Chapter 21

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I wake up later than usual since I don't have to drop Oli off at daycare so I make him some oatmeal with cut-up fruit. I bring Oli's backpack out to the car and head back inside until I hear little whines coming from the baby monitor. I head to the nursery and see Oli sitting up rubbing his eyes, clutching his blanket and his teether in front of him on the mattress. "Good morning, Oli" He looks up at me, smiling and making grabby hands for me. I pick him up with a smile and lay him down on the changing table, I quickly change his diaper and change his clothes. He really wanted to wear a different dino shirt today so I put him in that and pulled up his overalls. I grab his shoes, putting them by the front door before I set him in his highchair. He starts to eat, happily humming and swinging his legs. I drink the rest of my coffee until Oli says he's done. I kiss his head and take him out of the high chair, I check my watch and it reads 8:05. We have to leave asap so I grab my backpack put it over my shoulders, and look for Oli. He is playing with his sound toy in the living room, "Oli we need to go now" He looks up at me, "Daddy play!" I shake my head, "Oli I am taking you to my work today remember? So, you can play with your toys all day today but we need to leave now. Remember to take your blanket" He gets up, grabs his blanket from his highchair and he takes my hand, I tell him he is a good boy for listening and he blushes.

Getting Oli into the car was easy and the drive was smooth with not much traffic so we arrive at my work about 10 minutes early. I grab Oli's backpack, open his door, and set him on his feet after unbuckling him. He looks up at the building, "Tall" He mutters under his breath and I smile at him. "It's very tall baby boy. That's where daddy works" I take his hand and I lead him into the building after I got my backpack on my shoulders. The doors open automatically and I press the button for the elevator. While we wait, Oli talks about what he saw on the dino show last night and I interject when he waits for a response. The elevator beeps as the doors open and we step inside. I press the button for the third floor and the elevator starts up. Eventually, we reach the floor and I check my watch, 8:28. Perfect, right on time. We step out and the secretary automatically coos at Oli, "And who is this?" She asks looking down at Oli and he smiles up at her, "I Oli" He says proudly, "That is a very cute name. It is very nice to meet you Oli" I smile at the interaction and he says his goodbye as I head to my office. Oli looks around at all of the people and the office equipment but also the plants of course. I open the door to my office and set my things on my desk while I put Oli's backpack against a wall, letting go of Oli's hand. Thankfully he doesn't really notice.

I pull out my laptop, set it on the desk, and open it up. I look over at Oli who is looking out the window and smiling, "Daddy! We up high" I nod my head, walking up to him and looking out the window with him. I never really looked out my window and I see a bunch of trees along with plants, the parking lot directly below us, and other buildings in the distance. I go back to my desk, "What bubbles do?" I hear Oli ask me as I plug in my laptop, "He stays at home Oli. He will be okay" I see him look at me worried but his expression relaxes when I say that he is okay. Oli goes over to his backpack and dumps his toys, giggling as he does so, and sits his padded butt on the ground near my desk. I smile as he opens his storybook and kicks his feet as he goes page through page.

Oli doesn't make much noise except for his giggles and squeals. I hear a knock at the door and Oli squeaks from the sudden noise, "Come in" The person opens the door and it's Ashton, I would say one of the only friends I have here. "Hey, Seb. I was- Woah" He stops mid-sentence and looks down at Oli smiling, bending down to his level "And who is this?" Oli giggles "I Oli!" He says maybe a little bit too loud but I don't mind, "Well hello there Oli. I'm Ashton, I'm your daddy's friend" Oli looks at me and then back at Ashton, "Daddy fwend" I nod my head and Ashton starts to talk about what he needed from me but sitting down next to Oli on the floor, "Oh yeah that law firm you were at last week had some more questions about the improvements you suggested" I nod my head and I see Oli trying to show him his dino toys. I tell him to forward me the email that he had received and I will email them my hours for when I can call. Once we finish up our conversation, Ashton stays to play with Oli. "Dis my dinosaur. Make noise when press button" He presses the button and a roar comes from the dinosaur, Oli giggles and Ashton smiles at him, "That's really cool Oli. I love your dinosaur toy" He says a small thank you, "Ugh I don't want to leave. He's just so cute and sweet" I look over at him and laugh, "Oli is the sweetest little boy I have ever met" Ashton nods his head and smiles, "If I finish my work early, I am coming back to hang out with him" He tells me as he gets up and I nod my head, "Of course. We would love to have you" I laugh and he exits the room as he says goodbye to Oli. Oli whines and looks at me, "Why leave?" I finish typing my sentence before turning my attention to him, "Ashton had to go back to work" He looks down at his toys with sad eyes and pushes his toys away with his feet. "Oli what's wrong?" He whines and I get up to get his teether along with his blanket, "Do you need a nap?" He shakes his head and I offer him his teether. He takes it from me and starts sucking on it going back to kicking his feet happily and setting up his dino train. Thank goodness it didn't turn into a tantrum.

Work is going by really quickly and Oli has been occupied with his toys for most of the day so far so I am happy about that. I notice it is lunch time which is a great time for myself as well as Oli to stretch his legs so I shut off my laptop and I turn to Oli. Oli is watching his dino train go around, "Oli are you hungry?" He looks up from his train and nods his head. I tell him to turn off the dino train and he does so, I grab my wallet and Oli takes my hand as I open the door. Luckily there is a café for all of the employees on each floor. Oli walks next to me with a big smile on his face as everyone says hello or smiles at him. We get to the cafeteria where there are so many options to choose from, "What would you like to eat Oli? There's pasta, soup, sandwiches, and hamburgers" He looks a little overwhelmed by all of the options so I offer something he might like, "How about some chicken noodle soup and some mac and cheese?" I look down at him and he eagerly nods his head. I grab a tray with 2 bowls filling them with soup and pasta. I grab a burger for myself and we go to find a table. Oli leads me to a table that is empty and away from people. I know he likes my coworkers but he would rather eat where people are not around. I set the tray down, putting the two bowls in front of him along with the silverware. I cut my burger in half and Oli starts on the mac and cheese until the soup cools down. He looks around happily at all of the scenery at my job and he looks at me giggling, "What are you thinking about Oli?" I ask him and he smiles, "Wike being wif daddy" My love for him grows every day, "I love being with my baby all day" I grab a napkin and rub the excess food off his face, he whines a little but goes back to eating.

After we finished lunch, I decided it would be a good idea if we walked around the office so everyone can get to know Oli as much as I don't enjoy other people's company, it would be important to know how he is. So, I introduce him to each of the departments on the floor, and they all commented on how cute he was. He was offered candy a few times which he happily took and ate it as we walked around. I made sure he didn't get too much since I don't want a hyper Oli. After everyone said their hellos and introductions, lunch was about to end and I start the walk back to my office Oli runs over to his Dino train, turning it back on and squealing when he sees the Dino's race each other. I smile at him as I sit down at my desk emailing clients back. After about an hour and a half, I hear a knock on my door before the door opens and it's Ashton. Oli squeals and gets up, jumping up and down, "Is this a bad time?" I shake my head and he smiles, closing the door. Ashton sits down in front of Oli's toys and he starts to babble about how his Dino train goes really fast and how his storybook makes the dinosaurs look really realistic. I give a little chuckle as Oli comes up to me pointing at the dinosaur, "What dat again?" I look over at the dinosaur, "That's a stegosaurus" He smiles and runs back to Ashton saying, "Stegosauwus!" Repeatedly until he feels he can remember it. Oli pulls out his Dino plastic toys and "fights" with the dinosaurs against Ashton. Then I hear Ashton speak up, "I know you take care of Oli by yourself. Have you ever thought about finding a partner?" I look over at him and shake my head. It's very interesting that people keep bringing up this topic. It's probably because people expect me to be with someone. "Partner?" Oli questions and looks at us confused, "A partner is someone who your daddy says is his boyfriend or girlfriend and they love each other a lot. I know your daddy loves you and it's the same kind of love but just a tiny different. Your daddy's partner would be with you and him forever" Oli still looks a little confused but nods his head. "Daddy has partner?" I look at him and chuckle, "No Oli. I don't have a partner. I have thought about it and I'd be open to the idea." Ashton smiles at me and I watch them play with Oli's toys for a little bit longer.

Maybe I should find a partner that I'd get along with. I don't want a girlfriend as I have no interest in girls but maybe it would be good for me to find someone. I smile at the thought and I think about how someone along with Oli would make me even happier than I am now. I would never replace Oli ever; I love him to death. So, I'd have to make sure my future boyfriend would be okay with me having Oli and get along with him since Oli is the most important. I finish out the work day, and Ashton kept Oli occupied for another hour or so which I was incredibly grateful for. I tell Oli to pack up his toys and I turn off my laptop. I see that he packed up all of his toys and he's holding his blanket, smiling at me and giggling. "My sweet boy" I kiss his head as I get out of my chair and I pick up his backpack. "Ready to go?" I ask him and he nods his head as he heads toward the door. I put my backpack on my shoulders and open the door as Oli heads out and we head towards the elevator. We eventually get to the car and I get him buckled into his car seat, heading into the driver's seat and going home. The car ride silence was filled with Oli talking about Ashton and how he liked playing with him the whole day. Once we get home, I get Oli into a new diaper, dressed in jammies, and fed some dinner before I head to bed. I smile to myself thinking about how happy Oli was today.  

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