Chapter 35

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We arrive at the toy section and Oli happily skips down the aisle looking at all of the toys, "I knew you'd crack" Gabe says with a small smirk, "Oh shut up. It was the only way to get him to buy a non-dino shirt" Gabe nods, "Right. Because you just negotiated with a two-year-old" I look over at him with a smile and he smiles back shaking his head, "Yes, I did Gabe. And it's only one toy so hopefully it won't cause too much trouble" I turn back to Oli and he is looking at one specific toy which he comes running back with, "Dis one daddies!" He holds up a plastic dinosaur that moves around and makes noise but also talks to you. "Good choice Oli" Gabe says and Oli blushes with a big smile on his face. We arrive at the cash register, pay for everything, and take the bag to the car. I open the door and I pick Oli up, setting him in his car seat. Gabe and I both get in the car just as Oli whines, "Dada wan dino" Gabe turns around to look at Oli, "I know but we'll be home soon. I promise" Oli looks ready to cry as he pulls on the straps of the car seat. I pick up his backpack from in front of me and I pull out his teether, "Here Oli" He perks up and makes grabby hands for his teether. I give it to him and he immediately puts it into his mouth with small whines as we leave the parking lot.

Gabe and I talk as Oli looks out the window, kicking his feet. I smile as we pull into the driveway and I get out, walking to Oli's door and opening it. I pick up Oli and set him on his feet with his teether still in his mouth. Oli takes Gabe's hand and leads him to the front door as I follow behind him with the store bag in my hand. I unlock the door, letting both of them inside and setting the bag on the ground near the closed door. "Dada juice?" Oli looks up at Gabe and he nods, "Sure Oli" He lets go of his hand and heads toward the kitchen. I pull out Oli's toy, cutting it away from the cardboard and Oli makes grabby hands for it, "Pwease daddy" I smile at him and hand it to him as he runs away squealing to the living room. Gabe comes into the living room and hands Oli his sippy cup, turning to me afterward. "Can I talk to you?" He asks and I feel my heart starting to beat quickly from the unknown.

I lean against the counter and look at him, "What's wrong?" He looks at me with a soft expression, "When I was getting Oli's sippy cup, I opened a cabinet by accident and I saw medication with your name on it" I take a deep breath and nod my head, "Yeah. I have ASD, Atrial Septal Defect. I was born with the defect and I take medication to reduce the symptoms" Gabe nods his head and looks sympathetic towards me, "I'm not upset at you for not telling me. I would have liked to have known but I understand" I internally groan, "I know. But whenever I tell people about it, they want to feel bad for me and it makes me uncomfortable to receive sympathy for something like that" I look at him embarrassed and fidget with my fingers, "I understand Seb. I just want to know more so I can help you" He smiles at me and I blush to give a little nod, "I know and I love you for that" He kisses me and puts his hand on the small of my back, "Anything else I need to know?" Gabe asks when he pulls away from me and I think for a second, "I had heart surgery when I was younger to fix the hole, and every month or so, I have to go to the hospital to have my heart checked" I say and Gabe kisses my head, "I would love to be apart of that if you'll have me" I laugh and nod my head, "Of course" Gabe takes my hand as we go to the living room seeing Oli who is standing, watching his dino toy move around the room. I smile at him play and think it's the cutest thing ever.

Gabe and I were watching a movie after we set up the bed for Conner in Oli's room, which was appropriate for Oli as well, and I hear the doorbell go off. I look at the clock and realize it's already 8 o'clock. I get up with Gabe following after me and I open the door, being met with Grayson and Conner. "Hey Seb" I greet him and invite him in for a short time, "Hey Gray. Hi Conner" Conner smiles at me but gets shy when he sees Gabe, "I really appreciate you doing this for me. I can't thank you enough" I tell him it's no problem, "This is Gabe. My boyfriend" Grayson smiles at him and they shake hands, "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you" Gabe smiles and lets out a little laugh, "I'd sure hope so" Gabe looks over at me and I chuckle. "Alright Conner I have to go" Grayson bends down to his level and lets out a small whine, "I'll see you in a couple of days, okay? I love you" Conner pouts a bit but nods his head, "Bye Daddy. Wuv chu too" Grayson kisses his head and says his goodbyes.

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