Christmas Special!! 🎄

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It was finally Christmas time and I was excited to spend the holiday with Oli as I know he will love it. He is currently eating his breakfast as I put the last dish in the washer. I am in a good mood as I head back into the dining area and I smile at Oli who now as oatmeal all over his face. I grab a napkin, run it under the water and walk back into the dining area. I sit next to Oli and wipe his face, "Daddy staph" he says as he tried to push my hands away from his face, "I need to wipe your face baby boy. Just a second" I wipe the last bite of oatmeal off of his face and he wipes his face with his sleeve, "Icky" He mumbles and I let out a little chuckle before I throw away the napkin. "You know Oli" I start to say and I pick him up out of his highchair to set him on his feet, "Christmas is coming up soon and Santa needs a Christmas list from you" Oli's eyes light up and he starts bouncing on his feet. "Wan see Santa daddy!" He says with a big smile and I nod my head, "I will make sure you see Santa Oli but we first need to make a list" I say, "Make now?" I chuckle so I nod my head and Oli runs to go get paper along with his crayons and markers. I clear off the small table in front of the tv and I hear his little footsteps running into the living room.

Oli giggles and sets his blank piece of paper along with his writing materials on the table. He sits in front of the tv and I sit on the couch behind him as he starts to write his list. I smile at how quickly and focused he is writing his list. I turn on the tv to his dino show and I pull out my phone to keep myself occupied. I check the schedule for when Santa will be at the mall to take pictures and such. I see that this weekend would be the perfect weekend to go since we have nothing going on and it would be good for Oli to see Santa early. I notice Oli get up and face me, "Daddy I done" He says and I put my phone down, "Can I see?" He looks at his list and then up at me, "Otay bu chu haf to pwomise no show to anyone else" I nod my head and hold out my pinky, "I promise" He giggles and interlocks his pinky with mine. He hands me his list and scan it over. The typical toys that are mainly dinosaur themed but at the end of the lsit I see an interesting request. A dinosaur with a star next to it. "Da ones wif da staw I weally wan" I nod my head slowly and see that he started some other toys that he has been asking for every time we go to the store.

I look at him and he smiles widely waiting for my response to his list. "I love your lsit Oli. I have one question, when you wrote dinosaur, did you mean an actual dinosaur or a big dinosaur toy?" I ask him and he nods, "Yes! Wan BIG dinosaur" He says while spreading his arms out as far as they would go. "Okay baby boy. I will try my best to make that happen" I say and he seems happy by my answer so he climbs on my lap. I kiss his forehead, "What do you think about seeing Santa today? Since you made your list so quickly, we could drive to the mall" He squeals and my eyes go wide. I have never seen him so excited to do something before. I mean he was very excited for Halloween but apparently Santa is a whole different level of excitement. "Alright so then it's settled. We're going to see Santa today" I smile as Oli hops around obviously very excited.

I take Oli's list and set it on the counter so I don't lose it and I tell him to go play with his toys for a little bit before we leave. I need to get his backpack ready and order his Christmas gifts online. I pull out my phone to order his gifts and I see a text from Austin asking me what Oli wanted for Christmas so I head out to the kitchen to take a picture of his list. Oli comes running to me and looks up at me, "Yes Oli?" I ask him, "See Santa now?" he asks hopeful but I shake my head. "Not yet. I need to get you dressed and your backpack ready to go" Oli pouts a little but perks up, "I help! Wan go daddy" He takes my hand and pulls me to his nursery. He goes through his clothes and I quickly send a picture of his list to Austin, putting my phone back into my pocket.

I see him tugging on a green stripped shirt so I walk over to him and pull the shirt off of the hanger. I pick him up and set him on the changing table so I can unclip his onesie. I pull it over his head and slip the shirt over his head. "Overalls or pants?" I ask turning to him, "Pant pwease" I nod my head and get some pants from his drawer walking back over to him. I slip the pants up his legs and over his diaper, picking him up and setting him on his feet. "You look adorable baby boy" Oli looks at me with a big smile and he giggles. "Now Santa?" I nod my head and he runs out of the nursery. I follow him and he is trying to open the front door, "Oli" I say and he squeaks, turning around with his hands behind his back now stepping away from the door. 'What were you trying to do?" He bites his lip and shakes his head, "Nofin" I narrow my eyes at him, "You know you have to wait for daddy then we can go" Oli nods his head and walks over to me making grabby hands. I pick him up and I grab his backpack heading back to the nursery to pack diapers, paci, teether, his blanket, and an extra pair of clothes.

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