Chapter 34

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We finally arrive home and Seb puts Oli on his feet. He immediately runs towards the door, "What's the rush Oli?" I ask him letting out a small chuckle as Seb opens up the door, "I missed my toys" I nod my head and Oli goes straight for his toys, dumping out his whole toy box. I sigh looking at the mess, knowing it is going to be a hassle trying to get Oli to clean it up. Oli takes notice of my expression and looks at me nervously, "I sowwy dada" Seb looks at me confused and then turns to see the mess understanding why I sighed, "What? No no it's okay Oli. I'm not upset" Oli's facial expression softens and nods his head as he goes back to getting his toys situated. I follow Seb into the kitchen and I lean against the counter, "We're going to teach him how to clean up after himself" Seb glances at me and nods his head, "I agree. I tried for so long on my own to teach him so maybe he will listen to you" I laugh and Seb looks at me, "Yeah, we'll see about that" Seb scoffs, "Seriously Gabe? Do you see the way he looks at you and wants to be near you? He loves you so much" I smile and a blush form on my face. I know Oli has created an attachment to me but it doesn't mean he shouldn't listen to Seb. "I know but he needs to listen to both of us. Not just me or you" Seb shrugs but nods his head, "I know. He's very stubborn sometimes" I know Seb loves Oli like crazy and so do I but Seb has me now so he shouldn't be so stressed out when he's with the both of us.

I keep an eye on Oli while Seb made dinner after our talk and hearing Oli's giggles makes my heart grow fonder for him. I hear Seb say dinner is ready so I get up and Oli giggles running to the kitchen but I catch him by his arm, "You have to clean up your toys Oli" Oli whines and looks up at me, "Hungry dada" I nod my head understanding, "Yes I know Oli but you can't leave a mess" I hear Seb come into the living room and Oli looks between the two of us, "Daddies help?" I look over at Seb who is looking back with a raised brow, shaking his head. "No Oli. You need to learn that if you make a mess with your toys, you need to clean it up yourself" Seb says which makes Oli whine louder, "Bu daddy help befowe" It's understandable that Seb helped him a couple of times but now things are going to change a bit, "Yes I did Oli but now it's your turn to prove to us that you're a big boy and can do it by yourself" Seb tries to say enthusiastically and Oli looks at us, "Big boy?" He asks and we nod our heads letting out a small chuckle, "Otay daddies" He says before he picks up his toy box and starts to put the toys inside, one by one.

I look at him stunned and confused. I look over at Seb who has a similar expression on his face, "What just happened?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders, "I guess Oli wants to prove he is a big boy" I chuckle at him as both of us walk back into the kitchen with Seb plating the food and I grab a sippy cup for Oli. I fill it with apple juice and set it on the table. I hear Oli run into the kitchen with a big smile on his face, "Done daddies!" Seb nudges his head toward the living room to make sure Oli did clean up his toys. I walk in with Oli following behind me and checking the toy box, he really did clean up all his toys. "What a good boy Oli" I say and he squeals, jumping up and down. He makes grabby hands for me and I pick him up, walking back into the kitchen. "He cleaned all of his toys all by himself" Seb smiles and tickles his tummy, "I'm so proud of you Oli" Oli blushes and lets out a little giggle. I sit down with him in my lap and Seb sits next to me.

I try to get Oli to take one more bite but he shakes his head, "No mowe" Oli whines and gently pushes my hands away as he sits back against my chest, "Okay Oli. Your little tummy is full" He looks up at me giggling when I say that and looks at Seb, "Daddies funny" Seb laughs and Oli grabs his sippy cup, holding it to Seb "Mowe? Pwease?" Seb takes the cup and kisses his head, "Such good manners" Oli blushes as Seb walks into the kitchen to fill it with more apple juice and gives it back to Oli, "Tankies" He says and starts suckling on his sippy when Seb's phone starts to ring. He goes to find it while I take care of Oli, "You want to go watch your dino show or play with your toys baby boy?" Oli perks up and nods his head so I set him on his feet as he runs off to the living room with his sippy still in his mouth. I take the plates to the kitchen, put them in the dishwasher, and head back to Oli. I enter the living room, "Dada!" I hear Oli say and he runs towards me, grabbing my hand, "What's up Oli?" He whines and points at the TV, "Dada help wif show" I pat his head and I let go of his hand, turning on the TV to his dino show.

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