Chapter 50

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After our beach trip, Oli wanted to go on more trips which made me really happy. Today he decided that the zoo was where we were going today. I had looked on the website to buy tickets and when Oli saw he wanted me to go through the whole website so he could see what was at the zoo. Seb and Oli were still asleep so I decided that it would be good for me to cook breakfast so we can be at the zoo when it opens. I made eggs for Seb and some oatmeal for Oli since I already know he is going to be hyper; he doesn't need more sugar. When the microwave beeps, I hear a little cry and I head towards the nursery. I open the door to see Oli sitting up with his stuffed dinosaur clutched to his chest and his fingers in his mouth. Once he sees me he makes grabby hands for me and I pick him up setting him on my hip.

I pull his fingers out of his mouth and replace it with his teether before he can start whining. "Are you excited about the zoo today?" Oli's eyes light up and he nods, "See animals!" He says and I laugh, "We're going to see a lot of animals today" I say as we walk out of the nursery and I set him in his highchair. I put the bowl of oatmeal on his tray which he happily starts eating and I smile at him. I love the zoo myself so I'm excited too. I hear the bedroom door open and Seb walks out. 'Hey. I made some eggs for you" I hand him the plate and he smiles, "Thank you. That's so sweet" He says sweetly and I kiss his lips. He walks over to Oli kissing him on the head before he sits down at the table, "Daddy! See da animals today" I grab my cup filling it with coffee before sitting down next to him, "Yes, we are! I'm excited" Seb says which makes Oli giggle. "What time do you want to leave?" Seb asks me and I shrug, "I was thinking around 9:30 so we could get there when the zoo opens" He nods and I set my coffee cup down.

Once breakfast was finished, I take Oli out of his highchair and he immediately runs to his dino tent. I hear him tell his toys that he is going to see animals which makes me smile. I pick up his backpack along the way and put it in front of his room before getting dressed myself. "Do you think Oli will get overwhelmed with all of the people/" I hear Seb ask me as I take off my shirt and replace it with a clean one. "I think he might get a little nervous so it's important that we're there but encourage him" I say with a smile and slip on some pants. "Yeah, you're right" Seb says getting dressed, "I'm going to go pack Oli's stuff and then we'll be ready to go" I say before leaving to go pack.

After everyone was dressed and backpacks were packed, we were ready to go. Oli had insisted on taking his dino stuffie with him which of course we said yes to. I lock the door behind me as I head to the car already seeing Oli in the back swinging his feet ready to go. I get in the driver's seat, putting the backpacks near Seb's feet. "Any last-minute things we need to get or are we ready?" I ask Seb and Oli, "I think we're okay. Extra diapers, check, change of clothes, check. Oli has his teether and dino stuffie" I nod my head and pull out of the driveway heading towards the zoo. Oli wanted to play I Spy again but Seb said no since Oli doesn't really understand the rules. So I suggested the license plate game which both of them agreed to forgetting all about I Spy.

Once we got to the parking lot Olo had won the license plate game with a little help. Well maybe a lot of help but he was so happy when he kept getting points. Seb grabs the backpacks while I get a wiggly Oli out of his car seat. I set him on his feet and he immediately starts to run towards the entrance but I grab his hand, "No running off Oli" I tell him as I close the door and Oli nods his head not even being fazed by me being stern. We walk up to the big sign that had some animals welcoming us to the zoo. Oli jumped up and down when he saw the sign but immediately lost his smile when he saw we had to stand in line. He tried looking around the people to get a look inside the zoo but to no avail. "Daddies zoo!" He says pointing to the entrance, "Yes I know baby boy but we have to wait in line so they can scan our tickets" Oli doesn't understand and pouts.

He crosses his arms and sits on the ground, "Come on Oli. I don't want you sitting on the ground" I say bending down to him and grabbing under his armpits to pick him up but he shoves me away. I look at him surprised, "Nu! Zoo now" He says frustrated and I sigh, "I know you want to see the zoo right now but we have to be patient" Oli shakes his head and sniffles rubbing his eyes with my fists. He lets me pick him up and I bounce him, trying to calm him down. "Hey, it's okay. We're still going to see animals baby boy" I say which makes him nod and he keeps a tight grip on my shirt. Finally, the line starts moving and Oli starts to perk up a bit seeing how close we are to getting in.

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