Chapter 10

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Sebastian POV

I look at the clock all day wanting to leave to get back to Oliver. I miss him so much and ever since he told me that he loved me, it made it even harder to leave him this morning. Currently, I am sending out emails to clients that I have and I file papers to make the time pass. I meet with a couple of my clients over zoom and in person. I glance at my watch and see that it is 4:55. I start to pack up my stuff, putting all of it in my backpack and quickly clocking out. I head to my car, exhausted and I start the car, heading to Austin's house.

I pull up to the driveway and turn off my car, opening the door and making my way to the front door. I knock on the door and a few seconds later, Austin opens up the door but with no Oliver. "Hey Seb. Right on time" He laughs as he lets me in, I step past him and all of a sudden, I feel someone crash into my legs. I look down to see Oli hugging my legs tightly. Oli looks up at me smiling widely and giggling, "Daddy! Miss you!" He lets go and starts bouncing around, I laugh at his behavior "I guess Oliver really missed you" He laughs and I see Oli making grabby hands. I pick him up and tickle his tummy, "I missed you too my little Oli" I hold him on my hip and he lays his head on my chest, "Were there any problems?" I ask Austin, "There was only one incident where he started to become fussy sitting in the highchair and he became a little anxious seeing Kalen playing with his storybook" I hear Oli whine at the mention of his behavior and hide his face in my chest. "I see. That went better than I thought to be honest. I was surprised to hear that Oli didn't react when Kalen had his storybook seeing that Kalen is a lot younger than Oli" Austin nods his head, "Yeah me too but I was happy that he didn't react. I think the reason why he doesn't like being around older littles is that he doesn't want to be seen as the baby of the group. Not saying he is ashamed of being his little age, more like not fitting in or being made fun of" I listen to Austin and he makes a good point. Oli is younger than most littles that we have seen in public or I have known. "But Oli is a very well-behaved little boy. He is incredibly sweet and caring. I tried to get him to color but all he wanted was his dinos" I laugh and shake my head, "Oh yeah, he's definitely not a coloring type of little. He is obsessed with dinosaurs and it's adorable" I rub his head and he relaxes into my hand "Will you be dropping him off here tomorrow as well?" I nod my head "Yes. I hope that he can stay here while I work from now on, knowing that he does okay here" I see Austin smile "That's perfect. I love having him" I look down and smile at Oli, "Alright. Well, I should get him home and make some dinner. I really appreciate you watching him. Say bye Oli" Oli looks at Austin and says a loud bye. "Bye Oliver. It was really nice spending the day with you" I wave goodbye to Austin as we leave the house and head towards my car. I buckle him into his car seat and I cover him with his blanket. I head over to the driver's seat and hop in, starting the car and making my way back home.

The drive home was Oli telling me how he got to play with his toys all day, information about Kalen, how he ate yummy food, and watched his favorite dino show. I smiled and took in the information he told me "I am glad you had a good time Oli" I smile as we park and I grabbed my backpack from the passenger's seat, heading to the back door where Oli is. I unbuckle him and set him on his feet. I grab his blanket and close the door. We walk to the front door and I get my keys out, I open the door and we step inside. I close the door behind me and I tell Oli to take off his shoes and set them at the door. He sits down on the floor and I see that he is struggling with the laces. I set my backpack down on one of the kitchen chairs and I go back to the front door, he doesn't notice when I come back inside, "Off shoes. Now!" He tells his shoes and I can't help but let out a little chuckle. He must have heard me because he looks straight at me with a slight pout as he points at his shoes, "Help pwease daddy" I coo at him and walk over to him, bending down to untie the laces and slip them off of his feet. He smiles when they come off and tells me to thank you before running off to play, "Oli wait a second" He stops and looks back at me, "Since you had a good day at daycare, would you be okay with going there while I work from now on?" He puts his finger on his chin and nods his head, "Daycare okay. Miss daddy but wike it dere" He smiles and lets out a little giggle when he sees me smile, "I'm glad Oli. You can go play now. Thank you" He runs off to the living room to play with his toys. Phew, dodged a bullet there. I was worried he wouldn't like it there and try to fight me when I brought him.

I start to prepare a quick dinner since I am exhausted. I thought Oli would be more tired but he seems to be a jumping bean. I whip together some pasta with alfredo sauce and put it into a bowl for Oli. I go into the living room and my eyes widen with a confused look on my face as Oli runs around the living room with his dino toy. He notices me holding food and starts jumping towards me giggling, making grabby hands for the bowl. I sit down on the couch and he sits next to me on his knees. "Oli. I need you to be honest with me. Did Austin give you sugar?" He looks at me with big puppy dog eyes, "Is candy! Dere bowl wif wittle snackies and tell me dey candy!" He giggles as he speaks and I am internally cussing in my head at Austin for allowing him to have candy but mainly for giving me back a hyper little that will not sleep tonight.

The rest of the night doesn't go very well. Oli is currently having a tantrum about going to bed. I check my watch, it reads 8:30 pm. "Oli I will tell you one more time before you are put in the corner, it is bedtime. Daddy is very tired and his little boy needs his sleep" Oli starts to whine again and flops himself on his nursery flooring, kicking the floor in the process. "NO!" He starts to cry and I rub my face. Usually, his teether or his blanket calms him down but not this time. I keep my cool and I get his crib ready with his blanket and his teether as well as his paci. I walk out of his nursery to get him a bottle but he only comes running after me with tears running down his face and his fingers in his mouth. I grab some tissues as I bend down to wipe his face and blow his nose. I pick him up as he starts crying again and grab a bottle of milk I had prepared in the fridge. I walk back to his nursey and set him in his crib, he stands up and makes grabby hands over the bars for me as I grab a new diaper setting it on the changing table. I put the bottle in his mouth as I hold it for him, he puts his hands over mine and lightly suckles on the milk. I lean against his crib and I look up to see a mobile I forgot I put up there. I turn it on and it plays a lullaby, Oli looks up at the mobile making music and spinning. After a little while, I see his eyes becoming droopy and he is calming down. I take the bottle out of his mouth and I set the bottle on the ground as I lay him on the changing table. He is falling asleep as I change his diaper and set him back in the crib. He takes his paci over his teether and I cover him with his blanket. I shut the nursery door quietly and I check my watch, it reads 8:45. I immediately head to bed and go to sleep, it's going to be an exhausting morning. 

Little Oli (DDLB story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang