Chapter 39

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We arrive at the house and Oli is practically bouncing in his seat, "What's the rush Oli?" I ask him as I set him on his feet, getting his backpack and my suit jacket. "Tell daddy bout fwend!" I smile and nod my head. We head up to the door and open it with Oli running inside. "Daddy!" He runs to Seb who he crashes into his legs, "Hi Oli. How was daycare?" Oli practically squeals and Seb looks at me confused, "Did he have sugar or something? How is he so hyper?" I laugh, "He met a very special friend today and that seems to have caught his attention" I say, "Lukey!" Seb looks down at Oli and picks him up, "Luke is your new friend?" He nods his head eagerly, "Wike dinosaur toys an show an his daddy nice" I look at him surprised, "You met his daddy?" I ask Oli and he looks at me nodding his head. "I think I might know Luke's daddy" Seb looks at me confused, "I think he's the lawyer that was fresh out of law school that had joined the firm" I say and Seb nods his head, "Wan see 'gain" Oli says which makes us turn our attention to him, "You can see Luke again Oli. Don't you worry" I say which makes Oli giggle and wiggle to be let down. He puts his fingers in his mouth as he runs to the living room to find his toys.

I follow Seb to the kitchen and I wrap my arms around his waist from behind which causes him to let out a small chuckle. "So, Luke likes dinosaurs?" I hear the curiosity in his voice, "Mm I think it was mainly Oli that turned him onto dinosaurs which were why he was so excited" I say and he nods his head. "Are you hungry?" I ask him and he sighs, "Yes but I don't feel like cooking" I rest my chin on his shoulder and I kiss his cheek, "We should go out. We haven't done that in a long time" Seb glances at me and kisses my lips, "I'll go get ready" He says as he leaves my grip and I watch him walk away. I walk to the living room where Oli has his toys spread out on the carpet, "Oli? Are you hungry?" He perks up and nods his head, "Well let's get you ready so we can eat" Oli gets up and takes my hand, leading him to the nursery. "Where go?" He asks as I change his diaper and set him back on his feet. "Well we can go wherever you want" Oli giggles and I change him into a light green long-sleeve onesie along with his dinosaur jacket and stretchy pants to fit over his diaper. Oli follows me as I knock on the door to make sure Seb was clothed. Oli runs in and jumps on the bed before anyone can say anything, "Well make yourself at home Oli. It's not like it's our bed or anything" Seb says jokingly and Oli shakes his head, "Mine!" He spreads out on the bed like a starfish and I shake my head, heading towards him. I tickle his tummy and he squirms under me, "You have your crib silly boy" I stop and Oli hops off the bed, "Cwib wif blankey and paci" I nod my head and smile at him as I take my clothes into the bathroom to change.

Seb's POV

I notice Gabe walk into the bathroom and shut the door so I finished getting dressed. "Daddy?" I hear Oli say, "Yes baby boy?" I look up at him, "Where go for nummies?" He says and I chuckle, "Well we can go wherever you want" Oli lets out a small whine, "Das wha dada say bu is dun know" He looks at me and shrugs, "We have time to think about it Oli. We have to wait for dada" He nods his head and pulls his sleeves over his hands, flapping them around. I coo at him and he blushes but perks up when Gabe walks out of the bathroom dressed, ready to go. Oli giggles and we both look at him confused, "What are you laughing at silly boy?" Oli gasps and giggles again, "Nofin!" I narrow my eyes at him not believing a word but I let it go as we head towards the front door. "Oli, I need you to put on your shoes. Do you want help or do you want to do it by yourself?" Oli grabs his shoes, "Do myself" I nod my head as Gabe and I get our shoes on. "Do you think he will be able to do it himself?" Gabe asks me and I shrug, "I don't know. He might prove us both wrong" Gabe laughs a little and I get up from the floor heading over to Gabe.

I sit on his lap and he looks at me surprised, "What?" I ask him and he rubs his hands along my thighs, "Nothing. I was happy when you sat your cute butt on my lap" He kisses my shoulder and I grab behind his head, kissing him roughly until I hear Oli enter the room which I quickly let go of him while still sitting on my lap. I can feel something poking my butt so I massage the back of his neck, which always seems to calm him down. "What's wrong Oli baby?" Oli holds up his shoes and gestures them towards me with little sniffles coming from him, "Oh baby boy. You don't need to be upset. Daddy will help you" I check in with Gabe before I get off of his lap and he nods. I grab his shoes and lead him over to the couch, having him sit down as I kneel in front of him. "No do daddy" He tells me and rubs his eyes with his sweatshirt, "It's okay Oli. You're my little baby and I want to help you so you don't need to feel bad. Plus, I can always teach you, okay?" Oli smiles a little bit and nods his head. I slip on his shoes and tie the laces. He hops off the couch and looks down at his shoes, "Tank chu daddy!" I see him run off and follow him. "Dada! Daddy help wif shoes" He holds his feet up to show Gabe who is smiling down at him, "Wow Oli! Look at how adorable you look" Oli nods and puts his foot back down. "Are we ready to go?" I ask and both boys nod their heads.

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