Chapter 41

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I wake up to my alarm going off and I hear beside me. I look over to Gabe who is laying on his stomach with his face turned away from me, "Turn that off" He says annoyed and I reach over to turn off the alarm. I lean down and run kisses over his arms, that is when he faces me. "What are you doing?" He asks suspiciously and I smile at him, "Nothing" I shrug my shoulders and he grabs my waist from over the covers, pulling me onto his waist. He starts to rub my hips and I get off his waist, "Not right now. Later" I tell him and he pouts, "You promise?" He asks me and I chuckle, "Yes I promise" He gets out of bed and gives me a kiss before he heads to the bathroom. I get dressed before I head to Oli's room. I open up the door to see him still asleep so I quietly walk to his crib and nudge his shoulder. "Oli it's time to get up" Oli whines as he lets out a yawn and a small stretch, opening up his eyes. "Good Morning, Oli" I say and he tiredly smiles up at me, "Good Mowning" He says as he sits up and makes grabby hands to be let out. I pick him up out of his crib and set him on his feet. I get his outfit together and check his diaper before I change him. I open the nursery door just as Gabe was walking out in his suit, "Dada!" Oli says and Gabe picks him up, "Good Morning Oli. You look so cute today" Oli giggles which makes me smile.

I head to the kitchen to make Oli breakfast while Gabe gets Oli's backpack ready. We have come up with a system that works for us and that is Gabe packing Oli's backpack while I make breakfast. So I make him a quick bowl of oatmeal and set it on his highchair tray as Oli and Gabe hung out in the living room. Gabe comes in with Oli in his arms with Oli's head on his shoulder, "He's really tired" He says and I nod my head, "I'll let Austin know and he can take a nap at his house" Gabe nudges Oli's arm a bit and he wakes up a bit, "Oli are you hungry?" I ask him and he perks up a bit, nodding his head. Gabe sets him in his high chair and I hand him a baby spoon. He starts to dig into his oatmeal and I see Gabe set his backpack by the front door as I lean against the counter. "I love you" I hear Gabe say beside me and I look to my right, "I love you too. Thank you for helping me" He kisses me on the cheek and I smile.

Oli finished quickly so I set him on his feet, taking his bowl to the sink. "Dada" I hear Oli say, "Yes Oli?" I hear Gabe respond, "Wan sweep" Oli says. I feel bad that he's so tired but he only needs to stay awake for a little bit longer. "I know Oli but Daddy is taking you to daycare soon where you can sleep all you want" I step into the living room and Oli nods his head with a little bit of a pout. So I grab his backpack from the front door while Gabe grabs his coat and we head out the front door. I open the backdoor and get Oli clipped into his car seat as Gabe says goodbye. I close the door and watch as Gabe heads out of the driveway. I get in the driver's seat and head to Austin's house.

Oli was silent the whole drive from being tired so when I pulled up to Austin's house Oli looked a little relieved that he would be able to sleep now. I get him unbuckled and, on his feet, grabbing his backpack and heading to the front door. I open the door and step inside to be met by Austin. "Hey. It's good to see you both" I smile at him as I close the door behind me, "It's good to see you too. I wanted to let you know that Oli is feeling sleepy so if he could take a nap for a little bit" I tell him and he nods his head, "Of course!" I feel relieved that no other littles were here yet since Oli is a little bit of a light sleeper. I say my goodbyes to Oli and Austin, "Bye Oli. Be good and I'll be back later to pick you up" I kiss his head and gives me a hug before I exit the house.

Austin's POV

Oli takes my hand and I lead him to the nursery. I take off Oliver's overalls and leave him in his onesie so he's more comfortable. Oliver makes grabby hands to be picked up so I pick him up and set him in the crib. "Do you want your paci or your blanket?" Oliver nods his head. I head out to the living room to grab his backpack and head back to the room. I hand him his paci along with his blanket and he lays down. As soon as he hit the pillow, he was asleep and I left the room quietly. I head down to the living room to watch tv since I already did meal prep for Oliver's arrival.

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