Chapter 27

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I internally sigh and my heart wrenches seeing him like this. "Oli" I say and Oli turns around, rubbing his eyes and making grabby hands. I walk over to him, pick him up, and bounce him to try and calm him down. "What's wrong Oli? Can you talk to daddy?" He hiccups and leans his head on my chest, "Gabe no daddy, why mean?" Oli says and I look at him upset, "Oli, Gabe wasn't being mean to you. Even when it may seem like that, he was making sure that you didn't run in the house and hurt yourself." Oli looks down at his lap and fidgets with his fingers, "I sowwy daddy. Nu know dat but weally wike Gabe. Want him dada" My eyes widen as I look forward and then down at Oli, "You want Gabe to be your dada?" Oli nods his head and rubs snot on his arm, I pick him up with him on my hip and grab a tissue. I wipe the snot off of his nose along with his arm. "If you wanted Gabe to be your dada, then why did my little Oli get upset?" I sit back down with him in my lap and he whines a little bit, "Nu know how to say wike talk to daddy. No understand" I rub his head; he doesn't know how to communicate with Gabe because he isn't officially his dada and he hasn't known him long enough to fully understand his style of "parenting". I understand that Oli is confused in a lot of ways but it doesn't make it okay that he doesn't communicate. "I know that this is all very new for you and you don't understand who to listen to or how to say how you feel around Gabe but that's okay. It will take some time Oli, as long as you try that's what matters okay?" He looks up at me with his adorable face and nods his head, "Yes daddy. I twy" I kiss his head and smile at him, he seems a little bit better but I think talking to Gabe is going to do some good.

I set Oli on the ground and open the nursery door, "Hey Gabe? Can you come here for a second?" I see him look my way and get up, walking towards me. I head back to Oli who hides behind my leg as Gabe walks into the room, "Is there anything you want to say to Gabe?" Oli whines and pushes his head into my leg, "Embarrassed" I hear him mumble and I let out a little chuckle, "There is no need to be embarrassed Oli. You can do it" I smile a little and look towards Oli as he comes out behind my leg a little looking up at Gabe, "Sowwy I nu talk and run away" He says sadly and Gabe bends down to his level, "It's okay Oli. I'm not mad at you, I was sad because I made you feel upset" Oli shakes his head, "No sad" I rub his head looking at Gabe, "So Oli and I were talking. The reason why he ran away was that he didn't know how to communicate his feelings towards you and got a little confused" Gabe nods his head, understanding what I mean. "You can tell me anything Oli. I want you to trust me and feel comfortable telling me how you feel" Oli nods his head and starts to put his fingers in his mouth, "Also I know it is very early and there is no pressure between you or Oli" Gabe stands up and looks at me confused, "Oli expressed to me that he wants you to be his dada" I tell him cautiously and Gabe doesn't say anything, Oli goes back to hide behind my leg because he's nervous. "Yes" Is all I hear before I look at him, he has a big smile on his face and is practically beaming. Oli looks behind my leg at him in shock and he giggles behind his fingers. "You are sure it's not too soon?" I want to make sure before he regrets it later, I would feel awful, "Yes, I'm sure. I knew I wanted you guys in my life the first day I met both of you" I look at him fondly, putting my hands in his hair and pulling him into a kiss and I feel him smile. "Kissy!" I hear Oli say as I break away from the kiss and I look at Gabe who is smiling widely. I laugh a little before I bend down to give Oli a kiss on the forehead. He gets excited and jumps around the room.

Gabe is such a wonderful partner and caretaker for Oli. Eventually, we all exit the nursery and I let Oli out into the backyard to run some of his energy off. Gabe and I are sitting next to each other on the benches I have outside watching Oli. "Is he usually this hyper?" Gabe laughs and watches Oli run around making dinosaur sounds, "Not really. It's rare that he is but as long as it gets him tired for bedtime" I look at my watch and see that it is 2:30. I need to go grocery shopping again sometime because I am running out of food to make for Oli and me. I stare off into space until Gabe is calling my name, "Seb? Are you okay?" He looks at me and I laugh awkwardly, "Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking about how I have to grocery shop" Gabe looks at me and smiles, "Well, how about today? It would be good to get Oli out again and I was thinking we could go to the park tomorrow?" He offers and I happily oblige. I haven't taken Oli to a park yet so it would be good for him to experience that. We both get up from the bench and I call Oli over. He happily runs over to us and I lead him to the nursery to get him changed since he can't wear a t-shirt and a diaper to the store. "Where go?" He asks as I lead him to the nursery, "We're going to the store. I need to get some more food for you to feed your tummy" He giggles when I say that and I get him dressed in some pants and overalls along with his dino sweater. I hand him his teether and he takes it happily.

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