Chapter 15

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I carry him into the kitchen as Austin is setting lunch down on the table, mini sandwiches with cut-up fruit. Austin smiles at us, "Aww well look at my favorite adorable duo" Oli smiles at that and Austin stops me to make sure everything is okay, "Yeah we talked it out and he understands now" Austin nods his head and I balance Oli on my hip as I get a plate from the cabinet. I take it over to the table, putting a sandwich and some fruit on a plate. I sit down at the table with Oli in my lap as Austin goes to pick up Kalen, setting him in a highchair. He gets a plate set up for him and puts it on his tray. I cut the sandwich in half and give Oli half; he happily takes it and starts munching on it. He plays with the hem of my dress shirt while he eats the sandwich.

Oli looks over at Kalen when he whines and then back at me, "It's okay Oli. He is just a little bit fussy right now" Oli nods his head and continues to eat his sandwich. All of a sudden, the plate that was on Kalen's tray is knocked over and makes Oli jump at the sudden noise. Oli lets out a whimper and I rub his head, to let him know that everything is okay. I grab a fork to stab the fruit with and hold it up to his mouth. He takes it off the fork and smiles at me as he chews. I kiss his head as I look over at Austin to see him struggling with a crying Kalen that does not want his paci. I try to think of a solution as all of the things that usually try with Oli aren't working. The only option I can think of would be a lullaby, which is usually calming, "What about a lullaby? Or a toy that creates calming noises?" I suggest to Austin and he turns to look at me with Kalen in his arms. "Yes! We should try that. I am very desperate" I laugh and offer the other half of the sandwich to Oli and he takes it with his mouth out of my hands. I look down to see him giggling, "What a silly little Oli I have" He shifts on my lap as he eats looking up at me with the biggest smile. I see Austin come back in with a mobile, he clips it to the back of the couch. I see he brought out a mat as well as a blanket and he sets it up in the living room. He lays Kalen down as he is crying and fussing and turns on the mobile which starts to play a lullaby. Kalen stops his crying and looks up at the mobile, causing a smile to form on his face and Austin offers him a teether which he happily takes. Kalen falls asleep to the sounds of the lullaby and Austin sighs, sitting down at the table with a big huff. "I can't thank you enough for sticking around today. I really appreciate it" I tell him it is no problem as I keep feeding Oli fruit from his plate.

I look down at Oli to see him leaning against my chest, his eyes becoming heavy. I coo at him as the lullaby lulls him to sleep along with his full tummy. I pick up Oli, and head to the nursery, I open the door and place him in the crib. He whines when he loses contact with me but I lay his blanket over him and he stops stirring. I grab the baby monitor as I quietly leave the nursery and I head down the hallway. I see Austin outside so I open the sliding glass door and close it quietly not to wake either of the littles. "Oli fell asleep after he ate so I laid him down in the crib" Austin nods his head and I pull out my pack of cigarettes, taking out one as I step away from the windows and light up. "I see that you're still smoking" He says in a non judgmental tone, thankfully. "Yeah, but never around Oli. I only do it when he is asleep, I don't want him to be exposed to it nor do I want him to know that I do" I hold the cigarette between my fingers, "As long as you are responsible with it, then I don't care" I give a little chuckle thinking to myself. "Oh! I forgot to tell you that Grayson found a little" I look at him surprised, "Really? That's great" I see Austin smile, "Yeah it is. He wanted him to meet Oliver on Sunday if you're cool with that" I take a drag and I think about it for a second, "How old is the little?" Austin pulls out his phone to recall the texts, "His name is Connor and he is 1-2 years old. He said his headspace varies but he is mostly in the 1-year-old headspace. He wants to try and socialize him with other littles so when he goes to daycare, it won't be as much of an issue" I listen and nod my head, "Sure. That would be fine. If he wants to come over to my house, that is totally okay" Austin smiles at that, he knows I don't offer to hold events at my place because I'm not a huge people person. "Awesome! I will let him know" He goes to text Grayson as I hear the baby monitor go off signaling that Oli is awake. "Shit" I see Austin gets up, "Don't worry, I'll go get him. You finish here and I'll bring him outside" I say a quick thank you.

I finish my cigarette and toss it on the ground, stepping on it and pulling out some gum. As I hear the sliding glass door open, I see a frustrated Oli making grabby hands for me. I take him from Austin's hold as he closes the door. "Oh Oli. What's wrong my sweet boy?" He lays his head on my chest as he calms down. "He wasn't happy not seeing his daddy waking him up from his nap" I chuckle at that and rub his head. Oli latches onto me and I bounce him as Austin and I talk for a little while. After about 20 minutes of Oli being awake, Kalen starts to wake up and we head back inside. While Austin gets Kalen awake, I take out my laptop from my backpack and set it on the couch. I notice it is empty so I assume Austin is in the nursery with Kalen. I set Oli on the couch, giving him some dino toys to play with and I sit down next to him, pulling my laptop onto my lap. I hear Oli's giggles and sounds as I open my laptop to check some emails. I hear Austin come back in with a calm Kalen and he sets him down in the living room in front of his toys. I watch Kalen for a second, he takes a toy presses all of the buttons and smiles when he hears the noise. I smile at him and turn back to my laptop, responding to emails from clients.

Oli's toy drops off of the couch and he goes to reach for it, I see his diaper is sagging a bit, and he comes back up and smiles at his toy. "Oli, I think you need a diaper change" Oli looks at me and shakes his head, "Nu. I otay" He goes back to playing and I set my laptop to the side. I pick him up and he whines making grabby hands for his toys, "Daddy play!" He says the whole way to the nursery, grabbing his backpack in the process. I lay him on the changing table once we enter the room and he hides his face behind his hands. I take off his overalls and lift up his shirt, taking the diaper off, wiping off the excess powder, and replacing it with a new diaper. I re-powder him and put a dry diaper on him. I button back up his overalls, he peeks behind his hands, "All done baby boy. Such a good boy" He smiles as I set him on his feet and he runs back to play with his toys.

The rest of the daygoes smoothly with Oli and Kalen being occupied with some toys. Then when Iturned on the tv for some background noise, the familiar dino show theme song,Oli dropped everything and started squealing. Kalen whined when he heard Oliand I laughed a little at how excited he is. About 2 hours later, Kalen's mommycame to pick him up and she was notified about the issues but rest assured thatwe were able to get through the day. She thanked both of us and went on herway. Austin closes the door and sighs heavily, "What a long day" I agree andnod my head as I look at my watch, 5:00. Oli and I should get going. I close mylaptop and put it back in my backpack just as Austin comes back into the room,"I can cook you guys' dinner if you want. You have been a huge help today and Iwant to repay you" I tell him he doesn't have to but he insists. Oli of coursesays yes because there is food involved. But I eventually say yes, given thathe mentions making sushi. I would die for sushi. I turn to Oli, "Have you everhad sushi before Oli?" Oli looks at me confused and shakes his head, "I thinkyou will like it, baby. It's vegetables and fish, wrapped up in seaweed" Olimakes a face when I mention vegetables, Austin and I laugh at his facialexpression

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