He says and I kiss his head. We start bringing in all of the boxes of Gabe's stuff and I sigh seeing all of the boxes. Gabe comes up behind me and puts his hands around my waist, kissing my neck. "Gabe" I say as he bites my ear lob and pulls on it, "What?" He says innocently and I shake my head smiling, "Later" He lets go of my ear and I look at him seeing a pout on his face. I laugh at his expression and I start to take the boxes to the bedroom. 

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