Chapter 52

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Since it was summertime, the fair was in town which meant lots of sugary snacks and fair rides. I told Oli about the rides and he seemed excited but I think as soon as he sees how big they are, he might change his mind. Seb said that Oli might get tired from walking so much which is true but I got him some good shoes for walking. I'm prepared for a tantrum about how hot it is, how he's hungry, he's tired from walking, or how one of us said no to a toy he wanted. Seb and I were going to take bets but that's a little insensitive towards Oli. So of course, we decided against it. But I made sure to pack a lot of supplies for everyone so we don't die in the heat.

I'm currently getting Oli ready while Seb packs the backpack, "Dada wan go fair" Oli says as I slip off his dino pjs. "We're going to go as soon as you are dressed baby boy" Oli giggles as I get up to go through his clothes. I decide on some shorts with a green striped shirt and a little dino poking its head out of the pocket. I slip it over his head and as I go to slip the shorts up I notice he needed a change so I pick him up, setting him on the changing table. I grab a new diaper setting it to the side as I take off his used one. I quickly change him into a dry one and set him on his feet, pulling the shorts up his legs. "All set Oli" He giggles when he sees himself in the mirror and runs to go show Seb. He's a bundle of energy this morning.

I walk out of the nursery to hear Oli telling Seb all about his outfit and how I picked out the best outfit. "Everyone see dino!" He says excitedly and Seb nods along with a smile on his face. "I see Oli is excited and ready to go" He says to both of us which makes Oli go to grab a toy to take on the car ride there. "Everything packed?" I ask, "Yep! I got water, extra pair of clothes, sunscreen, and snacks in case Oli gets hungry" Perfect. All of the essentials. "I just need to put on my shoes and then we can go" He nods his head before putting the backpack on his shoulders, "Oli we need to get your shoes on" I say as I slip my second shoe onto my foot. I grab Oli's Velcro shoes just as Oli appears in front of me, "Alight take a seat" He sits on his butt stretching out his legs, and wiggling his feet. I quickly slip his shoes onto his feet and he stands up bounding with excitement. "Everyone ready?" Seb asks one last time and I check for my phone before nodding my head.

Seb opens the door and a blast of heat hits our faces making me sweat almost immediately. It doesn't faze Oli at all as he runs to the car trying to open the door. Seb locks the door as I unlock the car getting Oli situated in his seat. I get into the driver's seat and Seb shortly follows after me getting in the passenger seat. Oli is very energetic so much that he keeps asking if we're there yet. "We there?" I hear Oli ask again and I shake my head, "No yet. Super close though. 5 minutes" Oli whines and pulls at the straps of his seat, "Hey. Don't pull on those Oli. I know you're excited but you need to be patient" Oli huffs and sits back in his seat. I know I'm the one who is stricter when it comes to Oli but I don't want to be seen as the bad guy all the time. I know Oli would never pick one of us over the other but sometimes I worry that I am too strict with him.

We arrive at the parking lot and I pick a shady spot so the car won't be too hot when we get back. I open up Oli's door first and I set him on his feet. He takes his dino stuffed animal with him, "Are you sure you want to take him?" Oli nods his head affirmatively, "You're going to have to hold him the whole time, okay?" Oli still nods his head and Seb turns towards me, "I have space in the backpack just in case he doesn't want to hold it anymore" I nod my head with a smile before we start the walk to the entrance gate. Oli is more focused on looking at the rides he can see from above the gate and he looks a little nervous, "The rides are big, huh?" I ask him and he shyly nods his head. "It's okay if you don't want to go on them Oli. Let me know and we can see lots of other things" Oli looks at me as we walk, "Nu go. Stay wif daddies" He says and I nod my head, "That's okay. If you change your mind let me or daddy know" Oli nods his head before I nudge Seb, "Oli doesn't want to go on the rides. He's a little nervous" Seb coos at Oli who slightly blushes.

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