Chapter 65

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I never expected Oli to be the super clingy type as he has been good about going to daycare and playing with his toys by himself. But recently he's been incredibly clingy to Gabe and I don't know why. I know he was attached to me when he first came home with me but he become more independent when Gabe came along. Gabe wasn't feeling well last night so I told him that I would take care of Oli while he rested. The clinginess started when he woke up from a nightmare and I had to change his sheets. I didn't bother to set an alarm because I was exhausted and wanted to sleep as much as I could.

I woke up to Oli's face near mine with his paci in his mouth and his dino stuffie in his arm. I kiss his head and get up to use the bathroom. Once I walk out, I see Oli now rolled onto Gabe who looked a little pale so I decided that it would be good to get him some breakfast and medicine. I pull on my sweatpants and slip a shirt over my head before heading to the kitchen. I make some plain eggs and set them on a plate getting ready to walk back to the bedroom. I crack open the door to see Oli sitting up rubbing his eyes and letting out small yawns. "Good morning Oli" I whisper still noticing that Gabe is still asleep and Oli smiles at me. "Good mowning daddy" He says cutely and I notice his hair is all over the place so I set the plate down. I straighten up his hair and he giggles when I boop his nose.

I gently wake up Gabe and he groans rubbing his head. "Good morning. Do you feel any better?" I ask him as he opens his eyes and shakes his head. I coo at him and feel his forehead, it's a little warm so I don't think he has a fever. It might be a stomach bug he's experiencing. Gabe looks over to see Oli giggling and waiting for him to acknowledge him. "Hi Oli" Gabe says laughing and Oli pounces on him. "Be careful Oli. Dada is sick" I say gently and Oli gasps, "Dada sicky?" He asks and Gabe nods his head. "I take care of dada" Oli says and we both chuckle at him admiring how sweet he is. "I made you some eggs in case you were hungry" I say gesturing toward the table to the left of him. "Thank you, babe. That's so sweet" He says leaning up to kiss my cheek and I smile at him.

Oli whines and pouts crossing his arms. "What's wrong baby boy?" Gabe asks him and Oli looks away, "Wan kissy too" He mumbles and Gabe laughs kissing his cheek. I lean forward to kiss Oli on his cheek which breaks his tough face and turns it into giggles and smiles. Oli was very happy to receive kisses from both of us and we were more than happy to oblige. Gabe was saying that he had a headache so I got up to grab some medicine for him. Oli latched onto Gabe's arm which Gabe returned with rubbing his head. I grab some medicine from the cabinet and take out 2 pills along with a glass of water. I hand him the pills and the water when I get back to the bedroom. "Thank you" He says weakly and sits up with Oli still latched onto him. "Did Oli sleep here the whole night?" Gabe asks before taking his first pill and I shake my head. "He was in his crib for a while but then he had a nightmare" I say and Gabe looks at him sympathetically.

It's common for Oli to have nightmares about monsters so when I heard him crying, I had an idea what the problem was. "Did he have an a c c i d e n t? "Gabe spells out so Oli won't get embarrassed and I nod my head. "I put the sheets in the wash earlier this morning" I say and Oli doesn't understand what we're talking about, he's just playing with his dinosaur. "Well hopefully tonight will be better" Gabe says hopeful and I nod. "I hope so. I don't want him to have these nightmares so often" I rub Oli's head and he looks up at me with big eyes before picking up his dinosaur. "Rawr!" He says making the cutest little growling noise. "Oh very scary Oli" I say while I gasp and he giggles, "Dino nice pwomise" He says and I sigh, "Oh thank goodness" I say which makes Oli burst into a fit of giggles. He loves it when we interact with his stuffed animals and their stories.

After Gabe took the medicine, he fell back asleep so I took the new empty plate back to the kitchen putting it in the sink. I look through the fridge and I see that we need to go grocery shopping. I think it would be good to take Oli with me so he can get outside of the house and give Gabe some much-needed sleep. I walk back in to see Oli poking at Gabe's face and I quickly stop him, "Oli please don't do that. Dada needs to sleep" I say and he whines. "Wan dada!" He says loudly and I pick him up, carrying him out of the room. I closed the bedroom door and the whole time Oli was pushing on my chest to be let down. I set him on his feet and he immediately runs back to the bedroom trying to open the door. "Oli come here now" I say sternly and he shakes his head. He tugs on the door handle and I sigh. "Oli I'm not going to ask you again. Come here now" Oli rubs his eyes and looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

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