Chapter 18

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He is holding onto the sippy cup surprisingly well the rest of the time we are at the museum. We finally were able to see the giant tree Oli wanted to see as more people were leaving. I look at the map to see if there is anything else we need to see and I couldn't find anything else, "Is there anything you want to see Oli?" He looks up at me as we stop at the dinosaur skeletons, "Gift shop?" I can't help but laugh before I sigh contemplating it. He was a good boy beside his tantrum. "Okay Oli. Let's go to the gift shop" He jumps up and down until we get to the gift shop where he looks around once again at the dino toys. He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes, "Oli we talked about this. I let you look again because you were a very good boy the rest of the day but we will come back and you can get something" I see him fidget with his fingers, I am hoping not for another tantrum and he nods his head, taking my hand as we exit the museum. I look down at him and he seems okay but I don't want him to be upset. We head down the steps and start our walk back to the car, I pick him up setting him in his car seat buckling him in, reminding myself that I need to change him when we get home. I pick up his dino toys that fell on the ground and set them in his lap. I close the door and head to the driver's seat, setting my backpack in the passenger's seat. Oli took a nap on the way here so I don't think he'll sleep on the way home.

We are about 15 minutes away from home and I look back at Oli who is playing with his dino toys, he is making the dinosaur walk along his car seat and rawr at the other dinosaurs. I smile at him as I think about what to get for dinner, I don't feel like cooking or going out later as we walked all day. So, I pull into a drive-through, and Oli notices that we aren't home, "Where?" He asks and I smile back at him, "I'm going to get you some dinner for later in case you're hungry Oli" He smiles and starts swinging his feet, he squeaks when he hears the voice coming from the speaker, I order the cheeseburger kids meal with apple slices along with a chicken sandwich for myself with curly fries. I pull to the window and pay for the food as Oli looks at the restaurant with curious eyes when he sees the playground. He isn't like other littles who want to go to the playground all the time or uses a coloring book but he is special just the way he is. The window opens again and the lady hands me the food, putting it into the driver's seat. I drive off from the restaurant and start the few minute's drive home.

Once we pull into the driveway, I take Oli's backpack from the seat next to me and Oli is wiggling in his seat wanting to be let out. I pull his backpack over my shoulders as I hear a ding from my phone, probably Grayson still making sure we're on for tomorrow. I open Oli's door and unbuckle him, setting him on his feet and he runs off to the front door as I grab his blanket and his dino toys. I pick up the food in the process and head towards the front door as he is sitting on the bench by the front door. I smile at him as I open up the door, hopping off the bench and heading inside. I close the door behind me and I set the food on the counter. Oli runs over to the table and looks at the food curiously, "Have?" I turn around to see Oli pointing at the food and I head over to him. "Of course, Oli" I open up his kid's meal and I hand it to him, he takes it with a smile looking up at me, "Blanket?" I nod my head and go to his backpack, zipping it open and fishing out his blanket handing it to him. He takes it and runs off to the living room, I get curious so I walk into the living room to see him laying his blanket down and then he gathers his favorite toys setting them around like he's having a picnic. I can't help but smile at how cute he is being. I take his backpack and head to the nursery to unpack his toys but keep the extra diapers just in case.

I hear him giggling and talking to his toys but when I hear him stop and hear little footsteps running towards the nursey it makes me nervous. "Daddy" I look at him "Yes Oli?" He hands me a packaged toy and shakes his head; I take the toy and see that it is a dragon toy. I look at it confused before I realize why he doesn't want it, "Do you not want the toy because it's not a dinosaur?" He shakes his head and I smile at him, kissing his head and walking out of the nursery. I get some scissors to cut the plastic and I take the toy out of the plastic letting Oli look at it. He looks at it confused and takes it in his hand, looking up at me. "What it?" He points at it, "It's called a dragon. Dragons are in fairy tales and some of them breath fire" He squeaks and looks at me with wide eyes, "Nu fiwe!" I let out a little chuckle, "It's not real fire Oli. Just make believe" He softens his expression and nods his head slowly before he goes back to his little picnic. I watch him trying to incorporate the dragon in with his dino toys and I head to my bedroom to change my clothes. I get changed into sweatpants and throw my shirt into my laundry basket replacing it with a thin sweater.

I walk out of my bedroom with the laundry basket and set it near the washer and dryer. I see Oli bend over to get one of his toys and I see his diaper sag. I walk over to him, pick him up, and head to the nursery. "Noo daddy play now" I shake my head as I lay him down on the changing table. "I have to change you so you don't get a rash Oli" I take off his diaper, wipe him down, and go to get a new diaper. I tape a new diaper onto him and I set him on his feet when he starts to fuss about wearing pants. So, I let him go pantless. I open the nursery door and he goes back to his blanket as I start on the laundry. I separate his onesies from my clothes and start a load. I haven't played video games in a long time so I sit down on the couch while Oli is occupied with his toys. I decide to play Legend of Zelda. Oli perks up at the TV and looks back at me, "Nu dino show?" I get up to get my phone and I put the dino show on for him. I hand him my phone telling him to be careful and he smiles at my phone when he sees the dino show, "Tank chu!" I smile at his manners and I go back to playing Zelda until I hear the washer beep. I pause the game and get up to put the clothes in the dryer, adding another load.

I keep going back and forth between laundry and the game until all of the laundry is done. Oli says he is bored and doesn't want his dino show anymore so he hands me my phone back. I decide to bring up the topic I have been thinking about, "Oli? How would you feel about getting a pet fish?" He looks at me excited and starts jumping, "Fishy here? Yes! Yes!" I chuckle at his reaction, "Well we can get a fishy tomorrow after your playdate tomorrow and you can pick it out yourself" He looks at me confused, "Pwaydate?" He tilts his head at me, "Mhmm. Grayson is bringing Conner over so you two can meet" Oli looks at me with a sad expression, "I otay. No meet" I look at him dumbfounded when he walks away going to sit on his blanket as I sit down next to him, "Oli. Do you not want to meet Conner?" He shakes his head and whines, "Nu huh. Daddy pay attention to oder wittle and not Oli so no meet" I shake my head, "It's not going to be like Kalen Oli. Conner's daddy will be here to give him all of the attention he wants. And you will get all of mine" He thinks about it, "Hmm otay. Conner nice?" I smile at him and pat his head, "He will be very nice Oli. He is a little younger than you" He lets out a little whine and puts his fingers in his mouth, "I know it's a little stressful baby but daddy will be here the whole time" He nods his head talking behind his fingers, "Old?" Thankfully I know what he is saying in little space, "He is 1 years old" He giggles and pulls his fingers out of his mouth, "Baby!" I laugh as he says that, "Yes Oli he is a baby but so are you. The cutest baby in the whole world" I tickle his tummy and he squeals in delight.

It is around bedtime for Oli and I get him ready in a onesie. I want to make sure he gets enough sleep for tomorrow; I don't want him to be fussy. I lay him in his crib, covering him with his blanket and turning on the mobile. I quietly close the door and clean up the living room a little bit, turning off the TV. I unload the dishwasher in record time, grabbing the baby monitor before I head to my bedroom and taking off my sweater but keeping my sweatpants on. I set the baby monitor on my nightstand and get under the covers. I finally had a chance to check my phone before bed, seeing it was a message from Grayson confirming that we are still having the playdate with Conner tomorrow. I set my phone down on my nightstand and lay on my side. 

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