Chapter 5

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Soon we arrive home and Oli still has the sad look on his face. I get out of the car and head straight for Oli. I unbuckle him from his car seat and he latches on to me along with his blanket. He lays his head on my chest and I rub his back as I head toward the front door, opening it effectively with him in my arms. I set him down in the middle of the floor with his blanket as I go out to get his toys from the trunk of my car. I bring them in one by one and Oli is still looking at the ground with a very pouty look on his face. I set all of the toys by the couch and sit down in front of him. "I'm not upset with you baby boy" I say very calmly and he looks up at me confused. "We have talked about this before and we're going to talk about until you feel better. I don't like seeing you so upset my sweet angel" I can tell he wants to say something, "I know no how to tell daddy" I can tell he's frustrated "I know Oli. We have only been together for 2 days now and we're still teaching each other. I understand that you are not used to people being stern with you but I wanted to let you know that it is not because I am angry at you" He looks up at me with big eyes and crawls into my lap, nuzzling his head under my chin. I laugh at his behavior. "Does that make sense Oli?" I want to make sure he understands so we are on the same page. "Wes daddy. Tell daddy how feel now" I kiss his head "Exactly my sweet boy and I know we didn't get to shop for boots today but I can assure you that we will go tomorrow morning" I tickle his tummy and he starts to giggle until I hear his tummy rumble "It sounds like someone is hungry. Anything specific you want Oli?" He puts his hand on his chin in a very cute way "Chicken nuggies!" Thankfully he said something easy "You got it" I ruffle his hair and I get up to go to the kitchen as he follows after me "Is my little Oli following daddy?" I turn around to face him and he has his fingers in his mouth, giggling behind them. I walk over to the bags of toys and I pull out his elephant teether. I hand it to him and he stares at it confused. "That's a teether. You can chew on that. It's nice and soft" He puts it in his mouth and he bounces, signaling that he likes it. I turn back to the kitchen, get the nuggies out, put them on a tray and pop them in the oven.

I lead Oli out of the kitchen so he doesn't mess with anything that could hurt him. I set a timer and set out his new toys for him so I can keep him occupied. I sit on the ground, putting the table together while he plays with his dino mat and plastic dino toys. I occasionally hear little muffled rawrs and growls behind his teether. I smile as I think about how lucky I am to have him. Once I finished putting his table together, I hear my timer go off and I head to the kitchen. I pull out the nuggies and turn off the oven. I set them on the counter to wait for them to cool off. I put the nuggets on a small plate with ketchup, mustard, and ranch. I am not sure what condiments Oli likes so I put all I had on his plate. I get a small foldable table from the kitchen and set it up in front of the couch. "Come here Oli" He gets up with his teether and walks towards me. I set the plate down on the table. "You can eat here Oli. I wasn't sure what condiments you liked so I gave you three to choose from" I smile at him and I take the teether from his mouth so he can eat. He digs into the chicken nuggets, dipping them in the condiments. He likes ketchup and ranch for sure but the mustard was another story. He made an icky face and spit it out, thankfully I caught it with a napkin before it landed on the carpet. I put on his dino cartoons as he eats and he smiles when he hears the dinos rawr. Once he finishes, he hands me his plate and I look at him surprised. "Thank you, Oli. That is very sweet of you" He giggles whenever he gets praise "Chu welcome daddy!" I get up to put the plate away in the dishwasher and I come back into the living room looking at the clock. It reads 5:45. I am glad he ate before he went to bed, I was worried he wouldn't eat after our talk. He seems much happier now that we have talked.

I grab my laptop off of the side table by the couch to look up someone who specializes in littles to try and help Oli and I communicate better. I want to make sure that we are on the same page, especially when I have to go back into the office for work. I am going to have to bring him to daycare. I know someone who runs a small daycare outside of his home so I am hoping that he will take Oli. I look through a couple of websites before I settle on a person who specializes with littles between the ages of 1-5. I email her some basic information about myself and Oli, with that I close my laptop and set it next to me, hoping that she will email me back soon. I zone out for a couple of minutes before I see Oli reaching for his teether next to me. I hand it to him and he smiles as he runs away giggling saying a small "Tank chu". I let out a small yawn as Oli still stays occupied by the TV. I decide to change out of my current clothes into more comfortable clothes so I make sure Oli is okay before heading to my room. I change into black sweats and head out of my room. I still see Oli occupied by the tv which I am glad to see but I should transition him more to his toys instead of relying on the tv. I turn the TV off and Oli immediately turns around to look at me with his teether in his mouth. "Why no dino show?" He asks me and I shake my head, "I think you should play with your toys for a little bit" He looks back at the tv and then back at me, looking ready to whine. Instead, he runs over to the table that I had built him. "Daddy play?" He asks, looking up at me and I walk over to him smiling "Of course Oli". I sit down across from him as he starts to push all of the buttons. He presses one that says, "What sound does a cow make?" Oli lights up when he hears that voice and goes into a fit of giggles before he starts shouting, "Moo! Moo!" I praise him and ruffle his hair. He goes through all of the sounds one by one answering the questions. Eventually he just starts to mash all of the buttons and all of the sounds start to go off at once. I chuckle at his actions.

"Are you thirsty Oli?" He looks up at me, drool dripping from his mouth and he nods his head. I get up to grab a tissue and wipe away the drool. I take the teether out of his mouth to clean it and he whines making grabby hands for it. "I need to clean it Oli so it doesn't get all icky" I tell him as I head to the kitchen to run it under some water. He follows after me and giving me a pout. I run it under some water, trying not to get the elephant portion too wet. I grab a towel to dry it off and hand it back to him. He starts to suck on it happily and runs back to his toys. I grab his sippy cup from the counter and I fill it with water. Just as I leave the kitchen, I get a notification on my phone saying I have a new email. I look at the clock and it reads 7:30. Who would be emailing me this late.  I see that Oli is distracted with his dino mat and toy so I put his sippy on the small table near him and take this opportunity to check my emails. I see that it is from the lady I contacted earlier this evening.

"Hi Sebastian! It's so great to hear from you and learn a little about you and Oliver. I understand that having a new little can make things difficult especially with communication and I would love to help you guys out! I know this is late notice But I have this Friday open at 10 am. Let me know if that works for you guys!"



I quickly send a reply email saying that this Friday would be perfect along with my address. I close my laptop and set it off to the side. I make sure everything is cleaned up so I am not cleaning up an even bigger mess when I wake up. I notice Oli getting sleepy as his eyes are becoming droopy and his teether is falling out of his mouth. I stand up, "It's time for bed baby boy" He looks up at me as I offer him my hand and he takes it willingly as I lead him to his nursery. I notice his diaper is sagging a bit so I hop him on the changing table, effectively wiping him and changing his diaper. I pull of his shirt, replacing it with a light blue onesie. I lift him up and put him in his crib with his teether and his dinosaur blanket. I grab the baby monitor and gently close the door. As I head back into the living room, eyeing the pack of cigarettes, I decide against it. I sit on the couch letting out a heavy sigh, my body feels so tired. Oli and I are going shopping for rain boots tomorrow so hopefully he won't act out too much. I listen to the rain pitter patter on the window as I clean up Oli's toys on the ground and put them back in his toy box.

I stay out in the living room until about 9:30, just watching tv until I hear a little cry from the baby monitor. I wait to see if it will become louder but the cry happens again along with some sniffling. I make my way towards his nursery. I open the door and I am met with a distressed Oli. His fingers are in his mouth, teether on the floor, blanket at his feet, and he is holding onto the crib railings. I walk over to him and pick him up, holding him to my chest and bouncing him until he calms down. I pick up his teether offering it to him. He quickly takes out his fingers, replacing it with the teether. I glance at his sheets and see that there is a wet spot. I look at his onesie to see, you guessed it, a wet spot. I might have given him too much water before bed and he peed a little too much. I feel a pit in my stomach as I come to the realization. I quickly take off his onesie and throw it in the dirty clothes bin. I set him down on the floor as I strip the sheets off of his crib and throw the dirty sheets in the bin. As I'm doing this, he is whining for me and letting out tiny sobs here and there. I feel my heart ache as I hear him act so distressed. I pick him up and hold him close to me to let him know that I'm not upset and he starts to calm down. I lay him down on the table and swiftly change his diaper. "You want to sleep with daddy tonight?" I ask him and he nods, chewing on his teether. I grab his blanket from his crib, a new onesie, and walk out of his nursery. I turn off the TV, take my phone, and head towards my room. I open the door and set him on the bed as I take off my shirt to lay in bed. I put the new onesie on him and lay him next to me, covering him with his blanket. He latches onto me and the room stays silent with little sucking noises as he drifts off to sleep. I lean back against the pillows, falling into a deep sleep.

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