Chapter 66

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Austin and Sawyers "Date"

I walk up to his house, and I see how nice it looks from the outside. It looks like a 2-story house with lots of windows and a gorgeous garden of flowers. I knock on the door and wait for him to answer. I fix my shirt and pants while I wait and I hear squealing from the other side of the door which makes me smile. I hear the door unlock which makes my heart beat faster before he opens the door holding Aiden. "Hey Sawyer" I say blushing a bit and he smiles but looks tired. He invites me in and Caleb is playing with some toys in the living room. "I'm really sorry to say this but Aiden is sick and I need to look after him" He says and I feel my heart drop. I know I really want to have a date with him but Aiden is a big priority. "That's okay. I completely understand" I say fidgeting with my fingers and he looks just as upset as I do. I perk up when I have an idea, "Do you want me to stay? I could help take care of Caleb while you tend to Aiden" I offer and he smiles at me. "I'd love for you to stay. I can't guarantee that you won't get sick" He laughs, and I chuckle, "I don't mind at all" I say sympathetically. "Caleb! Austin is going to watch you while I give Aiden a bath okay?" Sawyer says and Caleb comes running in. "Stay wif Addie dada!" He whines pointing at him and Aiden whines at the loud noise.

Sawyer bends down a bit, "I know you want to stay with Aiden, but I can't get you getting sick Cally" He says but he shakes his head refusing to leave his side. "Alright. You can stay by the bathtub but no making a mess" Sawyer says and Caleb giggles nodding his head. I smile as the three of them head to the bathroom and close the door. He takes such good care of them and I think it's cute how attached Caleb is to Aiden. I walk into the kitchen to find something I can pour for Aiden and Caleb when they come out. I grab one sippy with handles and another one without handles. I opened the fridge to find apple juice and some milk. I fill them with the liquids and screw on the lips. I hear squeals and giggling coming from Caleb behined the bathroom door.

I grabbed the cups and walked back to the bathroom just as they were finishing up. I knock on the door and Sawyer opens it to reveal a very soaked Caleb. While Aiden shivered from being cold but Sawyer picked him up. "I'm assuming Caleb didn't keep his promise?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Not really. So now they both need to be changed" Sawyer chuckles and we both head to their room. Their room described them very well as Caleb's side was very babyish with a crib, stuffed animals, diapers, an animal rug, and a mobile. Aiden had a twin bed as he wasn't very tall so he would fit perfectly. He also has a bookcase with books for all different headspace ages, Bluey stickers and posters, and Bluey bed sheets. I smile at how different they are but get along so well.

Sawyer picked up Caleb and put him on the changing table, "Do you think you could change Caleb while I get Aiden dressed?" Sawyer says and I nod my head putting the sippy cups on the dresser. I was able to get his pants off but when it came to his shirt he was fighting me. "Nu! Wike shiwt" He says crossing his arms. "You can't stay in wet clothes for the rest of the night Caleb" Caleb whines still fighting me on the shirt, "Caleb. Your shirt is coming off no matter what" Sawyer chimes in and I look back at Caleb. "Bu why?" He asks as tears threaten to fall down his cheeks. "Because your shirt needs to be dry so you can sleep tonight. I will make sure to wash it so you can wear it again tomorrow" Sawyer brides as he slips a pull-up on Aiden and Caleb finally lets me take off his shirt, tossing it in the laundry. I get Caleb dressed in some dry clothes and I offer him a sippy cup which he happily takes.

I try to offer one to Aiden but he hides his body behined Sawyer. "You can take it Aiden. It's okay" Sawyer reassures him and Aiden hesitates to take the sippy cup from me. Sawyer kisses his head and sends him off to follow Caleb so they can play. "Thank you for the sippy cups. It means a lot that you offered to stay" Sawyer says and I blush. "It was no problem. I'm just glad I can be here with you and the boys are really sweet like always" I say and Sawyer moves closer to me. We both chuckle awkwardly before Sawyer grabs my face and pulls his lips toward mine. Our lips move in synch as he runs his fingers through my hair and we pull away. "Woah" I say and he laughs. "Yeah" He says out of breath and runs his hand up my arm. "I promise that we will go on an actual date next time" He offers and I nod my head, "I'd love that" I say and I give him a kiss which makes him smile.

We head back out to the living room to see Bluey on the TV and Caleb sitting next to him playing with Buttercup. Sawyer and I sit next to each other on the couch and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Do you want to order something?" He asks me and I nod my head. "Chinese food sounds so good" I say and he chuckles nodding his head. He gets the menu from a drawer by the TV and hands it to me. I see some things that are circled so I ask him about it, "The ones with the C's are Caleb's favorites and the ones with the A's are Aiden's favorites" He tells me and I look at him adoringly. That is so cute. I pick a few items and Sawer calls in the order getting one of everyone's favorite dishes. Bluey ends and Aiden whines, "Doc McStuffins!" Caleb yells throwing his hands in the air with buttercup. "How about we watch a movie everyone will enjoy?" Sawyer offers and everyone nods.

We put on Frozen for the little ones while we get the food ready for them. "Does Caleb eat a lot or less than this?" I ask him and Sawyer looks over at the plate. "If he doesn't finish it, Aiden will eat the rest of it" I look at him confused, "Aiden eats a lot when he is sick for some reason" I nod my head and bring the plates to the boys. I hand Caleb his plate and he takes it with two hands. I sit next to him and grab the fork from his plate starting to feed him while he tries to focus on Frozen at the same time. Aiden grabbed his fork and started eating quickly. We watched the rest of the movie while we all ate and sang along when Elsa sang "Let It Go". We laughed and had a great time just the 4 of us.

It was getting late so Aiden and Caleb had to be put to bed. Especially Aiden said he needed more sleep so he could feel better in the morning. Sawyer tucked in Aiden first as he was going to sleep in his arms and kissed his cheek. He picked up Caleb, "Hi Cally. Are you ready for sleepy time?" He asks and I smile at them. "Yus! I weady" Caleb says and I pick him up to set him in his crib. I give him a kiss on the cheek and he lays down under his blankets. "Good night baby boy" I say and look over at Aiden who was already asleep. We exited the room and Sawyer grabbed my hand. "Come on" He drags me into the bedroom and closes the door behined us.

Sawyer connects his lips to mine roughly and I fall back a bit. He pulls away and strips off his shirt before pushing us onto the bed. Sawyer runs his hands through my hair and I feel my cheeks heat up. He pulls away so we can both breath, "Was that too fast?" He asks me with a small chuckle. I shake my head, "Not at all" I say and he goes down to kiss me again but we hear a noise that makes us both turn the door. "Daddy" Aiden says knocking on the door and Sawyer quickly puts on his shirt before opening the door. "What's up Aiden?" He asks and I get up to stand behined him. "Caleb is crying" He says and Sawyer rushes to their room. Aiden looks at me and puts his thumb in his mouth. "Let's get you back to bed, yeah?" I say and he nods before walking back to his room.

I follow him and Sawyer is trying to calm Caleb down, "What's wrong my sweet boy?" He asks and Caleb hiccups, "Nu buttewcup" He says crying harder and Sawyer cringes at how he forgot his favorite lamb. "We'll go find her right now Caleb. And Aiden take your thumb out of your mouth" He says before leaving to go find Buttercup and Aiden puts his thumb right back in his mouth. "Aiden you head your daddy. You should use a pacifier instead, I don't want you hurting your teeth" Aiden shakes his head and crawls back under his covers. As I was about to say something else Sawyer came back in with a happier-looking Caleb. "Alright crisis averted" He says and puts Caleb back in his crib. Caleb giggles and crawls under the covers so you can't see him. "Oh my goodness where did Caleb go?" Sawyer asks and Caleb giggles throwing his hands up causing the blanket to rise just enough so you could see his face. "Oh, there you are. I thought I lost you" He shakes his head and kisses him goodnight.

He goes over to Aiden, "Aiden I told you to take your thumb out of your mouth" He says strictly and Aiden whines hiding under his covers. "You will get a paci, not your thumb" He says handing Aiden a paci and Aiden takes it regretfully putting it into his mouth. We exit the room and go back to his bedroom. We continued where we left off before Aiden came into the room and enjoyed the rest of the night without any interruptions. To say we had a good night was an understatement.   

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