Chapter 73

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Before i start the chapter, I wanted to ask a question. I have written short stories with side characters like Sawyer/Aiden/Caleb and Luke/Nick, but I was wondering if that is something you guys would want to read more of? I appreciate your feedback and comments! Thank you! Now on to the story...


A Day in The Life with Sawyer, Aiden, and Caleb

I'm Sawyer and I'm 27 years old. I have two littles, Caleb and Aiden. I never imagined myself having two littles or any little to take care of at any point but I'm so happy I took the chance. A friend of mine was looking for a daddy to take care of some littles he knew. They had been friends for a long time and finally opened up to tell him about their little side. I always thought about being a daddy but the opportunity never came up until back then. When I met Caleb, he was a bundle of joy and an adorable little jumping bean. Aiden on the other hand was more reserved and shier. He didn't want me to get too close to Caleb or himself.

Once I started seeing them more often Aiden enjoyed seeing me on the weekends and being able to give him time to just be little instead of looking after Caleb like he was used to. Once we all got used to each other and they both trusted me, I started taking them out on day trips which they seemed to really enjoy. The smiles and laughs we have all shared make my heart full of love for both of them. It got even better when they wanted to move in with me and spend every day together. I was thrilled to have heard that so we made sure that everyone was ready before all of their stuff was moved over to my house. They made themselves at home pretty quickly which meant taking over the living room with toys, pjs, and other clothes in my room, and baby plates in the cabinets. I couldn't have asked for a better life with them.

It's now the morning and I wake up to Caleb letting out whales from the baby monitor. I quickly get dressed and head to their room. I walk in to see Caleb crying with his stuffed lamb in his hand and tears falling down his cheeks. Aiden's head was under the covers trying to hide from the noise so I quickly picked Caleb up. I bounce him trying to calm him down and he looks up at me, "What happened my little lamb?" I ask him and he whines putting his face on my shoulder. "Bad dweam" He mumbles and I rub the back of his head. I kiss his forehead and Aiden slowly climbs off his bed. "Hey Addie. You can go back to sleep if you want" I offer and he shrugs walking past me to the bathroom. I sigh and quickly change Caleb's diaper before meeting Adien out in the hallway.

"Hey! I'll make your favorite breakfast" I say to Aiden and he nods his head. Aiden starts to walk away but I stop him, "Are you okay Aiden?" I ask him and he shrugs. I was about to say something else but Caleb started whining about breakfast, cutting me off from asking Aiden more questions. I don't want to pry too much when he's not talking, I know something is wrong. I set Caleb in front of the TV to watch his favorite show and head into the kitchen to make them breakfast. Just as I was setting the food on the table Aiden came out of their bedroom, "Breakfast is ready Aiden" I said and he walked over to take his usual seat. I picked up Caleb who was happy to see the food on the table and set him in his highchair. I cut up his food before setting it in front of him with a baby fork. I sit beside Aiden and grab a few cinnamon waffles for myself.

Aiden sets his fork down mid-meal while Caleb is smushing the butter in between his fingers. "Daddy?" I hear him ask and I look over at him. "Is Austin coming?" He asks pushing his waffle around on the plate. Austin and I have been seeing each other over the past few months and Caleb loves him but Aiden is still on the fence about it. "He'll be coming later today. Is that okay?" I ask him out of curiosity. "I guess" He says going for another bite and I look at him confused, "Aiden if you're not comfortable with him then I want you to be honest with me" I tell him and he nods. "I dun think he like me" He says and I look at him shocked. "Of course, he likes you. Why would you think he doesn't like you?" I say facing him. "He's always wif Caleb and playing with him but not me" He admits and I understand why Aiden feels this way. It's hard to see someone playing with your "sibling" or friend and feeling left out.

"Look at me Aiden" I say scooting my chair closer to him. "You're a very special little Aiden. You're not very talkative with people you don't know and you like to read books instead of playing with toys. There is nothing wrong with that because you're amazing. Austin cares for you so much that you have no idea" I say taking a quick breath and kissing his forehead. "Caleb plays with baby toys and loves everyone so it's easier for Austin to talk to Caleb. But that doesn't mean he can't learn to talk to you" He nods his head giving me a small smile. "Is that what was bothering you?" I ask and he nods his head. "Come here Aiden" I hold out my arms and he crawls into my lap. I look over at Caleb whose face is covered in waffle and syrup. Aiden starts laughing which causes Caleb to look over at him giggling. "Cally you silly" Aiden says which makes Caleb laugh even harder and I start to laugh. "Hey, Aiden? Can you do Daddy a favor and get a paper towel from the kitchen?" Aiden smiles and hops off my lap heading to the kitchen.

I walk over to pick up Caleb, trying not to get his sticky fingers on me, and walk to the bathroom. I set him on the counter and Aiden comes in with a wet washcloth. I thank him and wipe off the stickiness from Caleb's face. Caleb tried to push my hands away but I easily overpowered him to clean his face. "Okay. You're all good to go. You may go and play now my little baby" I say to Caleb who giggles before running for his toys. "You want to read with Daddy?" I offer to Aiden and he perks up nodding his head. He runs to his room to grab a book while I grab one from my closet that I haven't read in ages. He comes back looking very excited and we head to the couch to sit down. Aiden can read with any noise since he's used to Caleb's antics and TV noise in the background. He opens his book and starts to read enjoying some time to do things he wants to do.

After about an hour I hear the doorbell ring and I get up to answer the door. I open the door to see Austin holding some take-out food, "Hey! I'm so happy to see you" He says and I invite him in. Caleb squeals when he sees him and runs into his arms, "Hey Caleb! I missed you" Austin says hugging Caleb. "Where's Aiden?" He asks and I point to the couch. "He's reading right now" I say and Austin nods. "Hey, Aiden. You want to say Hi to Austin?" I say and Aiden looks up from the couch. He sets his book down and hops off the couch, walking up to Austin. "Hey, Aiden. How are you doing?" Aiden blushes a bit, "I doing good" Austin smiles at him and nods his head. Caleb whines when the attention isn't on him and Austin picks him up.

Aiden and Caleb eventually went to go watch TV or read so Austin and I could have some alone time together. "Hey. Can I talk to you about something?" I ask Austin who looks as white as a sheet when I say that. "Yeah, sure. What's up?" I smile to assure him that it's nothing serious. "Aiden expressed that he wants to spend more time with you. He thinks you don't like spending time with him" I say lightly and Austin's gaze softens. "Of course I like Aiden. I'll go talk to him" He says and I nod, kissing him before he walks to find Aiden.

After a few minutes, Austin comes back in and smiles at me. "How did it go?" I ask before I notice Aiden running in smiling widely, "Austin! I found book" He says holding up a new book he got when we went to the bookstore a few days ago. "That's awesome! How about you meet me on the couch and we can read together?" He nods and runs back to the couch and he turns back to me. "I'm assuming it went well by that response" Austin laughs, "He was very excited to show me his new book and read with him" I look at him with such affection that makes my heart grow just by looking at him. Austin kisses me again before going to meet with Aiden on the couch.

As I was walking out of the bathroom, Caleb was sitting on the floor sucking on his paci and playing with his lamb. He perks up when the door opens, "What are you doing sitting on the floor, huh?" I ask him while picking him up and he giggles. "Wait fow dada" He says and I kiss his forehead walking him back to the living room. Austin and Aiden were reading his book so I took Caleb into the kitchen. I set him on the counter and give him a small task, "Your job my little lamb is to be my taste tester" I tell him and he squeals clapping his hands. I give him things to taste test for dinner and if they are Caleb-approved then they are being added to our dinner. Once everything was Caleb approved then I set everyone's plates on the table, "Dinner is ready" I say and get Caleb into his chair while Aiden runs in with Austin walking behined him. "How was your reading time?" I ask them both and Aiden giggles, "Good!" He says before running to his chair. I watch everyone take their seats and admire the life I've built with Caleb and Aiden but also Austin. They are my world. 

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